These WSHH videos are killing us.


Aug 22, 2007
I'm talking mainly to my fellow black people but anybody can listen to the message and discuss...

Hey there's nothing I can do to stop WSHH.  I don't agree with the site and wish alot of the non-sense on there wasn't promoted. Can you tell me what bum-fights, riots, and basically black people acting dumb has to do with Hip-hop?  But thats another topic.

Just because people record this crap and WSHH post it up doesn't mean we need to promote it too.  Everytime we send our friends these videos or make a thread on other forums it's doing damage.  You might think you're just making
 lulz or even trying to discuss a controvesial video but it's damaging the image of us blacks.  Think about the people who have no kinda interaction with black people but ALL they see is WSHH, BET, and ESPN.  Now image that same person is interviewing you for your next job....see my point? 

We already get thrown under the bus on the news and in all other types of media.  Why add to it? Why throw ourselves under the bus but helping spread these negetive stereotypes?  Every week at least 2 of these wild videos make it to NT and other forums also.  We have people being force fed negetive images of black people 24/7 and wonder why people think less of us.

Look at this thread...

and this one

BUT funny this thread went only one page....

Nothing good comes from those threads.  All you get is black people saying the usual "we gotta do better" and give other races an open pass to throw shots at us.  All I can ask is stop spreading these videos.  I have a sense of humor and know somethings are funny but I can't get down with my people get clowned on a daily basis.  These videos actually have people of other races believing "they" don't behave this way.  When the reality is black people are exploting other black people along with other races these days.  I'm tired of it.  And if you ask for cliffnotes you can eat a _.
I'm talking mainly to my fellow black people but anybody can listen to the message and discuss...

Hey there's nothing I can do to stop WSHH.  I don't agree with the site and wish alot of the non-sense on there wasn't promoted. Can you tell me what bum-fights, riots, and basically black people acting dumb has to do with Hip-hop?  But thats another topic.

Just because people record this crap and WSHH post it up doesn't mean we need to promote it too.  Everytime we send our friends these videos or make a thread on other forums it's doing damage.  You might think you're just making
 lulz or even trying to discuss a controvesial video but it's damaging the image of us blacks.  Think about the people who have no kinda interaction with black people but ALL they see is WSHH, BET, and ESPN.  Now image that same person is interviewing you for your next job....see my point? 

We already get thrown under the bus on the news and in all other types of media.  Why add to it? Why throw ourselves under the bus but helping spread these negetive stereotypes?  Every week at least 2 of these wild videos make it to NT and other forums also.  We have people being force fed negetive images of black people 24/7 and wonder why people think less of us.

Look at this thread...

and this one

BUT funny this thread went only one page....

Nothing good comes from those threads.  All you get is black people saying the usual "we gotta do better" and give other races an open pass to throw shots at us.  All I can ask is stop spreading these videos.  I have a sense of humor and know somethings are funny but I can't get down with my people get clowned on a daily basis.  These videos actually have people of other races believing "they" don't behave this way.  When the reality is black people are exploting other black people along with other races these days.  I'm tired of it.  And if you ask for cliffnotes you can eat a _.
Its only damaging to us because white people dont realize that one black person doesnt speak for the entire black community. Until people stop generalizing black people we cant advance ourselves.
Its only damaging to us because white people dont realize that one black person doesnt speak for the entire black community. Until people stop generalizing black people we cant advance ourselves.
You also fail to realize that BK video is over a year old. Lots of people fight and act reckless in public, it just so happens black people record it and post on WSHH & ILP, yeah it may create/reinforce stereotypes, but that's how the world works. **#@ ain't changing. And as Quincy Powell said, the argument is tired.
You also fail to realize that BK video is over a year old. Lots of people fight and act reckless in public, it just so happens black people record it and post on WSHH & ILP, yeah it may create/reinforce stereotypes, but that's how the world works. **#@ ain't changing. And as Quincy Powell said, the argument is tired.
Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Its only damaging to us because white people dont realize that one black person doesnt speak for the entire black community. Until people stop generalizing black people we cant advance ourselves.

You ask people to stop generalizing black people RIGHT AFTER generalizing white people. 

But I understand what you are getting at. Alot of white people do think stereotypes = truth. I also believe, though, that generation by generation those number dwindle as you get younger.
i dont care about the site or the videos...

what annoys me is when people post them on here on some 'we gotta do better' tip. if they are so concerned with doing better we dont need them to post more examples...they can get their point across with out spreading the videos...

i visit the site regularly but i just skip over the BS...except some of the uncut stuff
Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Its only damaging to us because white people dont realize that one black person doesnt speak for the entire black community. Until people stop generalizing black people we cant advance ourselves.

You ask people to stop generalizing black people RIGHT AFTER generalizing white people. 

But I understand what you are getting at. Alot of white people do think stereotypes = truth. I also believe, though, that generation by generation those number dwindle as you get younger.
i dont care about the site or the videos...

what annoys me is when people post them on here on some 'we gotta do better' tip. if they are so concerned with doing better we dont need them to post more examples...they can get their point across with out spreading the videos...

i visit the site regularly but i just skip over the BS...except some of the uncut stuff
Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Its only damaging to us because white people dont realize that one black person doesnt speak for the entire black community. Until people stop generalizing black people we cant advance ourselves.

WSHH isn't killing me, maybe you should stop watching.
Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Its only damaging to us because white people dont realize that one black person doesnt speak for the entire black community. Until people stop generalizing black people we cant advance ourselves.

WSHH isn't killing me, maybe you should stop watching.
Why is it when a black person does something crazy on camera it brings down the "whole race". But when any other race does something like call out asians at UCLA its funny and jokes are made??
Why is it when a black person does something crazy on camera it brings down the "whole race". But when any other race does something like call out asians at UCLA its funny and jokes are made??
yo i def feel ya, but at the same time IGNORANCE IS BLISS. And a good percent of us dont understand what you are explaining. So telling the Average street nukka that grew up in the hood all his life and his moma was a jump off or just plain Trife isnt gonna change anything, bcuz for 1 they dont know enuff as it is. they are  and accustom to a certain life and circumstance. not sayin eveybody in the hood is like that, but im a H.S football coach (50%black 50% white school) and i come across alot of good kids (black) and they all have effed up upbringings like most of us do, and they dont know any better, and u see that when u talk to their Parent not Parents, so there way of life is circumstantial, this coming form a hood nukka, still in the hood honestly i just happen to go to school, and become a coach, so im no different than them its just i know better than to do certain things. but its no way of stopping it. so the white man gets a good laugh whenevr he wants off of us and middle class/poor white people. But for the most part im good with WSHH, its comedy at the end of the day.
yo i def feel ya, but at the same time IGNORANCE IS BLISS. And a good percent of us dont understand what you are explaining. So telling the Average street nukka that grew up in the hood all his life and his moma was a jump off or just plain Trife isnt gonna change anything, bcuz for 1 they dont know enuff as it is. they are  and accustom to a certain life and circumstance. not sayin eveybody in the hood is like that, but im a H.S football coach (50%black 50% white school) and i come across alot of good kids (black) and they all have effed up upbringings like most of us do, and they dont know any better, and u see that when u talk to their Parent not Parents, so there way of life is circumstantial, this coming form a hood nukka, still in the hood honestly i just happen to go to school, and become a coach, so im no different than them its just i know better than to do certain things. but its no way of stopping it. so the white man gets a good laugh whenevr he wants off of us and middle class/poor white people. But for the most part im good with WSHH, its comedy at the end of the day.
Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Its only damaging to us because white people dont realize that one black person doesnt speak for the entire black community. Until people stop generalizing black people we cant advance ourselves.
(Jeopardy)I'll take hypocrite for $1,000, Alex(Jeopardy)

And OP, please stop reaching with your "everything is racism" comments.  Try to enjoy life once in a while.
Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Its only damaging to us because white people dont realize that one black person doesnt speak for the entire black community. Until people stop generalizing black people we cant advance ourselves.
(Jeopardy)I'll take hypocrite for $1,000, Alex(Jeopardy)

And OP, please stop reaching with your "everything is racism" comments.  Try to enjoy life once in a while.
i'm white but i only ever hear black people talking about how its bad.  i don't trip about methheads and hill billies.  people are over reacting.
i'm white but i only ever hear black people talking about how its bad.  i don't trip about methheads and hill billies.  people are over reacting.
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