TIPPING....doubling the tax is being cheap?

Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

here we go again....

I'm a waiter, and I say give me as much as possible.

I'm not the type to get upset if I'm tipped a small amount, though. I always felt like tipping was something that should be at the discretion of the person paying, and I still feel that way.
Wait till you have a butt load of bills to pay though. You don't NEED tips right now, but you will.

As for 15% being lowball, think about inflation. Prices raise over time but the amount people are paid/tips don't. Not nearly as much as they should. 20% would be a good tip for me.
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx


And it's so true about just being courteous. You can get everything wrong...all you have to do, in most cases, is level with them...explain what happened and apologize, and most people will get it.

The trick is having fun with the customers. It makes the time go by so much faster.
yea i'm just extremely honest and my tables absolutely love me for it. they want dessert i'm like
dont waste your money here go to Juniors. and then they hit mewith that 30% tip haha

but sometimes you try to joke with your tables and they look at you like
discouraging man
or the tables that want to know your entire life story
"and what is your name? are you in school? where do you live? how do you get home? how old are you? "
i answer and am nice but in my head i'm like "LADY! the hosts just sat me 4 tables let me go
Originally Posted by Fanatic15

Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

here we go again....

I'm a waiter, and I say give me as much as possible.

I'm not the type to get upset if I'm tipped a small amount, though. I always felt like tipping was something that should be at the discretion of the person paying, and I still feel that way.
Wait till you have a butt load of bills to pay though. You don't NEED tips right now, but you will.

As for 15% being lowball, think about inflation. Prices raise over time but the amount people are paid/tips don't. Not nearly as much as they should. 20% would be a good tip for me.
But if food prices rise with inflation or other factors, then the tip would too.
i'm pretty bad with tip.
if the service was crazy good then i'll throw 15%-20% at the very most.
if the service was crap, i don't feel bad not leaving a tip at all.
Originally Posted by Fanatic15

Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

here we go again....

I'm a waiter, and I say give me as much as possible.

I'm not the type to get upset if I'm tipped a small amount, though. I always felt like tipping was something that should be at the discretion of the person paying, and I still feel that way.
Wait till you have a butt load of bills to pay though. You don't NEED tips right now, but you will.

As for 15% being lowball, think about inflation. Prices raise over time but the amount people are paid/tips don't. Not nearly as much as they should. 20% would be a good tip for me.
Well, I don't plan on living off a waiting job.
I've never understood people who left bad tip.

I was a waiter for 1 year during my college years. I gave good service to ALL my customers.
Any of the tables that were kind enough to thank me while they ate or anything like that, I always threw in free drinks and such.

Then there were tables that had people thinking they were gods or something and treated me like poop.
I remember somebody faulting me for having cold chicken... yes, genius, I'm the waiter AND chef....

Well, people like that, never ONCE think in their lifetime that complaining to me (I am the go between from food in kitchen to food in your mouth) is the worstpossible thing to do. Granted, horrible diners are on the rare side, but I can care less that they leave 2 cents for my tip cause best believe their food wasmessed with before it made its way onto their forks and knives.
wow.......I guess I went too far in my initial post.

the main question I had was if 20% is the new norm. I was taken aback when dude said that doubling the tax was being cheap. I have no problem goin above thatif I get extraordinary service, but thats rare. I usually get good service, and I think Im a pretty easy customer. I dont require refills and extra this orextra that.

I mean I guess Im pretty close cause sales tax here is 9.something percent I think, so doubling that(and rounding up) would get me to about 20%

btw, if people stayed home and didnt go out at all....I feel like waiters would suffer even more than getting 15% instead of 20%
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Originally Posted by Fanatic15

Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

here we go again....

I'm a waiter, and I say give me as much as possible.

I'm not the type to get upset if I'm tipped a small amount, though. I always felt like tipping was something that should be at the discretion of the person paying, and I still feel that way.
Wait till you have a butt load of bills to pay though. You don't NEED tips right now, but you will.

As for 15% being lowball, think about inflation. Prices raise over time but the amount people are paid/tips don't. Not nearly as much as they should. 20% would be a good tip for me.
Well, I don't plan on living off a waiting job.
Thank You. Much respect for that. I remember from the last thread, people were complaining about how they need it for rent,bills, etc and if theydidn't have good tips they would be unable to pay. I for one would not risk my obligations of that nature on a risk of getting good tips. I would tippeople like you though, who have there head on straight about necessities.
another one of these??? take the total $50.00 move the decimal to the left ($5.00 now) and double it = $10.00......its what i do everytime, and will continueto do this.......
Originally Posted by justhotkicks

I'm a generous tipper. But the amount of tip is directly proportional to service.
Yep. I'm guilty of over-tipping than ever under-tipping. I tip what I feel is appropriate, at the very least 15-18%. Most of the time 20%if they were courteous, attentive, and I saw an honest effort. When they go above and beyond I have no problems giving a big tip.
Originally Posted by DublBagn

another one of these??? take the total $50.00 move the decimal to the left ($5.00 now) and double it = $10.00......its what i do everytime, and will continue to do this.......
I've never waited, but yall look like yall be hustlin...power walkin with a big tray of food, jukin around tables and customers tryna run bread 2 like 5different tables, jumpin hurdles with drinks, all while keepin a big plastic smile on yall faces...I can dig it, and I kinda understand what yall go thru so Ileave 7 dollars (I can't divide 4 $#!+, its my fav number, and it sounds about right) unless you gave me extraordinarly bad service (rude, extra stupidslow, etc.), in which case I take all the change out my pocket and scatter it on my plate.
last time i checked waiters still got checks.......

3.30per hour......still a check

u get whatever i have left over FTWorL

take it how u wanna
the main question I had was if 20% is the new norm.
I'd say for the nicer restaurants....yes
here's my spectrum
Nice restaurants - 20%
Diners - 18%
Buffets - 15% or a dollar a person...whichever is larger.
Originally Posted by wwsindicate

Originally Posted by sooperhooper

emmanuelabor wrote:

am I really late? 15% is lowballin the waiter?


I didnt know that was the case till I read this little article. one point that got me, and that has always got me though is the sense of entitlement when it comes to being tipped. I mean I've never realkly had a problem with tipping.....Im always concerned if I leave enough, BUT in the article dude said something like "Waiting tables is a job everyone should be forced to do at least once, if only to learn that it's not okay to snap your fingers when you want something, and also to find out what it's like to eke out a living on tips.". I get that its a thankless, low-paying job, but is it REALLY the patrons fault that the waiter "NEEDS" tips to live? How havent waiters created a union to get better wages so that tyhey dont rely on tips to live?

anyway....thats not my point. So now, 20% is the standard?
I'm a waiter now, and I've seriously thought about both of these statements.

everyone should serve at least one day to see how complex the task really is. once you see how it feels juggling four tables, keeping an X amount of drinks filled and (at olive garden) ensuring that there are enough breadsticks on the table, you won't get as agitated when you don't get your extra BBQ sauce the moment you ask for it.

I've definitely asked our managers how on earth is it possible for us to get paid so far below minimum wage, (which i still feel is illegal, not to mention we get no lunch break even tho some shifts are 8 hours) and they basically say that 'if servers were to get minimum wage, the menu price would have to go up'. So instead of reducing the managers pay (who are already making a pretty decent amount) we get the short end of the stick.

And like I always say:
If you're trying to save money, STAY AT HOME AND COOK!!!


You crack me up dude, maybe it's time to look into another profession, this seems to stress you out much.
Couldn't agree with you more. I'm currently in the process of looking for another job as we speak. I'm only working there to pay thebills.
Originally Posted by potus2028

I've never waited, but yall look like yall be hustlin...power walkin with a big tray of food, jukin around tables and customers tryna run bread 2 like 5 different tables, jumpin hurdles with drinks, all while keepin a big plastic smile on yall faces...

Sounds about right.
i just read the article on yahoo before entering the general forum and i wasnt surprised to see this. for me ive been hovering inbetween 15-20 percent,depending on service. i do like to round my tips off so that my total bill ends in a 5 or 0.
I've worked in the food industry both as a waiter and a barista. I still feel that people should get tipped on how well they do. I didn't get mad if Ididn't get tipped much when I know I wasn't being very attentive. Personally I usually give 15%-20% but I go to the same places over and over. Theres acouple restaurants I go to often and they always have good service so I'll tip more than 20%.
I always tip when I go out to restaurants with friends because my friends are never cheap and if we know we don't have much we go to in n out or somewherewe don't have to tip. On the other hand going to restaurants with my parents is a big pain since my parents don't understand the tipping process andeither leave two bucks or nothing at all.
I'm easygoing and a somewhat generous guy. I normally do 20% for good service, 25% and up for exceptional, 18% if its not too bad and 15% for mediocre, andunfortunately 15% is still my threshold for bad service but I can't think of anything but 1 instance that I've gotten bad service. I guess I'm moresymphatetic since 2 of my younger siblings work in the service industry.
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