What are some of the most morally questionable things you have ever done?

Every year my high school would hold a winter tournament and we (hosting players) had to work the ticket stands, take out trash, grill hot dogs, etc. A few times we were dared by other teammates to rub our ***** on the cheese slices before we put them on the burgers. I felt bad doing it but also convinced myself it wasn't that bad because the heat would kill the germs when the cheese melted. Needless to say plenty of cheese slices were thrown onto the burgers after they were grilled and then the bun was immediately added- no additional heat to melt the cheese.
One of my funniest ones.. Fapped in my girls clear handsoap bottles in her main bathroom which everyone uses when they come over. Brand new too
In middle school I went out with a girl for literally 5 minutes because my homeboys dared me too. She had a crush on me. It was hilarious (but she was legit hurt and her whole crew hated me - think a few still do to this day).

It was all fun and games until the tables got turned on me. Girl from her crew asked me out and I said yeah cause I had a thing for her. We ended up going out for about or week or so until she broke it off with me after school in the hallway: she only dated me to get back at me for embarrassing her friend like that 
 Girl ending up telling me a few weeks after that that she did like me and all but she had to go through with it or they wouldn't be friends with her. That middle school influence was strong son

And I think the next year after that or maybe a couple months (can't remember the exact time) I ended up slapping the 5 min girl in the face as a prank.
nah bro. I mean - like play with their emotions, lay down on their laps, spit some lines, over the course of days. Then when they try to move in for the kill, I'm like, Nah I ain't feelin u like that. I did it because it amused and entertained me, at the expense of poor girls' feelings. It may not sound that that big of a deal, but now that I'm older and I look back at it, its really F'ed up.

That was me back in my savage days. I was with girls just to smash. Even stayed with them because it was easy P

Did everything wrong but cheat. Physically. Even broke up with one on our 3 month anniversary with no hesitation
Back when i was younger i had all the games. Ps2 GameCube Xbox all that. Whether I'm with my god brother or any little kid, i never wanted to give up the sticks

So I always gave them a controller and made it seem like they were playing. I even gave this kid a computer mouse and plugged it in the back of the GameCube while i was playing some biking game
Back when i was younger i had all the games. Ps2 GameCube Xbox all that. Whether I'm with my god brother or any little kid, i never wanted to give up the sticks

So I always gave them a controller and made it seem like they were playing. I even gave this kid a computer mouse and plugged it in the back of the GameCube while i was playing some biking game

:rofl: :rofl:
I'm guilty of this as well
My nephew came over one day, I was 16, he was 5, and I was playing Grand Theft Auto, and he was BEGGING me to play.

I said **** it and handed him a wireless playstation 2 controller (no batteries) and continued to play. Lil man was pressing the buttons wild vigorously and making mad sound effects. Son really thought he was playing :smh:
:rofl: :rofl:
I'm guilty of this as well
My nephew came over one day, I was 16, he was 5, and I was playing Grand Theft Auto, and he was BEGGING me to play.

I said **** it and handed him a wireless playstation 2 controller (no batteries) and continued to play. Lil man was pressing the buttons wild vigorously and making mad sound effects. Son really thought he was playing :smh:
I'm guilty of this.

Nters hate Chris Brown yet they out here doing the same thing. :smh:
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When my roommate and I were freshmen in college, we stayed in the dorm on the 7th floor. My roommates Xbox had the rings of death and we kept doing the towel trick to fix the Xbox, but one day it just didn't work anymore.

We knew one of the chicks that worked downstairs and had access to everybody's room key, so we decided to swap Xbox's with one of the guys a few doors down from our room. When we found out he wasn't in his room, we got the key and literally swapped the two Xbox's out. The guy worked at Gamestop, so one day we walked in to get a new game and he was telling someone about his experience with the rings of death. :lol: . It was hilarious at the time, but kinda felt bad that we did it.
Back when i was younger i had all the games. Ps2 GameCube Xbox all that. Whether I'm with my god brother or any little kid, i never wanted to give up the sticks

So I always gave them a controller and made it seem like they were playing. I even gave this kid a computer mouse and plugged it in the back of the GameCube while i was playing some biking game


"Hold on, lemme put the code in/save/finish this level."

I'm a pretty big proponent of the idea that a man should be able to defend himself against an attack from anyone regardless of gender

...but holy crap, dude. 


all you dudes defending beating up your girl, actin like its cool sound like little kids who weren't raised right. Imagine someone doing that to your moms or sister.

I'm all for defending yourself against your girl, but you aint gotta do all that. Must feel real tough after beating up your girl.
Back when i was younger i had all the games. Ps2 GameCube Xbox all that. Whether I'm with my god brother or any little kid, i never wanted to give up the sticks

So I always gave them a controller and made it seem like they were playing. I even gave this kid a computer mouse and plugged it in the back of the GameCube while i was playing some biking game

I'm guilty of this as well
My nephew came over one day, I was 16, he was 5, and I was playing Grand Theft Auto, and he was BEGGING me to play.

I said **** it and handed him a wireless playstation 2 controller (no batteries) and continued to play. Lil man was pressing the buttons wild vigorously and making mad sound effects. Son really thought he was playing
yall gotta be only kids, tha didnt work on my lil bros, theyre too close in age
When my roommate and I were freshmen in college, we stayed in the dorm on the 7th floor. My roommates Xbox had the rings of death and we kept doing the towel trick to fix the Xbox, but one day it just didn't work anymore.

We knew one of the chicks that worked downstairs and had access to everybody's room key, so we decided to swap Xbox's with one of the guys a few doors down from our room. When we found out he wasn't in his room, we got the key and literally swapped the two Xbox's out. The guy worked at Gamestop, so one day we walked in to get a new game and he was telling someone about his experience with the rings of death. :lol: . It was hilarious at the time, but kinda felt bad that we did it.


one time, my old man went to a concert and parked in a no parking zone with everybody else. He comes out and sees everybody got a ticket. He said eff it and swapped his ticket with a similar car to his and kept it moving. His ticket got paid but my father never paid the other guy's.
I was at Subway looking at the menu and some teenage kid comes up to me and asked me if this money he found belonged to me. He said he saw it on the floor by me. I didn't think twice and just said yah and took it. Moments later his friend comes in and asked for the money and I just shun him. Feels bad man! :smh: :x
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I was at Subway looking at the menu and some teenage kid comes up to me and asked me if this money he found belonged to me. He said he saw it on the floor by me. I didn't think twice and just said yah and took it. Moments later his friend comes in and asked for the money and I just shun him. Feels bad man!
I was at a convenience store waiting line behind one of my acquaintances gf. She was paying for gas and I was staring at her asz and she pulled out a wad of bills out of her shorts to pay for gas and dropped a wadded up benji on the floor. She bounced and I stepped on it when I came up in queue and paid for my items. Flat footed my way out of line and did the ol "tie my shoe" routine and picked up the note. Went to the bar and bought drinks for everyone and got tore up and ordered food with the last 20$. She was the delivery girl for the pizza place and she got tipped with $2 and change from her own money.
Some stories are just legit duck tales. lol Confession threads = creativity threads. But physical violence is a -no-no, especially on woman.

I do know and have witnessed how the restaurant industry works. The whole cigarette ash falling on your food while cooking, dropped foods, etc. etc. do occurr.

Many many years ago, I was on my last week as a waiter at a small asian restaurant. One day, a group of older folks came in and I did the whole seat them thing. One of the ladies in that group was giving me a hard time all night. She wanted new spoons, cuz the one she had was plastic, she wanted new chopsticks cuz she didn't break hers evenly, etc. She was complaining about the shoyu, saying she wanted low-sodium version. She even complained about the tea not tasty enough. After the food came, she & her friends were busy eatting. Thereafter I was doing my rounds with the water-refill thing. I was refilling everyone elses' and when I got to her cup, she said the water had too much ice in it and asked me to "fix it".

I told her, I'd be right back. When I got to the back, I just got a new cup filled it with 2/3 water and started to gargle and rinse my mouth with it. I spit it back in and made sure there weren't visible back-wash particles. I then added more water and some ice to create the fresh bubble effect. When I got back, she said, "what took you so long?"
I put the water in front of her and she immediately drank from it. I was trying to hide my laugh though.

Funny thing is, they tipped me pretty good. LOLZ
Messing with people's food at restaurants aint cool at all son. No respect for them people that do stuff like that
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