Things that you find annoying.

people that walk slow
#*+*% this is nyc, you aint old & you aint handcap, move #*+*% get out da way 
people that walk slow
#*+*% this is nyc, you aint old & you aint handcap, move #*+*% get out da way 
Originally Posted by Mycoldyourdone

Originally Posted by jdi23

The word " Buddy" is really annoying to me. I live in the South and older people like to say. How you doing buddy? It didn't bother me that much at first now I cant stand it. Pauly Shore would have been my worst enemy.
i hate the the word "babe" for some reason
my dad says "gal" occasionally in conversation. i resist the urge to throw him through a window.
Originally Posted by Mycoldyourdone

Originally Posted by jdi23

The word " Buddy" is really annoying to me. I live in the South and older people like to say. How you doing buddy? It didn't bother me that much at first now I cant stand it. Pauly Shore would have been my worst enemy.
i hate the the word "babe" for some reason
my dad says "gal" occasionally in conversation. i resist the urge to throw him through a window.
the sound of people eating
the sensation of feeling from cutting your nails too short
slow computers
people moving around ina room when i'm trying to watch tv
keyboard clicks

i have problems with sound basically
the sound of people eating
the sensation of feeling from cutting your nails too short
slow computers
people moving around ina room when i'm trying to watch tv
keyboard clicks

i have problems with sound basically
I hate that my girl puts pots/pans to dry in the oven....
Sucks when u preheat the oven and when you're ready to put your dish in, you gotta take out some hot $!# pots/pans that were left in there. GRINDS MY GEARS.
I hate that my girl puts pots/pans to dry in the oven....
Sucks when u preheat the oven and when you're ready to put your dish in, you gotta take out some hot $!# pots/pans that were left in there. GRINDS MY GEARS.
Originally Posted by jdi23

The word " Buddy" is really annoying to me. I live in the South and older people like to say. How you doing buddy? It didn't bother me that much at first now I cant stand it. Pauly Shore would have been my worst enemy.

Small talk also. If I see you and we say what's up and the convo is going no where. Im deading that quick. No excuses or anything ill just say see you later and walk away.
Wow QFT. I feel belittled when someone calls me "buddy". Like seriously man? 
Also hate small talk. I hate when you say hi to someone that you barely talk to and they hit you with the "How are you?" It always follows up with "I'm good, you?" 

"I'm good"

"Cool peace"

Originally Posted by jdi23

The word " Buddy" is really annoying to me. I live in the South and older people like to say. How you doing buddy? It didn't bother me that much at first now I cant stand it. Pauly Shore would have been my worst enemy.

Small talk also. If I see you and we say what's up and the convo is going no where. Im deading that quick. No excuses or anything ill just say see you later and walk away.
Wow QFT. I feel belittled when someone calls me "buddy". Like seriously man? 
Also hate small talk. I hate when you say hi to someone that you barely talk to and they hit you with the "How are you?" It always follows up with "I'm good, you?" 

"I'm good"

"Cool peace"

Originally Posted by thegoat121886

the sound of people eating
the sensation of feeling from cutting your nails too short
slow computers
people moving around ina room when i'm trying to watch tv
keyboard clicks

i have problems with sound basically

I like keyboard clicks.
Originally Posted by thegoat121886

the sound of people eating
the sensation of feeling from cutting your nails too short
slow computers
people moving around ina room when i'm trying to watch tv
keyboard clicks

i have problems with sound basically

I like keyboard clicks.
Originally Posted by jdi23

The word " Buddy" is really annoying to me. I live in the South and older people like to say. How you doing buddy? It didn't bother me that much at first now I cant stand it. Pauly Shore would have been my worst enemy.

Small talk also. If I see you and we say what's up and the convo is going no where. Im deading that quick. No excuses or anything ill just say see you later and walk away.
i HATE being called 'boy'
Originally Posted by jdi23

The word " Buddy" is really annoying to me. I live in the South and older people like to say. How you doing buddy? It didn't bother me that much at first now I cant stand it. Pauly Shore would have been my worst enemy.

Small talk also. If I see you and we say what's up and the convo is going no where. Im deading that quick. No excuses or anything ill just say see you later and walk away.
i HATE being called 'boy'
The new ESPN Boston Redsox Capacola commerical.. Red Sox nation is so annoying in general.
The new ESPN Boston Redsox Capacola commerical.. Red Sox nation is so annoying in general.
people who talk into their phones like walkie talkies
90% of seattle drivers
loud drunk $#! girls
folks who stop in the middle of the road to talk to their friend outside
loud $#! ringtones
getting cut in front of a buffet

got plenty more
people who talk into their phones like walkie talkies
90% of seattle drivers
loud drunk $#! girls
folks who stop in the middle of the road to talk to their friend outside
loud $#! ringtones
getting cut in front of a buffet

got plenty more
I hate people who dont understand this conversation is between me and you no matter how trivial it is. Its not for you to tell everyone you know.
I hate women that complain about how bad men are, and then only date the so called ballers. Like seriously if maybe you stopped gold digging you could find a good man.
I hate people who invite other people, like I told you to come not hey spread the word.
I hate cheap people. Everyone put in on this but you, yet you are the first to enjoy. Whether its with weed, alcohol, food, whatever. You dont put in you should know better to wait until someone offers you some.
Friends that bring up things you did while you were single in front of your girl.
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