The Official PlayStation 3 | ViTA Thread Vol. Plenty of Life Left

Was just coming here to comment on how the reviews for Beyond Two Souls are all over the place. :lol:

Here's the video reviews for IGN (6.0/10), Gamespot (9/10), and Rev3Games (5/5)

Rev3Games and 3KB are the only reviewers I trust for a full un-biased reviews. B2S looks like one of the games that you either love or hate. Just looking @ the low scores, one of the common complaints is that it is more of an interactive movie/story, more than a typical game with more interactive action sequences. I'm curious what those reviewers gave Heavy Rain, Farenheit/Indigo Prophecy, The Walking Dead, and Asura's Wrath. I will definitely buy this game when it gets a bit cheaper. I appreciate innovative games and games with a great story.
Started playing beyond two souls last night. I like it so far and while the controls are different I llike how the entire controller is utilized. I have never played heavy rain but I know what it's about and how it handles...i actually wanted to get it but plot wise it just didnt seem to appeal to me. I like the whole "playing through a movie" theme. But im also a sucker for long cut scenes a'la metal gear. If metal gear and uncharted integrated this whole "play while you watch a cutscene" format on top of the great gameplay they have with their games, everyone should look out.

im about to fire it up now, im on" the interview"
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Final Fantasy X | X-2 HD Remaster will launch for PlayStation 3 and PS Vita in Japan on December 26, Square Enix has announced.

The game will be available in the following formats:

Final Fantasy X | X-2 HD Remaster (PS3)
Retail: 7,140 yen
Download: 6,400 yen
Final Fantasy X HD Remaster
Final Fantasy X ‘The Eternal Calm’
Final Fantasy X-2 HD Remaster
Final Fantasy X-2 ‘Last Mission
Credits and Bonus Audio

Final Fantasy X HD Remaster (PS Vita)
Retail: 3,990 yen
Download: 3,600 yen
Final Fantasy X HD Remaster
Final Fantasy X ‘The Eternal Calm’
Credits and Bonus Audio

Final Fantasy X-2 HD Remaster (PS Vita)
Retail: 3,990 yen
Download: 3,600 yen
Final Fantasy X-2 HD Remaster
Final Fantasy X-2 ‘Last Mission
Credits and Bonus Audio

Final Fantasy X | X-2 HD Remaster Twin Pack (PS Vita)
Retail: 7,140 yen
Download: 6,400 yen
A copy of Final Fantasy X HD Remaster
Final Fantasy X ‘The Eternal Calm’
A copy of Final Fantasy X-2 HD Remaster
Final Fantasy X-2 ‘Last Mission
Credits and Bonus Audio

Final Fantasy X | X-2 HD Remaster Resolution Box (PS Vita)
Retail: 25,788 yen
PS Vita (PCH-200 series) Wi-Fi model
A copy of Final Fantasy X HD Remaster
A copy of Final Fantasy X-2 HD Remaster
USB cable
AC adapter
Power cord
Printed matter


PSVITA double pack:



Vita Special Edition Bundle


I'll be getting that Vita double pack
For the Canadians:

Was at Future Shop today scooping an iPad for the gf and started browsing some tvs. The Alberta DM was there and we got to talking. He said that this year they may try a new strategy with sales... apparently last year all their sales were black Friday/cyber Monday and was DEAD until boxing day. To combat this, he believes they'll be running a price match for 90 days, which would be awesome.

Snag a 50 inch while they have stock, then get reimbursed the cash if it goes on sale during boxing week. So keep your heads up for the sale. I imagine it'd start in the next couple weeks or Nov 1.
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This has me more hyped then HD X/X-2. Hopefully it happens.

Final Fantasy Producer Would ‘Love’ Final Fantasy XII on Vita
But will it happen?
by Colin Moriarty OCTOBER 11, 2013
With recent news that Final Fantasy X|X-2 HD on PS3 and PS Vita finally has a Japanese release date, an interesting tidbit has emerged: the game’s producer would “love” to give the same treatment to Final Fantasy XII.

In a conversation with NowGamer, the producer of Final Fantasy X|X-2 HD, Yoshinori Kitase, spoke about why he and his team decided to give the HD treatment to Final Fantasy X, and what the future might hold for HD iterations of classic Final Fantasy games.

He said Square chose Final Fantasy X and X-2, as opposed to the more classic Final Fantasy games, because “it is currently possible to play all the titles in the series up to Final Fantasy [IX] on the current hardware generation,” which is not the case for X and its sequel. As such, another game in a similar situation – Final Fantasy XII – would also make sense to put into HD.

“We’d love a Vita version of Final Fantasy [XII],” he noted. “I am also hoping that this [Final Fantasy X|X-2] HD remaster will open up some great possibilities in the future.”

Final Fantasy X originally launched on PlayStation 2 in 2001; its sequel came to PS2 in 2003. Final Fantasy XII launched late in the PlayStation 2’s lifecycle, releasing in 2006. Final Fantasy X|X-2 HD comes to Japan on December 26th, with Square Enix telling IGN that its western release is still slated for the ambiguous “winter” period, exclusively on PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita.
I rented Beyond Two Souls from red box last night and beat it in about 12 to 14 hours.

It's a decent game especially if you played and liked Heavy Rain.

My main issues with the game are: The way the story was setup and told made it so damn confusing :rolleyes :smh: .Second issue was the game's control setup and camera angles during key parts of the game.The ending of the game is pretty bad also and if you have seen any of William Dafoe's movies in the past the ending was so predictable and you just new the farther you went into the game that his character would eventually be a
bad guy

Graphics wise the game shines most of the time, but there are times where I was like c'mon this late in this console gen and some visuals just looked bad.

In the end I'll say that I enjoyed Heavy Rain more than Beyond Two Souls.

I'm keeping the game for another night to see the other endings and to try and get the remaining trophies and platinum for this game.
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Decent sales going on the PS Store right now.

Just bought Remember Me, NFS: Most Wanted Ultimate Edition, and Splinter Cell Ultimate Edition all for just over $100. Also received $20 credit.

Will I ever play them? FFXIV says no. :lol:

How the few people playing enjoy it? Im making runs in CM still... takes forever to get that level 70 gear.
Decent sales going on the PS Store right now.

Just bought Remember Me, NFS: Most Wanted Ultimate Edition, and Splinter Cell Ultimate Edition all for just over $100. Also received $20 credit.

Will I ever play them? FFXIV says no. :lol:

How the few people playing enjoy it? Im making runs in CM still... takes forever to get that level 70 gear.
What are the subscription fees in FF XIV looking like? Someone told me you can get $12.99 for a 3 month subscription.
No, it's $12.99 for 1 month. That gets you 1 character per server to a max of 8.

Then there are other option for more characters over 1, 3, and 6 months for 14.99, 13.99, and 12.99, per month, respectively.
I'm a ps3 owner again. :pimp:
I got that ps3 deal on slickdeals for about $248 for a 500 gb ps3 with gta v...which I will sell. Since I have it on 360.

God of war, kingdom hearts, and heavy rain.
Here I come...or here you go into my shrinked wrapped game collection
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I'm a ps3 owner again. :pimp:
I got that ps3 deal on slickdeals for about $248 for a 500 gb ps3 with gta v...which I will sell. Since I have it on 360.

God of war, kingdom hearts, and heavy rain.
Here I come...or here you go into my shrinked wrapped game collection
add me on PSN papi :smokin
I purchased a 320gb ps3 some years back and kept it at my parents for my little brother and sisters to play. When I moved out I just bought myself a 250gb. Well they do not play it that much at all anymore. They are getting the ps4 as well. When they do I plan on taking the ps3 since they do not play it. My question is what is the best way to set up 2 PS3 in my house? I also wanted to know if i should do a data transfer from my 250 to the 320. I don't have that much content. I think 250 is big enough. I just would like to know what is the best move. And if i can loose or mess up any thing if i do. I have the ps3 in the living room. On that ps3 I have me , my girl, and our sons account. I want to give the 250gb to my son but I don't want to screw up any content on it if I transfer my data to the 320. I am not to tech savy when it comes to stuff like this. I read somewhere that your not allowed to have more than 2 primary ps3 for one person. I know my questions are all over the place. Any help would be appreciated.
I purchased a 320gb ps3 some years back and kept it at my parents for my little brother and sisters to play. When I moved out I just bought myself a 250gb. Well they do not play it that much at all anymore. They are getting the ps4 as well. When they do I plan on taking the ps3 since they do not play it. My question is what is the best way to set up 2 PS3 in my house? I also wanted to know if i should do a data transfer from my 250 to the 320. I don't have that much content. I think 250 is big enough. I just would like to know what is the best move. And if i can loose or mess up any thing if i do. I have the ps3 in the living room. On that ps3 I have me , my girl, and our sons account. I want to give the 250gb to my son but I don't want to screw up any content on it if I transfer my data to the 320. I am not to tech savy when it comes to stuff like this. I read somewhere that your not allowed to have more than 2 primary ps3 for one person. I know my questions are all over the place. Any help would be appreciated.

Couple options...

First, you can data transfer from one to the other using an ethernet cable.

I had two PS3's for the longest time. One in my living area; one in my room. Hopefully you have a router so you can access the internet from each wirelessly without problems.

I basically just used one for Netflix and blurays (room) and one for gaming but you can do either. If you plan on gaming on both. PS+ may be a good option, as it allows cloud saves. You can play a game like GTA on one PS3, save your game to the cloud save function, then resume playing from that spot even if you switch machines.
Questions about how ps+ works.

My bro is getting a ps4 and he'll be paying for ps+.

I have a ps3, so will I be able to get his ps+ benefits even though I'm not a ps+ subscriber?

Will I have to play the games on his account?

Does his account have to be on my ps3?

Can his account be on a ps3 and ps4 at the same time?
Questions about how ps+ works.

My bro is getting a ps4 and he'll be paying for ps+.
I have a ps3, so will I be able to get his ps+ benefits even though I'm not a ps+ subscriber?
Will I have to play the games on his account?
Does his account have to be on my ps3?
Can his account be on a ps3 and ps4 at the same time?

His account has to be on your PS3 and no, you cannot be on the same account at the same time.

Its possible to use his PS+, but again you'd never be able to play while he is. Honestly, its just easier to pony up the 50 bucks for a year and get your own.
Questions about how ps+ works.

My bro is getting a ps4 and he'll be paying for ps+.
I have a ps3, so will I be able to get his ps+ benefits even though I'm not a ps+ subscriber?
Will I have to play the games on his account?
Does his account have to be on my ps3?
Can his account be on a ps3 and ps4 at the same time?
His account has to be on your PS3 and no, you cannot be on the same account at the same time.

Its possible to use his PS+, but again you'd never be able to play while he is. Honestly, its just easier to pony up the 50 bucks for a year and get your own.
I didn't write what I meant write. What I meant to write was am I able to be on my account while he's on his own account and play the same free game that he got through his ps+ benefits?

I have very little interest in buying ps+ since I already have so many barely played games. Having ps+ would just increase the amount of games I barely play.

I'd only consider ps+ when I cop a ps4.

Also, I get a free month of ps+.

If I activate it during sony's ps+ sale, can I buy the games for the discounted prices and keep them?

There are some games that you get for free with ps+(hotline miami) or that you'd have to pay for if you don't have ps+ during the sale.

If I get said game free with ps+ would I keep it or do I need to be logged into ps+?

If my bro downloads a free ps+ game to my ps3 while logged into his account, would I get to play the game on my own account?

Like the way people do on the xbox?

Do you have to be signed into ps+ anytime you want to play a free ps+ game?

Thanks for the info. I appreciate it!
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