The Official Off-Season NBA Thread

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Ahh man its coach scapegoat time. Nasty work.
Moreso the front office failures becoming more and more glaring, whole roster construction is trash.

The coach is always first to fall though and their decision making with that looks worse and worse over time.

Consistent lack of effort, communication on defence and leadership normally falls on the coach

I'm willing to write off the other 4 mill as an act of good will.

The Jazz probably wouldn’t even trade Royce O’Neale for him straight up
Last edited: It's been 5 months since I tore my meniscus (micro tear) and it still doesn't feel right.
Depends on the location of the tear and severity. Sounds like he removed the meniscus (quicker recovery, less safe long-term) as opposed to repair.
Imagine a man destroying you in any arena of life then casually cracking dad joke after. That’s cold, man :lol:

I don’t know how you can’t not like Giannis, let alone who would be mad if he won MVP and potentially leap frogged into Top 10 category (would need another FMVP too IMO)
Already leaped over your boy Steve

But Y’ALL don’t want to talk about that…
Utah’s only chance against good teams is bombing away from 3. Some nights they’ll be able to. For the most part though, they are gonna have issues. Mitchell is probably the 2nd best 2 guard in the league, but isn’t a great creator for others. Goober can’t do anything offensively but dunk and is worthless defensively unless he’s standing directly under the basket. The other guys are pretty much just role players. Not much creation and no defensive stoppers.
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