What ever happened to the whole Raz B, Chris Stokes, B2K rape thing?

Originally Posted by dabasement2010

Originally Posted by SanchezOnFire

Originally Posted by dabasement2010

yoooooooo dis sum sick !$!#....on da real all dez dudes gay......u 15 years old and let anotha 17 year old rape u???? how??? i just dont understand....its not like you a defenseless 4 year old or something, you old enough 2 defend yourself so why you let it happen? hmmmm mayb cuz your gay 2 raz b!! and cuz on da phone sound gay as hell, talking bout he aint wanna do nothing, you a damn lie homie, you a @%@ like !$!# homie

Off topic but what was the last grade you passed?

da last 1 your mother was teaching...she had a thing 4 me so she passed me with flying colors
See I can't take you seriously because of your poor attempt at English & all you CAN do is throw an easy 5th grader "your mom" joke at me. You've shown the last grade you dropped out of all on your own love
God bless you.
Originally Posted by dabasement2010

Originally Posted by SanchezOnFire

Originally Posted by dabasement2010

yoooooooo dis sum sick !$!#....on da real all dez dudes gay......u 15 years old and let anotha 17 year old rape u???? how??? i just dont understand....its not like you a defenseless 4 year old or something, you old enough 2 defend yourself so why you let it happen? hmmmm mayb cuz your gay 2 raz b!! and cuz on da phone sound gay as hell, talking bout he aint wanna do nothing, you a damn lie homie, you a @%@ like !$!# homie

Off topic but what was the last grade you passed?

da last 1 your mother was teaching...she had a thing 4 me so she passed me with flying colors
Originally Posted by Dead Stokc

Originally Posted by SanchezOnFire

Originally Posted by inspektahdeck

i had no Idea that was Katie *dead* at the mom's comeback

Do we talk on Twitter? Because I dont match twitter names to NT names well lol.

SHORT term memory?
I do forget some things easily. I also stop posting on boards for months at a time sometimes when I'm bored by them so when I come back I forget names OR the people I talk to off the board have changed their sn so I dont know its them lol.
Originally Posted by KING x RIECE

Originally Posted by dabasement2010

Originally Posted by SanchezOnFire

Originally Posted by dabasement2010

yoooooooo dis sum sick !$!#....on da real all dez dudes gay......u 15 years old and let anotha 17 year old rape u???? how??? i just dont understand....its not like you a defenseless 4 year old or something, you old enough 2 defend yourself so why you let it happen? hmmmm mayb cuz your gay 2 raz b!! and cuz on da phone sound gay as hell, talking bout he aint wanna do nothing, you a damn lie homie, you a @%@ like !$!# homie

Off topic but what was the last grade you passed?

da last 1 your mother was teaching...she had a thing 4 me so she passed me with flying colors


Originally Posted by SdotRusherz

Originally Posted by Nash

My brother was at a party with some of the B2K cats back in the day and saw them all under a blanket together watching TV...these cats BEEN on a gay tip
oh.... no one believes you though.

Funny that you say that...I asked my brother about it recently and he said it wasn't a party, he and his friend were selling them some shoes...I'm fine with you not believing me though 
Originally Posted by SanchezOnFire

If it happened to me I wouldnt keep it a secret because it shouldnt go unpunished & people need to know how $+!@@% up the person who did that to me was. Especially when he does it to many people. The kind of criticism people get when they say something like this famous or not is terrible. Its the whole reason why people keep it to themselves and thats not right and its not okay. Its not like hes calling people as if the #!%* was a good thing. Its a very obvious fact that he has problems and struggles with it. The whole point of him doing this is to speak up to clear himself & get the truth out & also help with others who are scared to speak out. I dont understand why people laugh at such a thing. Would you laugh and make fun of the situation if it happened to someone you loved and cared about? I doubt it. So why is it funny here?

Are you saying you would be proud of letting everyone know your hole was punched by another man?
Where the hell do you get that any victim would be PROUD they were violated? Are you really that dense? If someone did something wrong to you why WOULDNT you say something about it? I can understand the embarrassment and possible stoning of your peers by saying something like that but by keeping it in youre destroying yourself & also letting the person who committed such a heinous act go. If this happened to someone you knew would you laugh? Call them names? Tell them not to tell anyone and just keep it moving? I dont know WHO would do that if they were actually in that kind of predicament so I dont see how its okay to be so harsh in this instance.

Some victims of molestation have killed themselves because no one believed them when they were trying to reach out to someone or they were laughed & teased to such a point that they dont want to live anymore. It eats them alive and youre going to laugh and make jokes about that?

To those who have been a victim I urge them to stand up and say something. It takes a lot of courage to put yourself out there like that. Esoecially being a male, ESPECIALLY being a public figure. No matter what you think of his career he IS a public figure. To those who can overcome their internal problems and become decent people I commend it. They are strong individuals looking to move past it. Speaking up should be looked upon as a positive thing not brushed off as just another joke to make on someone/something you clearly know nothing about.
Originally Posted by SanchezOnFire

Originally Posted by dabasement2010

Originally Posted by SanchezOnFire

Originally Posted by dabasement2010

yoooooooo dis sum sick !$!#....on da real all dez dudes gay......u 15 years old and let anotha 17 year old rape u???? how??? i just dont understand....its not like you a defenseless 4 year old or something, you old enough 2 defend yourself so why you let it happen? hmmmm mayb cuz your gay 2 raz b!! and cuz on da phone sound gay as hell, talking bout he aint wanna do nothing, you a damn lie homie, you a @%@ like !$!# homie

Off topic but what was the last grade you passed?

da last 1 your mother was teaching...she had a thing 4 me so she passed me with flying colors
See I can't take you seriously because of your poor attempt at English & all you CAN do is throw an easy 5th grader "your mom" joke at me. You've shown the last grade you dropped out of all on your own love
God bless you .

Originally Posted by Mogulson

Originally Posted by SanchezOnFire

If it happened to me I wouldnt keep it a secret because it shouldnt go unpunished & people need to know how $+!@@% up the person who did that to me was. Especially when he does it to many people. The kind of criticism people get when they say something like this famous or not is terrible. Its the whole reason why people keep it to themselves and thats not right and its not okay. Its not like hes calling people as if the #!%* was a good thing. Its a very obvious fact that he has problems and struggles with it. The whole point of him doing this is to speak up to clear himself & get the truth out & also help with others who are scared to speak out. I dont understand why people laugh at such a thing. Would you laugh and make fun of the situation if it happened to someone you loved and cared about? I doubt it. So why is it funny here?

Are you saying you would be proud of letting everyone know your hole was punched by another man?

Well, you'd know famous dudes thought you're attractive. That's something to be proud of, right?
the way they talk about this %+#% is
them dudes talking like they watching Sunday night football downing a few beers
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