Thoughts on the Johnathon Martin - Ritchie Incognito situation?

martin made an example out of a dude like incognito and threw the locker room code out the window, he didnt care about the team/football
Wouldnt be suprised if martins parents told him to keep feeding into incognito's bs so he can make a case out of all this in the future and wouldnt have to put his body on the line and play another nfl game again, lol aint even mad, son probably in the crib watching espn laughing
Quite the imagination. 
martin made an example out of a dude like incognito and threw the locker room code out the window, he didnt care about the team/football


Since people like to use to work place comparison. While comparing a 9 to 5 to professional sports is foolish I will say this.

What Jonathan Martin did with how he handled this is making him undesirable to his team and other teams. He's a potential liability for them where people will be skeptical he might complain about the most pettiest of things.

In the 9 to 5 workplace if you have an employee who's constantly complaining to management and human resources about things and the claims are exaggerated, no one is going to want to work with that type of person because they make it a stressful atmosphere for everyone else.
What are you yapping about? This is all NEW news to ALL of us. We reacted off of what information we were given. I guess next time we should wait a year after a story breaks out so we can have all the information right?

I was yapping about dmxfury's comment regarding the media lying, trying to show him I wasn't naive. Before that I was yapping about players explaining that Martin thought the voicemail was a joke. Long before that I was yapping about how the whole story didn't add up because there were numerous instances where they seemed like good friends. And the initial information showed all along that Martin took part in similar pranks as the rest of the guys. Everyone just decided to skip those parts

The question though isn't if Rich saw it as a joke but if Martin did. That's the whole debate and issue

And if you are just learning the media is constantly lying and making up stories for ratings....well.....yeah it is shady and sucks but completely true
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Linus VP, Cedric Ceballos and Black Migo (somewhat :lol:) are the only ones making any sense in here.

The rest of you that got proved wrong either haven't posted in here since all the real information came out tonight, or are in here saying "whatever I don't even care about this anymore, I'm over it" like little immature kids.

Since people like to use to work place comparison. While comparing a 9 to 5 to professional sports is foolish I will say this.

What Jonathan Martin did with how he handled this is making him undesirable to his team and other teams. He's a potential liability for them where people will be skeptical he might complain about the most pettiest of things.

In the 9 to 5 workplace if you have an employee who's constantly complaining to management and human resources about things and the claims are exaggerated, no one is going to want to work with that type of person because they make it a stressful atmosphere for everyone else.
ummmm from my reading of all the news, Martin endured two years of hazing and ridiculed. HE DIDN'T TELL THE COACHES AND MANAGEMENT for two years.  Everyone has a limit. Martin could not take it anymore, so he quit. 
According to Schefter, the final straw for the Dolphins was a highly graphic voicemail Incognito left in April 2013, in which Incognito called Martin a "half-n----," threatened to slap Martin's mother across the face and even uttered a death threat against Martin. Until then, the Dolphins had publicly maintained the charges against Incognito were pure speculation. Schefter said that as late as the afternoon of November 3, the Dolphins didn't even know the voicemail even existed. Within hours of hearing the tape, Schefter said, Incognito had been suspended
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so ireland suggested martin to punch incognito :lol:

dolphins is such a sham organization

we can point our fingers at martin or richie back and forth and justify their actions and what not but this all goes back to the heads of that team
Seriously tho, how can any player or locker room ever trust Martin again?

They can't.

Martin seems like a smart dude, with a great educational background and upscale parents. But the NFL are not made up with those types of dudes, they're made up guys who come from blue-collar or impoverished backgrounds. NFL players are def not the sharpest tools in the shed, especially from the average society point of view. So you can't blame them for being ignorant to how the "media" or the "politically correct" world live there own life. The NFL locker room is something you may not understand, but the world you live in is something an NFL player may not understand.

This is a war on cultures more than it is a war on "racism" that so many if you want to turn into. Fact if the matter is, Martin, from an NFL locker cultures point if view, may never be trusted or respected again. Which means, he won't last in the league.
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are you shocked that black people sometimes "let" a white guy get away with saying N___ this N___ that?

that's pretty damn normal in nyc. at least when i was going to school. everybody said that stuff. unless you couldn't get away with it. but that was rare from what I saw. I think it's a regional thing. Probably a personal thing at the end of the day


Hearing it w/ an "a" is everywhere....saying it in the manner in which Igcognito used it against Martin/Sapp is just flat out racist.
So after another morning of hearing about this and the more info that's come out both here and in the news, I definitely see this as a non story. At best this seems to be a hostile workplace situation which happens thousands of times across the country. The media took this and blew it up way past what the story warranted (shocking). The deliberate holding and slow leak of info has skewed opinions and made it tough to grasp what was actually happening. But in the end it seems like a guy was unhappy at his job due to the actions of another employee. We can still debate our own feelings on those actions but in terms of this story, I'm done. Some good discussion in here with some of you, brought up great points that helped mold my opinion
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Linus VP, Cedric Ceballos and Black Migo (somewhat :lol:) are the only ones making any sense in here.

The rest of you that got proved wrong either haven't posted in here since all the real information came out tonight, or are in here saying "whatever I don't even care about this anymore, I'm over it" like little immature kids.
There are way too many reports saying different things for someone to get proven wrong, relax. You don't know the truth and neither do we.
Listening to Mike and Mike right now, very interesting POV from Lydon Murtha
Listening to Mike and Mike right now, very interesting POV from Lydon Murtha
He basically said that he knows for a fact that Incognito and Martin spoke after the incident and Martin's leaving was NOT because of Incognito. He left for other reasons. He also says that Incognito encouraged Martin and didn't bully him or exclude him. And about the Vegas trip, it was prepaid. Martin backed out after initially committing, but they still asked for his share of the trip after he backed out. From what I'm gathering, Martin just didn't want to be part of the group and it looks like this is just a situation that got taken out of context by the media and went south real soon. 
DoubleJ's... if you haven't read for the past few pages now the entire voicemail was a ******g joke that Martin and everybody else on the team laughed about months ago. He even said "ok call me back" at the end.

I'm guessing you did read that but since you and all the other sheep on here were proved wrong all you have left now is that he said the ER ending to Sapp on the field...I'm guessing in his rookie year like 10 years ago since that was probably Sapp's last year in the league. And in case you didn't know, Sapp was an AWFUL person off the field and one of the most racist people you'd ever meet his whole career. Every white person Sapp called a cracker his whole career should come crying to the media too.
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DoubleJ's... if you haven't read for the past few pages now the entire voicemail was a ******g joke that Martin and everybody else on the team laughed about months ago. He even said "ok call me back" at the end.

I'm guessing you did read that but since you and all the other sheep on here were proved wrong all you have left now is that he said the ER ending to Sapp on the field...I'm guessing in his rookie year like 10 years ago since that was probably Sapp's last year in the league. And in case you didn't know, Sapp was an AWFUL person off the field and one of the most racist people you'd ever meet his whole career. Every white person Sapp called a cracker his whole career should come crying to the media too.

cmon b don't start this nonsense comparison. :lol:
Yeah I'm not trying to start a cracker vs ER argument...all I'm saying is that Sapp coming out saying Incognito called him an ER like 10 years ago is laughable because of how I know Sapp personally is/was when he was off the field/microphone. Pot meet kettle there.

Sounds more like Incognito just didn't have respect for the word so he let it fly out his mouth whenever he felt the need. You heard yourself that the locker room "considered him black".
Seriously tho, how can any player or locker room ever trust Martin again?

They can't.

Martin seems like a smart dude, with a great educational background and upscale parents. But the NFL are not made up with those types of dudes, they're made up guys who come from blue-collar or impoverished backgrounds. NFL players are def not the sharpest tools in the shed, especially from the average society point of view. So you can't blame them for being ignorant to how the "media" or the "politically correct" world live there own life. The NFL locker room is something you may not understand, but the world you live in is something an NFL player may not understand.

This is a war on cultures more than it is a war on "racism" that so many if you want to turn into. Fact if the matter is, Martin, from an NFL locker cultures point if view, may never be trusted or respected again. Which means, he won't last in the league.
DoubleJ's... if you haven't read for the past few pages now the entire voicemail was a ******g joke that Martin and everybody else on the team laughed about months ago. He even said "ok call me back" at the end.

I'm guessing you did read that but since you and all the other sheep on here were proved wrong all you have left now is that he said the ER ending to Sapp on the field...I'm guessing in his rookie year like 10 years ago since that was probably Sapp's last year in the league. And in case you didn't know, Sapp was an AWFUL person off the field and one of the most racist people you'd ever meet his whole career. Every white person Sapp called a cracker his whole career should come crying to the media too.

Proved wrong? Who exactly was proven wrong? NOTHING has been concluded.

I'm sorry, but you just don't storm out of a facility and seek treatment if nothing is bothering you. Like you, I'm on the outside looking in...but something isn't adding up w/ this story.

What will be telling is if Martin does sue for harassment. And it does seem like he has grounds to do so.

Sounds more like Incognito just didn't have respect for the word so he let it fly out his mouth whenever he felt the need. You heard yourself that the locker room "considered him black".

And you'd be just as dense as everyone else in the locker room if you're taking the "Incognito is black" story as gospel.
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Linus VP, Cedric Ceballos and Black Migo (somewhat :lol:) are the only ones making any sense in here.

The rest of you that got proved wrong either haven't posted in here since all the real information came out tonight, or are in here saying "whatever I don't even care about this anymore, I'm over it" like little immature kids.
There are way too many reports saying different things for someone to get proven wrong, relax. You don't know the truth and neither do we.
You REALLY think Martin has the grounds to sue Incognito :lol:

Not one single teammate/witness would be on his side for that. With everything that's came out over the past 24 hours I wouldn't be suprised to see Martin completely back off this case. Dude is gonna end up looking like the biggest joke in the league.
You REALLY think Martin has the grounds to sue Incognito :lol:

Not one single teammate/witness would be on his side for that. With everything that's came out over the past 24 hours I wouldn't be suprised to see Martin completely back off this case. Dude is gonna end up looking like the biggest joke in the league.

It doesn't matter who backs him up, or if it was a "joke". He did it, and ole boy didn't like it. Do I think it's a ***** move? Yes. Does "it' was a joke I promise" hold up in court? I don't think so.
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