The Official Off-Season NBA Thread

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Def think between Joker and Embid for MVP. Have a feeling it will go to Embid though since Joker won last year (knowing people have won multiple years in a row)l anyway).
Who EYE would vote MVP: Gianny.

Who EYE think will win MVP: Joel

Won’t be mad if either of them or Joker wins.

If EYE could I’d give it to all of them. What an MVP race.

But time was running out. I needed to make a decision. ⌛

I feel like that’s how most voters feel right now, honestly.
We don't wanna take anything away from the real trophy buttttt we wanna take a little something away from the real trophy

Ehh, I mean celebrating things other than the championship could make the NBA more interesting to the casual consumer long term, I think. Especially if you found a way to incentivize it maybe monetarily or in other ways
Ehh, I mean celebrating things other than the championship could make the NBA more interesting to the casual consumer long term, I think. Especially if you found a way to incentivize it maybe monetarily or in other ways
Well of course that goes without saying
People have been talking about how deep the nuggets are for years. To the point that they have the assets to trade for virtually any player in the league (their claim not mine). All of a sudden two role players go down and everyone acts shocked that they're still a fringe playoff team. I can't award Jokic the MVP in good conscience and nobody else should either
People have been talking about how deep the nuggets are for years. To the point that they have the assets to trade for virtually any player in the league (their claim not mine). All of a sudden two role players go down and everyone acts shocked that they're still a fringe playoff team. I can't award Jokic the MVP in good conscience
You didn't have to go this hard on this beautiful Saturday
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