Things that annoy you in the college classroom

People that take your seat. Don't they know they are @**!+%+ up the unofficial "assigned" seat universe

When slavery or some racist topics arise in class and I'm the only black guy in the class. I swear most the time i do not care , but then i feel like I should care. Feeling like everybody expecting me to be mad or concerned.

Once in my 3d animation class my professor played all that racist Walt Disney stuff on the projector while we did our classwork. Mind you I'm the only black guy in there. I'm not sure if other black people where in there i would feel better, but it would take some of the weight off.

Old $*% people in my art class. It's over you cant learn Illustrator and photoshop at 70 years old. Asking "What's the difference between right and left click?"

The dude that talks to me when the professor is lecturing. Talking just as loud as the professor, making me feel awkward. I just wanna be like "Shut the **$% up!"
People that take your seat. Don't they know they are @**!+%+ up the unofficial "assigned" seat universe

When slavery or some racist topics arise in class and I'm the only black guy in the class. I swear most the time i do not care , but then i feel like I should care. Feeling like everybody expecting me to be mad or concerned.

Once in my 3d animation class my professor played all that racist Walt Disney stuff on the projector while we did our classwork. Mind you I'm the only black guy in there. I'm not sure if other black people where in there i would feel better, but it would take some of the weight off.

Old $*% people in my art class. It's over you cant learn Illustrator and photoshop at 70 years old. Asking "What's the difference between right and left click?"

The dude that talks to me when the professor is lecturing. Talking just as loud as the professor, making me feel awkward. I just wanna be like "Shut the **$% up!"
people who ask those stupid questions where you could clearly find the answer in the syllabus.

when students mass e-mail the class for unnecessary reasons.

people talking while the professor is talking.

people that make so much noise when they put their stuff away at the end of class ... while the teacher is still talking.

people that try to act slick and wait until the teacher turns their back so they could leave the room lol. JUST LEAVE!!!!!!!!!!!
people who ask those stupid questions where you could clearly find the answer in the syllabus.

when students mass e-mail the class for unnecessary reasons.

people talking while the professor is talking.

people that make so much noise when they put their stuff away at the end of class ... while the teacher is still talking.

people that try to act slick and wait until the teacher turns their back so they could leave the room lol. JUST LEAVE!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh one more people who put their feet on the back of the legs of your chair like you can't feel that
Oh one more people who put their feet on the back of the legs of your chair like you can't feel that
I have to agree on most all of these. I'm waiting for one of my professors to snap out like that.

Things that annoy me:
If your at a community college like me, then you always have 2-5 people in your English class talking about how they were in jail for dumb things and is connected to every paper we write and to mention it every class period. I'm sitting there like dude ok you did your time, let's move on.

For some reason about 3/4 of my classmates in my classes are from Chicago and they want to start talking about what street there from and how to get to a paticular spot and go on a 25 minute back and forth. And then the one random dude 3 rows back "Nahh you have to head south homie"
(I'm in Mpls btw)

People who leave like 10 mins before class is actually over. Like sit the $&@^ down we've been here for 2 hours and 5 mins now you want to leave? And the miss the important stuff, then come in next class "Huh when did you say this?"

Guy/girl who has to question the teacher on everything. But is making no sense at all. Just shuuuut uppp already!

Someone walking in class asking to speak with the teacher from another class period/day. And we all turned to him and give him the
Really now? Just couldn't email him.

People who leave like 10 mins in and come back with a full course meal

The annoying people who wanna talk to each other about random stuff behind when your trying to pay attention and on facebook just typing away and punching the keys super hard.

People who walk by looking into your class for a good 5 minutes, and when it's someone you don't know they just give you the head nod and go their on their way. And your sitting their like
I have to agree on most all of these. I'm waiting for one of my professors to snap out like that.

Things that annoy me:
If your at a community college like me, then you always have 2-5 people in your English class talking about how they were in jail for dumb things and is connected to every paper we write and to mention it every class period. I'm sitting there like dude ok you did your time, let's move on.

For some reason about 3/4 of my classmates in my classes are from Chicago and they want to start talking about what street there from and how to get to a paticular spot and go on a 25 minute back and forth. And then the one random dude 3 rows back "Nahh you have to head south homie"
(I'm in Mpls btw)

People who leave like 10 mins before class is actually over. Like sit the $&@^ down we've been here for 2 hours and 5 mins now you want to leave? And the miss the important stuff, then come in next class "Huh when did you say this?"

Guy/girl who has to question the teacher on everything. But is making no sense at all. Just shuuuut uppp already!

Someone walking in class asking to speak with the teacher from another class period/day. And we all turned to him and give him the
Really now? Just couldn't email him.

People who leave like 10 mins in and come back with a full course meal

The annoying people who wanna talk to each other about random stuff behind when your trying to pay attention and on facebook just typing away and punching the keys super hard.

People who walk by looking into your class for a good 5 minutes, and when it's someone you don't know they just give you the head nod and go their on their way. And your sitting their like
that dude that sits in the back that just goes to class to go on niketalk and is hella laughing outta nowhere because hes on: People lurking in the background /thread
that dude that sits in the back that just goes to class to go on niketalk and is hella laughing outta nowhere because hes on: People lurking in the background /thread
Originally Posted by DJprestige21

Originally Posted by Fog Raw

Originally Posted by Vendetta

The dude who reminds the Prof right as we're leaving that we had homework due that day.

Prof: Ok I'll see you next class

Guy: Sir do you want to collect our homework that was due today now?

Prof: Oh right. Pass your papers forward.
Screw that... If I finished my homework and the teacher somehow forgot, I am reminding him/her for sure. Screw the people who didn't finish it.

Thats why YNS, son.

Go on throw me an emoticon now.
I can go both ways on this one (nh)... Sometimes I don't care when the teach forgets to ask us to turn stuff in - especially if I didn't do it - but if I worked extra hard on an assignment I usually just want to turn it in and get it out of my hands.
Originally Posted by DJprestige21

Originally Posted by Fog Raw

Originally Posted by Vendetta

The dude who reminds the Prof right as we're leaving that we had homework due that day.

Prof: Ok I'll see you next class

Guy: Sir do you want to collect our homework that was due today now?

Prof: Oh right. Pass your papers forward.
Screw that... If I finished my homework and the teacher somehow forgot, I am reminding him/her for sure. Screw the people who didn't finish it.

Thats why YNS, son.

Go on throw me an emoticon now.
I can go both ways on this one (nh)... Sometimes I don't care when the teach forgets to ask us to turn stuff in - especially if I didn't do it - but if I worked extra hard on an assignment I usually just want to turn it in and get it out of my hands.
most are agreed. a lot of things annoy me actually. I agree on the homework at the end of class. If i dont have it ready then its obvious but when I spent all of the previous night working on that it, then give me a mark prof.....

- students chatting all through class and laughing and snickering
- Student who brings in a laptop and does FB all day
- Student who always has to comment on everything
- Student who can always explain everything
- students who dont come to class ever, why apply to university?!
- student whose always eager but doesnt have one bit of potential
- student correcting and editing things said by profs with dumb facts
- student who has to comment everything
- student who decides to open a bag of chips or a can of coke for about 20 minutes
- student who asks stupid questions
- loser who wants to be involved in everything
- prof who talks using one tone
- Prof who thinks hes the next napoleon or something
most are agreed. a lot of things annoy me actually. I agree on the homework at the end of class. If i dont have it ready then its obvious but when I spent all of the previous night working on that it, then give me a mark prof.....

- students chatting all through class and laughing and snickering
- Student who brings in a laptop and does FB all day
- Student who always has to comment on everything
- Student who can always explain everything
- students who dont come to class ever, why apply to university?!
- student whose always eager but doesnt have one bit of potential
- student correcting and editing things said by profs with dumb facts
- student who has to comment everything
- student who decides to open a bag of chips or a can of coke for about 20 minutes
- student who asks stupid questions
- loser who wants to be involved in everything
- prof who talks using one tone
- Prof who thinks hes the next napoleon or something
Originally Posted by Luong1209

I'm the guy that never has their book 


- How bout the people who give weird looks just cuz they find something in class to be annoying?  Sounds like all of you would fit that category.

Sounding hella salty and hateful. I be askin stupid questions sometimes just cuz im bored

You know you can have fun in class AND learn
Originally Posted by Luong1209

I'm the guy that never has their book 


- How bout the people who give weird looks just cuz they find something in class to be annoying?  Sounds like all of you would fit that category.

Sounding hella salty and hateful. I be askin stupid questions sometimes just cuz im bored

You know you can have fun in class AND learn
Originally Posted by DJprestige21

Originally Posted by Fog Raw

Originally Posted by Vendetta

The dude who reminds the Prof right as we're leaving that we had homework due that day.

Prof: Ok I'll see you next class

Guy: Sir do you want to collect our homework that was due today now?

Prof: Oh right. Pass your papers forward.
Screw that... If I finished my homework and the teacher somehow forgot, I am reminding him/her for sure. Screw the people who didn't finish it.

Thats why YNS, son.

Go on throw me an emoticon now.
No, I'm not gonna 'throw you an emoticon'. You're just mad because you're one of those guys that never get their work done on time.

Now go sit in a corner brah.
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