The Official Tennis Thread (Vol. 2024 US Open)

Now Tsonga!?

Maria down a set and break now!?  

We're gonna have two qualifiers in the final!
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Maria's not even going through to the next round if she doesn't step it up here, she's getting destroyed at the moment.
Damn man 

To be fair to De Brito she played the game of her life and Maria was off from the start, but something's got to be done about these courts, Maria had 3 bad slips there which definitely affected her both mentally and physically.
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Great job by de brito. Maria should have been more focused on this match than her beef with Serena
Yeah, De Brito def played well... and was so tough when she had to serve it out... which is usually the toughest bit. 
The conditions did suck but Maria didn't come to play. I expect thomas hogstead to get fired by Maria
Nah, she was off, but those slips def knocked her confidence, you could see she was visibly shook every time she went to that side of the court, and of course De Brito picked up on that and kept forcing her out there.
Another easy trophy for Serena. :pimp:

And I hate tennis players using their coach as a scape goat. Maria better not fire her coach.
That's ridiculous. She just got out played,
She didn't show up. This isn't the NBA you can't depend on a coach to fire up the troops throughout the whole match. You're on your own. If you can't motivate yourself to get going an hour into a tennis match then you're just not meant to be elite. She looked deflated and lethargic. That ain't the coaches fault, that's a heart problem.

Fed, Rafa, Djoko, Serena might lose sometimes but they never allow themselves to go down without a fight. They don't blame their coaches for losses, they blame themselves. That's why they are elite.
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Wow, even halfway through that set I didn't think that Fed was going out.

Murray's path back to the final looking pretty good.
Murray will never get another opportunity like this again at Wimbledon :lol: he's gotta come through to at least the Finals.
If Murray wins the final I think the British media will crash in a frenzy :lol:
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Yeah, Murray & Djo... everyone will be looking at that... hope it happens and lives up to the expectations.
Fed :wow: :wow: :frown: I need to see how/why that one played out.

And :wow: :smh: at that casualty list. Article I read said 7 players had to withdraw yesterday. Something ain't right at All-England...
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