The RETRO Gaming Thread!

Sega Lord X makes great Sega related content. Really dives deep on all their consoles and the games that have special variations such as Symphony of the Night on Saturn.

He’s honest if things suck too. His not just a Sega fanboy.
Great game/atmosphere, difficult as it doesn't forgive errors and gameplay is kind of rigid, they need to remake it to make it more accessible in gameplay but still with this soul...

Conker's Bad Fur Day Total War Multi was great, love the katana
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I copped 17 og Xbox games today for $1 each and they’re complete with manuals. I might go back tomorrow and pick up 2 more I saw on the way out. The line was too long so I said screw it and bounced, haha.

Edit: Ryu will forever be my choice of fighter:smokin
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Man I used to love Gran Turismo back in the day. For some reason I can't tolerate a game like Forza 7 though. I don't know if I've changed or it's the game that isn't doing it for me.
What do you think it is that turns you off?

You know I think my taste have just changed. All the numbered Forzas play out the same for me: do a race and lose; go upgrade your car; do race over and win by a mile, while spending your last lap so far ahead you feel like you're playing on an empty track by yourself. It's just boring and I don't have the patience to jack the difficulty up all the way and give it a try.

I do get a little more joy out of the Horizon series though.
Horizon isn't just going around a track over and over. It's a little more relaxed and fun.

As far as classic game channels being talked about goes, GTV Japan has some pretty good stuff. It's not as big as some of the others, but I've liked what I've watched.

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