TIPPING....doubling the tax is being cheap?

Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Originally Posted by Fanatic15

Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

here we go again....

I'm a waiter, and I say give me as much as possible.

I'm not the type to get upset if I'm tipped a small amount, though. I always felt like tipping was something that should be at the discretion of the person paying, and I still feel that way.
Wait till you have a butt load of bills to pay though. You don't NEED tips right now, but you will.

As for 15% being lowball, think about inflation. Prices raise over time but the amount people are paid/tips don't. Not nearly as much as they should. 20% would be a good tip for me.
Well, I don't plan on living off a waiting job.
I know YOU don't, but some people do. That's all I'm saying. You BETTER not work at UNO's forever.

I would tip people like you though, who have there head on straight about necessities.

And how do you know which person this is? You can't.
Look, a server knows what they're in for when they get the job. They got some damn nerve to complain at 15% when it could be 0%. Eff that, tip how youfeel. I always tip good. I don't really go by percent. I'll figure it out. And if i'm feelin' good, I'll jump the bar. I usually floataround the 20% mark. But I never go lower than 15%.
Originally Posted by justhotkicks

I'm a generous tipper. But the amount of tip is directly proportional to service.

i agree. i usually over tip cuz i know sometimes they get shorted at work but i do have standards for my waiter/waitress. if you skip on the service you'retip will be too
tipping is not required. there is nowhere that it states that i MUST give a tip.

now with that said... I keep it at 15% as a standard. if my service was really good, i'll give more. if its worse then i give less. simple as that
I double the tax and add a couple bucks.

The servers that really make out well with me are the ones helping me when my tab is under $10. I feel wierd tipping less than $5 most of the time. So thosepeople are getting like a 50% tip.
If you're trying to save money, STAY AT HOME AND COOK!!!

Honestly - if you're going to be a cheap bastard, stay at home. Going out is a luxury, you pay to be waited on and have your food prepared for you. Ifyou can't afford to take care of the people who do that, on top of paying for your food itself, then stay home.
im a very generous tipper unless the service is just horrible. I hate when people eat at an asian resturant and feel they dont need to tip as much even thoughthe service is excellent. This is mainly minorities that do this especially asians that eat at an asian restaurants. Caucasians usually tip really fair. Thisis the pattern i noticed helping out at my girls family owned thai restaurant.
i dont mind tipping, what i do mind is my tip being EXTRACTED from a credit card. its easier for me to tip a waiter with cash. secondly there is not definedtipping amount, its a GRATUITY for the service provided.

i have subscribed to the theory presented to me from 3rd rock from the sun, place the tip on the table after youve ordered your food, and place or remove adollar for the service rendered. when you can see your money ebb and flow it provides a true incentive to work well.

i can understand a waiter who has had a long day or has too many tables but because of that fact they have made a decent amount of money for that day, and theservice rendered to me will reflect the tip given to them. which proportionally will be less because of the haggard service from an overworked employee.

i dont do percentages with groups cuz it never works out right, so i just tip on my own accord. im not ungrateful just realistic.

and lastly you control our food, what insurance do i have that you havent defiled it before it gets to me, then PAY you so i can be a bigger fool, theres nobalance, so i find it hard to be fair with my money. i still tip though, and no im not stingy, everyone has to earn a livlihood, just not a career in foodservices.
Originally Posted by justhotkicks

I'm a generous tipper. But the amount of tip is directly proportional to service.

Yea same here if you are nice i have given $20 for like $30 of food but rude waiters get no tip!
What i don't like is those restaurants that put a tip on the bill if there are a certain amount of people.. this has happened to me it was like 8 peoplefor my friends bday and the service was trash the waitress was mad rude acting like she did't want to serve a table of young black kids in a nicerestaurant!We were basically forced to tip her!
Originally Posted by bboi4lif3

What i don't like is those restaurants that put a tip on the bill if there are a certain amount of people.. this has happened to me it was like 8 people for my friends bday and the service was trash the waitress was mad rude acting like she did't want to serve a table of young black kids in a nice restaurant!We were basically forced to tip her!

it's to prevent people from forcing a waiter to give up much of their time and get nothing out of it. You know how tough it could be to wait on a table oflike 10 people? Plus with a lot of people, i feel like they all try to pass the buck off to one another and feel like someone else will cover their part ofthe tip for them.

Trust - it's for the good in most cases, although many people would tip more if the gratuity wasn't automatically placed on there, the amountthey'd lose is much greater than the extra amount they're likely to get.
Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Originally Posted by bboi4lif3

What i don't like is those restaurants that put a tip on the bill if there are a certain amount of people.. this has happened to me it was like 8 people for my friends bday and the service was trash the waitress was mad rude acting like she did't want to serve a table of young black kids in a nice restaurant!We were basically forced to tip her!

it's to prevent people from forcing a waiter to give up much of their time and get nothing out of it. You know how tough it could be to wait on a table of like 10 people? Plus with a lot of people, i feel like they all try to pass the buck off to one another and feel like someone else will cover their part of the tip for them.

Trust - it's for the good in most cases, although many people would tip more if the gratuity wasn't automatically placed on there, the amount they'd lose is much greater than the extra amount they're likely to get.

Yea makes sense and its not really that much anyways lol
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by RetroBaller

im staying at 15%


throwing those extra singles u got in your pocket mean alot more to the server, than they do to you. trust that.

i cant understand people that dont tip, i feel terrible if i didnt tip someone that was working directly to serve me. (nh)

cheap skates.
Originally Posted by Craftsy21

If you're trying to save money, STAY AT HOME AND COOK!!!

Honestly - if you're going to be a cheap bastard, stay at home. Going out is a luxury, you pay to be waited on and have your food prepared for you. If you can't afford to take care of the people who do that, on top of paying for your food itself, then stay home.

I can be equally condescending and say if you're going to be pissed about tips, GET A REAL JOB.

Originally Posted by Craftsy21

If you're trying to save money, STAY AT HOME AND COOK!!!

Honestly - if you're going to be a cheap bastard, stay at home. Going out is a luxury, you pay to be waited on and have your food prepared for you. If you can't afford to take care of the people who do that, on top of paying for your food itself, then stay home.

if people really took that to heart and more people stayed home, wouldnt wiaters suffer more than getting 10-15 % instead of 20+ %?
Originally Posted by emmanuelabor

Originally Posted by Craftsy21

If you're trying to save money, STAY AT HOME AND COOK!!!

Honestly - if you're going to be a cheap bastard, stay at home. Going out is a luxury, you pay to be waited on and have your food prepared for you. If you can't afford to take care of the people who do that, on top of paying for your food itself, then stay home.

if people really took that to heart and more people stayed home, wouldnt wiaters suffer more than getting 10-15 % instead of 20+ %?


a tip is a tip, not an entitlement. if you dont like people stiffing you on tips, get a new job.
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