To the broken-hearted alpha's (yes, there is such a thing) Girl related.

^Grim just dropped crazy knowledge.
Originally Posted by PoloLax

try this one. i was with a girl who was so immature, she had career goals and was smart, but she was just so spoiled and immature it was disgusting.

fast foward...left that one a while ago, move on to meet a new girl who is actually younger, but smarter, much more mature, friendly, nice, well rounded, etc. and what ends up happening in the end? she to school and career driven as she says and its not fair to me cause she never has anytime to be committed to a i smell #!$%+#+! but whatever...

now i expect that out of someone who is immature, but was not expecting this out of this new girl. +!%* had me confused, but im starting to realize it's her loss ya know.

my best friend told me something along time. he told me all girls need to get the !$+++ out of their system before they actually realize they need a good dude in  life. NT do you agree that all girls go through there immature crazy phase and after they go through it they realize they are the ones who *#!%*# up 99% of the time?
You know I kinda agree with this notion that girls especially in the states need to get that misused/mistreated #*++# out their system....BUT you know what I ain't settling for now stupid trick that was considered scraps to another man and didn't have any sense to have any self-worth and realize what this world is really about.  Eff that i'd rather end up alone and have to bang 'tutes than to settle with a girl who was "mentally immature" back in the day.  Especially if you dated these girls only to have them test that whole "grass is greener on the other side" phase and try and get back with you...eff that noise...atleast in my opinion.
In order for A LOT(not all) of women to realize that she has had a good man, she HAS to be treated like #%^$. 

Most women ALWAYS think the grass is greener on the other side, and they will ALWAYS find out.

Truth.  I got my ex that texts me every 2 weeks for no reason, and i've been getting the feeling she wants to get back with me but if it ever comes to that i'ma have to crush her dreams.
"once you leave the gates of heaven, you can never return"
Originally Posted by PoloLax

try this one. i was with a girl who was so immature, she had career goals and was smart, but she was just so spoiled and immature it was disgusting.

fast foward...left that one a while ago, move on to meet a new girl who is actually younger, but smarter, much more mature, friendly, nice, well rounded, etc. and what ends up happening in the end? she to school and career driven as she says and its not fair to me cause she never has anytime to be committed to a i smell #!$%+#+! but whatever...

now i expect that out of someone who is immature, but was not expecting this out of this new girl. +!%* had me confused, but im starting to realize it's her loss ya know.

my best friend told me something along time. he told me all girls need to get the !$+++ out of their system before they actually realize they need a good dude in  life. NT do you agree that all girls go through there immature crazy phase and after they go through it they realize they are the ones who *#!%*# up 99% of the time?
You know I kinda agree with this notion that girls especially in the states need to get that misused/mistreated #*++# out their system....BUT you know what I ain't settling for now stupid trick that was considered scraps to another man and didn't have any sense to have any self-worth and realize what this world is really about.  Eff that i'd rather end up alone and have to bang 'tutes than to settle with a girl who was "mentally immature" back in the day.  Especially if you dated these girls only to have them test that whole "grass is greener on the other side" phase and try and get back with you...eff that noise...atleast in my opinion.
In order for A LOT(not all) of women to realize that she has had a good man, she HAS to be treated like #%^$. 

Most women ALWAYS think the grass is greener on the other side, and they will ALWAYS find out.

Truth.  I got my ex that texts me every 2 weeks for no reason, and i've been getting the feeling she wants to get back with me but if it ever comes to that i'ma have to crush her dreams.
"once you leave the gates of heaven, you can never return"
Originally Posted by taymane23

Alphas don't use tha word honey in context to a fellow alpha but I feel where you comin from brotha
         Lol, thanks tho.
Originally Posted by taymane23

Alphas don't use tha word honey in context to a fellow alpha but I feel where you comin from brotha
         Lol, thanks tho.
Originally Posted by scshift

That's just the way it is. Too many females don't know what they want and act so in such a contradictorily manner you'd swear they were screwing around for fun. Don't buy that "I just want a nice guy" BS. Whenever I hear that and see the chick in a relationship where she's getting trashed on by her dude, I just laugh and see a rat who throws out an excuse even though she likes to be controlled.

You're doing the right thing, the right females will come in time
          Bless your mind.
Originally Posted by scshift

That's just the way it is. Too many females don't know what they want and act so in such a contradictorily manner you'd swear they were screwing around for fun. Don't buy that "I just want a nice guy" BS. Whenever I hear that and see the chick in a relationship where she's getting trashed on by her dude, I just laugh and see a rat who throws out an excuse even though she likes to be controlled.

You're doing the right thing, the right females will come in time
          Bless your mind.
Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH

Essentially you are taking the situation personally and NOTHING about relationships is personal. Every experience you have is not by accident. You are at crossroads wherein either you become a jaded "women ain't +$%@" type of dude or you take the jewels that have been dropped on you and move on. Your self worth should never depend upon how people treat you because everyone's perception of you isn't your own self image. Men and women depend too highly upon the opposite sex for validation and that's a dangerous game. Everyone is in their own place in life and those desires and perspectives in which we make decisions changes depending where we are in life. These women care about what you are doing with your life at a certain point, but after that the little intagibles come into place whether it be "your too safe" or "he doesn't make me laugh enough" or "she doesn't have enough presence" "he always stares at other women" and that's not even mentioning all of the soul searching and internal conflict most people have in their lives. My point, life is incredibly complex and there are millions of intricate details we let fly under the radar because our egos are constantly telling us "why? why me? "I'm a good person!!!" but in reality it isn't even that deep. Life is doing what life is meant to do, teaching you.
          Thanks WisePharoah.
Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH

Essentially you are taking the situation personally and NOTHING about relationships is personal. Every experience you have is not by accident. You are at crossroads wherein either you become a jaded "women ain't +$%@" type of dude or you take the jewels that have been dropped on you and move on. Your self worth should never depend upon how people treat you because everyone's perception of you isn't your own self image. Men and women depend too highly upon the opposite sex for validation and that's a dangerous game. Everyone is in their own place in life and those desires and perspectives in which we make decisions changes depending where we are in life. These women care about what you are doing with your life at a certain point, but after that the little intagibles come into place whether it be "your too safe" or "he doesn't make me laugh enough" or "she doesn't have enough presence" "he always stares at other women" and that's not even mentioning all of the soul searching and internal conflict most people have in their lives. My point, life is incredibly complex and there are millions of intricate details we let fly under the radar because our egos are constantly telling us "why? why me? "I'm a good person!!!" but in reality it isn't even that deep. Life is doing what life is meant to do, teaching you.
          Thanks WisePharoah.
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

True I would say these experiences we share and make with each other are all personal....BUT if your trying to keep your guard up when entering things of this nature then you would probably come out fine if it all had to end because it truly wasn't personal because you erected a barrier between you and another person....BUT this is not how you should live life imho. While things could possibly end horribly, if you went into each relationship with your true self and not holding things back then I would tend to think you would be able to find the girl(s) you were really meant to be with.

OP I def. can relate to what you wrote but I look at these things as experiences even if they turn out bad. As long as you still have atleast one person that loves you unconditionally in this world and you return that same love then you can count yourself lucky.

Alot of people I consider friends and family consider me crazy because i'm not jumping on every chick that shows interest in me. Right now i'm just happy just chillin, doing my own thing, and not complicating my situation more than it needs to be. The downside is that I could be getting bunz and dome right now but then I gotta deal with the drama that comes with that and I'm not the hit it and quit it type of guy so my path is much different than 99% of this board. But I find solace in my practice because I know sooner or later i'm gonna have to hit the streets hard and deal with girls and their b.s. again so i'd rather take my little vacation and experience this life solo before I end up in something that looked good from a far but as things developed, found out it was bunk all along.

Like ksteezy said count yourself lucky that you didn't wife this girl and you stopped wasting your time with her. Our existence and what we do with the little time we have left on this planet is the most valuable thing we have...spend it the way you want to spend it...and on your terms. When you find the right girl you'll know...until then don't waste your existence on a girl you have any doubt about...don't settle.

I say this all male NT'ers...when you find the right one and you don't think twice about making a comprimise on your part because of how much love you have for her then you know you found something special. When she reciprocates that same nature towards you and doesn't b.s. about the small stuff and respects your place in this world as a man...better think about keeping that.

If you ask me all this alpha male beta male garbage is really just nonsense. There's no labels for what a real man is...those are just for boys that have some/ want some kind of power in this world.
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

True I would say these experiences we share and make with each other are all personal....BUT if your trying to keep your guard up when entering things of this nature then you would probably come out fine if it all had to end because it truly wasn't personal because you erected a barrier between you and another person....BUT this is not how you should live life imho. While things could possibly end horribly, if you went into each relationship with your true self and not holding things back then I would tend to think you would be able to find the girl(s) you were really meant to be with.

OP I def. can relate to what you wrote but I look at these things as experiences even if they turn out bad. As long as you still have atleast one person that loves you unconditionally in this world and you return that same love then you can count yourself lucky.

Alot of people I consider friends and family consider me crazy because i'm not jumping on every chick that shows interest in me. Right now i'm just happy just chillin, doing my own thing, and not complicating my situation more than it needs to be. The downside is that I could be getting bunz and dome right now but then I gotta deal with the drama that comes with that and I'm not the hit it and quit it type of guy so my path is much different than 99% of this board. But I find solace in my practice because I know sooner or later i'm gonna have to hit the streets hard and deal with girls and their b.s. again so i'd rather take my little vacation and experience this life solo before I end up in something that looked good from a far but as things developed, found out it was bunk all along.

Like ksteezy said count yourself lucky that you didn't wife this girl and you stopped wasting your time with her. Our existence and what we do with the little time we have left on this planet is the most valuable thing we have...spend it the way you want to spend it...and on your terms. When you find the right girl you'll know...until then don't waste your existence on a girl you have any doubt about...don't settle.

I say this all male NT'ers...when you find the right one and you don't think twice about making a comprimise on your part because of how much love you have for her then you know you found something special. When she reciprocates that same nature towards you and doesn't b.s. about the small stuff and respects your place in this world as a man...better think about keeping that.

If you ask me all this alpha male beta male garbage is really just nonsense. There's no labels for what a real man is...those are just for boys that have some/ want some kind of power in this world.
Originally Posted by Classy Freshman

In order for A LOT(not all) of women to realize that she has had a good man, she HAS to be treated like #%^$.

Most women ALWAYS think the grass is greener on the other side, and they will ALWAYS find out.
Originally Posted by Classy Freshman

In order for A LOT(not all) of women to realize that she has had a good man, she HAS to be treated like #%^$.

Most women ALWAYS think the grass is greener on the other side, and they will ALWAYS find out.
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

I say this all male NT'ers...when you find the right one and you don't think twice about making a compromise on your part because of how much love you have for her then you know you found something special. When she reciprocates that same nature towards you and doesn't b.s. about the small stuff and respects your place in this world as a man...better think about keeping that.

If you ask me all this alpha male beta male garbage is really just nonsense. There's no labels for what a real man is...those are just for boys that have some/ want some kind of power in this world.

Originally Posted by GrimlocK

I say this all male NT'ers...when you find the right one and you don't think twice about making a compromise on your part because of how much love you have for her then you know you found something special. When she reciprocates that same nature towards you and doesn't b.s. about the small stuff and respects your place in this world as a man...better think about keeping that.

If you ask me all this alpha male beta male garbage is really just nonsense. There's no labels for what a real man is...those are just for boys that have some/ want some kind of power in this world.

This is a joke. I sympathize.. well not really.. but I see why you would feel the way you do, but understand that your self worth is not in what a female sees in you. The idea of pumping your ego up to have bs tripping on you is not what confidence is about. The moment you do any action in your life to appeal anyone but yourself, is when you loose. Realize I said appeal, not satisfy. When you have a family and all your actions are dedicated to satisfying and fulfilling their needs than its cool. But to appeal to a bunch of females by pursuing a good career, or good health, or education is very lame.
This is a joke. I sympathize.. well not really.. but I see why you would feel the way you do, but understand that your self worth is not in what a female sees in you. The idea of pumping your ego up to have bs tripping on you is not what confidence is about. The moment you do any action in your life to appeal anyone but yourself, is when you loose. Realize I said appeal, not satisfy. When you have a family and all your actions are dedicated to satisfying and fulfilling their needs than its cool. But to appeal to a bunch of females by pursuing a good career, or good health, or education is very lame.
Grimlock and WisePharoah, read my mind 
That's why I'm not just doing me, regardless of what happens in life at this point.
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