TIPPING....doubling the tax is being cheap?

How bout them fast food joints?

Do you guys tip? I'm not talkin bout McD's or BK or anything. Those fast food Mexican food or Chinese restaurants. When I get to-go, I never knowwhether or not to leave tip.
Originally Posted by LiLwAnG05

How bout them fast food joints?

Do you guys tip? I'm not talkin bout McD's or BK or anything. Those fast food Mexican food or Chinese restaurants. When I get to-go, I never know whether or not to leave tip.

most people do not refer to these places as "fast food." I call it carry out.
Originally Posted by LazyJ10

My user name sucks, but you opted for "lil wang"?

Originally Posted by alejanz28

Originally Posted by LazyJ10

My user name sucks, but you opted for "lil wang"?


I made this screen name when I was in 8th grade and I didn't want to lose the join date (almost 8 years now).

I figured if I kept this screen name, I could call 95% of NT newbies.
Yea i swear most waiters just be buggin sometimes. If i spend $20 dollars on some Penil y arroz con gandules and i throw you a 5 for just scooping it into aplate dont give me the ice grill.
Originally Posted by emmanuelabor

Originally Posted by Craftsy21

If you're trying to save money, STAY AT HOME AND COOK!!!

Honestly - if you're going to be a cheap bastard, stay at home. Going out is a luxury, you pay to be waited on and have your food prepared for you. If you can't afford to take care of the people who do that, on top of paying for your food itself, then stay home.
if people really took that to heart and more people stayed home, wouldnt wiaters suffer more than getting 10-15 % instead of 20+ %?
No becasue people will still go out to eat. the point is. If you are trying to save money. It only makes sense to stay home and cook a mealinstead of going out.
Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Originally Posted by bboi4lif3

What i don't like is those restaurants that put a tip on the bill if there are a certain amount of people.. this has happened to me it was like 8 people for my friends bday and the service was trash the waitress was mad rude acting like she did't want to serve a table of young black kids in a nice restaurant!We were basically forced to tip her!

it's to prevent people from forcing a waiter to give up much of their time and get nothing out of it. You know how tough it could be to wait on a table of like 10 people? Plus with a lot of people, i feel like they all try to pass the buck off to one another and feel like someone else will cover their part of the tip for them.

Trust - it's for the good in most cases, although many people would tip more if the gratuity wasn't automatically placed on there, the amount they'd lose is much greater than the extra amount they're likely to get.
well actually serving a table of 10 is actually much easier than a small party because you can just throw down pitchers and stuff. the gratuity isgood for bigger parties because say your bill is $200... no one actually wants to give the server 40 bucks.

but on the other hand a server may have taken advantage of this and not shown as much attention to that particular table. if anything, you could have askedto speak to a manager when you got your check and demanded to have the gratuity removed for your poor service. the manager would have obliged and TRUST thatserver would have learned their lesson
to those that are sooo anti-tipping but still wanna go out all the time, I tell them to tell the server that they're gonna stiff them on the tip beforehand and see what happens

I used to serve so I know what it's like, but sometimes I have a dilemma b/c I'm young and black and there's the stereotype that young and/or blackpeople don't tip well, so sometimes the service is less than ideal, so it's like do I tip them adequately to disprove the stereotype so thatthey'll treat the next young black group better or do I tip based on the service to further keep the cycle going?

I always look out for the bartender tho. Son keep them drainks strong with the necessary monetary incentive.
Fanatic15 wrote:
I know YOU don't, but some people do. That's all I'm saying. You BETTER not work at UNO's forever.

I would tip people like you though, who have there head on straight about necessities.

And how do you know which person this is? You can't.

Point blank, ya'll are cheap. Don't go out if you don't want to tip. Min. wage for another Job is what 5.85, while for a waiter it's 2.13. Iwait at Ihop. I don't understand the logic of going out to eat, knowing that the waiter pretty much only gets paid in tips, and then tipping little if atall. Let's say you get a 15$ ticket, this is what usually happens

Walk up-introduce yourself, take drink orders, go get the drinks, come back take order, put order in, come back refill drink, argue with cook over somethingstupid, clean up in the back, go back to table, ask cook why the food is taking so long, go to table explain where the food is(at ihop ticket times should bearound 10min depending on what you get,remember that). Take food out, burn arm. refill drinks, get syrups, ketchup whatever, go clean up in the back come backaround 2min later check on table, go clean, go check on table, go clean, go 'pre-bus'/check on table, go clean, drop ticket, go clean, check on table,bus table once they are done.

That is my usual routine, for around 3-5 tables at a single time, so either I'm cleaning or at a table. I even spark conversations with small tables, buildrelationships etc. And mostly for all that work I get 2 maybe 3 bucks. It may not sound like alot but when it is a Job, that is alot of work. Compare that towhat you do at your job, unless your building something I really don't see a JOB that is that demanding, both mentally and physically. I seriously thinkthat think that everyone should be a waiter for at least a little bit just to see how bad it sucks, the only reason I'm still a waiter is because I canpretty much work whenever I want, and if I get enough tables it is pretty lucrative.
Originally Posted by TJ Detweiler

Fanatic15 wrote:
I know YOU don't, but some people do. That's all I'm saying. You BETTER not work at UNO's forever.

I would tip people like you though, who have there head on straight about necessities.

And how do you know which person this is? You can't.


So you tip no one?

That's just stupid. But I can see you won't be changing. Agree to disagree.
Originally Posted by mdresident

Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

Originally Posted by mdresident

Originally Posted by theyhatinonme

Jordan never leaves tips. So I am just following greatness.
don't know how true that is...
Its true. I know from experience...

Really?!? Why would he not tip? That alone, makes me not like MJ nemore.

That gives me a whole new level of respect for the man.
I work at Redlobster not as a Server but as a Busser/Host. I understand the frustration that the server has with people who tip low or just walk out. They onlymake like 4 something a hour. And they do bust their buts.
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