***Transformers 2:Revenge Of The Fallen***

I dunno what you guys expected out of a Michael Bay movie.

I was entertained.
good thing I only payed $6 for the matinee though
Movie is entertaining, but was crazy long. Hopefully, they can come up with a better storyline for the 3rd because I feel that producers and directordidn't really try hard because they relied on the popularity of the cartoons. Also, the language is getting a little too much, Transformers doesn'tneed "street talk" to be entertaining.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Why are you guys complaining about the length?

Transformers Runtime: 144 min
ROTF Runtime: 150 min
Because some people just like to be negative and NT is full of these kind of people.
Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

201 milli? Props... I guess. I still think it was trash compare to the first one.

damn huge numbers , gotta check it out later
I think the people who critique this movie have some good points...

Obviously we've seen this plot before...so we can't be led to think this is new...we aren't that easily fooled.

I think the movie length seemed long to those who were dreading the movie at that point...if they liked it, then it wouldn't have been too long. Itwasn't a literal statement.

But there were way too many fillers that didn't advance the plot...in that You tube critique they mentioned that every dialogue resulted in a punch line. Iagree, it also lead to one liners which means that the writing (plot) was left secondary. They also mentioned they probably wrote it as they went along. I haveto agree with this. There are many, many....many more flaws in plot I can speak of. I do give a lot of respect to the C.G.I department for this and that isall. But I think Michael Bay and his production team of writers ruined a title that had potential.

Maybe in the 80's if this movie came out it would have been the s**t....... But in today's A.D.D society, I think we're not that naive about plotslike this. We can recognize BS coming a mile away. We've became a little more sophisticated. Simple movies win and so do complicated ones....but there is adifference between good taste in scenes and bad tastes. When I say taste I mean what is the best direction this scene/visual/plot/ should be handled.

I think we should expect a lot from a movie costing this much to produce and costing that much to see. Also a movie that already had a popular and wide fanbase even before the 1st one came out. I know you cannot please everyone but at least bring the votes of approval to a standard (read the pages of this threadto determine the approval rating....seems on the negative side).

Some people mentioned to take it for what it's worth but I think we can't because there are tons of great action movies out there that had incredibleplots that exceeds Transformers 2. If we take it for what it's worth then the next one will be at the same caliber. Sure it made 201 Million in the boxoffice but I would like to see, out of those ticket sales how many people left satisfied. I know it's about money and Hollywood doesn't care aboutsatisfactory ratings (street fighter, Fantastic Four, 1st Incredible Hulk). If we continue having movies like this slide then that's what we are going tohave to keep getting....bad movie production. As a kid from the 80's/ fan, I'm upset that I let myself go "PAY" to see a movie like this.

Remember I'm talking about quality here not dollars earned.
Originally Posted by Im Not You

Movie was AWFUL. Especially the last 15 minutes. When dude went to Transformers heaven I almost got up and walked out.

really !** was that about ...
i enjoyed the 1st...this was ...not so much..kinda like
the whole time
Originally Posted by Crumbs

Originally Posted by Im Not You

Movie was AWFUL. Especially the last 15 minutes. When dude went to Transformers heaven I almost got up and walked out.

really !** was that about ...
i enjoyed the 1st...this was ...not so much..kinda like
the whole time
Seriously...and for all those saying "what do you expect...it's a Transformers movie"...please. The first one was pulled off nicely.This just had AWFUL plot development and the corniness was at a disturbing high. I can take forced humor in doses...but not during the whole damn movie. Theparents, the twins, Wheelie, Jetfire, Sam's Roommate...I wish I could have smacked the *!%% out of all of them. Is this an action movie or a comedy? JudApatow didn't make this movie...Bay did. Stick to the action and tell your writers to cut all of that corny *!%% out next time. Also, the new team ofAutobots were so damn pointless and wack. Why were all the new Decepticons hard body and menacing and Skid, Mudflap, the girl on the bike, etc. all seemed likethey were developed by Disney or something? The whole NEST team was corny too. What purpose did the humans serve? The Autobots were doing all the damn work.Apart from Devastator getting tagged with the rail gun...I didn't see a single Decepticon get done in by human gunfire so what the hell was all thatshooting for? Only cool thing about this movie was Prime and Megatron going at it.

In the end...just too much corny *!%% going on.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Why are you guys complaining about the length?

Transformers Runtime: 144 min
ROTF Runtime: 150 min
Yet there wasn't as many filler or irrelevant scenes as the second one. The first one flow very well throughout, the second one, not soo much.It was hit and miss and some of the transformer scenes were OD terrible.
How could you not be highly entertained by this movie . The movie did its job , stuff getting blown up and fight scenes and pretty girls and jokes . SummerBlockbuster
Originally Posted by eye see soles

...in a recession at that.
High grossing movies will never change no matter the economic condition, going to movies is one of the most recreational and slightly affordablethings a family or couple could do.
Saw it on saturday MORNING.. Paid 24 bucks for my self, 2 kids and my wife.. Enjoyed the whole movie.. NO dissapointments. My son was really excited and wasvery happy with the movie. Hes a big bumble bee fan. If you're in SOCAL, go to city walk at universal studios. They have a big Bumble Bee there.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Why are you guys complaining about the length?

Transformers Runtime: 144 min
ROTF Runtime: 150 min
really just a 6 min difference? felt like an hour. The movie just dragged at some parts but other wise it was enjoyable. And you're right, Idon't expect much from Bay. This was his Magnum Opus of car chases and explosions
I guess the little Decepticon had a thing for Foxx since it was humping her leg

But all in all, it was a great movie. Kept me entertained the whole way.
NostrandAve68 wrote:
Originally Posted by eye see soles

...in a recession at that.
High grossing movies will never change no matter the economic condition, going to movies is one of the most recreational and slightly affordable things a family or couple could do.

Little more emphasis on slightly, cost me almost 60 bucks for myself, wife and daughter.

I don even wanna think what it would be for a larger family.

But like other dude said, my daughter was sittin there with her little bumble bee toy and everytime he came on screen she was holdin that thing up and makinall kinda noise. Can't be mad at a movie when it makes your 7 year old happy.
You guys are nuts, ive seen it 3 times and it's still just as good.................question did ANY of you watch and remember the G1 cartoon????? anybodywho watched and remembers it well I dare you to say you didnt like the movie.........I dont think you realize how well bay pulled off the movie without totallygoing away from the cartoon
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