What race do ya'll get mistaken for the most?

I think replacing race with ethnicity would of made for a more interesting thread. That said, some people think im Jamaican.
Im puertorican.. But i have light eyez. im light complexion and Im from brooklyn so the accent comes into play. Usually mistaken for Italian.
Originally Posted by zona0924


I'm half black and half white and WITHOUT FAIL people always think I'm some type of Spanish. I usually get Dominican, sometimes PR, even random *$@@ like Brazilian..

same here...i even get half chinese or another oriental nationality....I don't see it, but i guess they do
i'm black but im high yellow so i get mistaken for alot of races and when people find out i dont eat pork "you muslim or jewish?"
I get called black/African American

But i love my African Sudanese / Kenyan Heritage and
people think im half white or mexican....but im full chinky
A lotttt of people thought I was Mexican. Some people thought I was Chinese. A few thought I looked Japanese when I had short, all black hair.

I am 100% Filipina.
i'm black/japanese and i get mistaken for being spanish a lot. i love spanish girls though so it's really not a problem but it's always asurprise when i'm like "nah i'm a mixed."
Originally Posted by zona0924

By the way, this thread would make much more sense if everybody posted their pics. Got dudes in here talking about they black but look PR and all that..


where have you been? aint seen you since my old SN
Afghan cus of my facial hair or White. I used to be hella brown when I was younger and you could tell I was Mexican but lightened up overthe years.
Originally Posted by EVERLASTiiNG

im 100% mexican but i get mistaken for filipino, chinese, vietnamese, even hawaiian. most people assume im some kind of asain mixed with white.

ever since i was a baby ive looked somewhat asain, i have similiar features as both my parents but i am still the only one in my family that gets confused for something different.

its hilarious when people try and guess my ethinicity, my friends make a game out of it. and its extra funny when im helping hispanic customers and i start speaking spanish, they totally freak out and ask "wow where did you learn to speak spanish that well?" "uhh.. its actually my first language" haha
Same here, all that has happened to me,I though I was the only one. Born in Mexico City and 100% Mexican, but only on a rare occasion will peoplespeak to me in Spanish.

I remember ordering something at Mickey D's in English and I noticed the lady taking my order (she was Hispanic) was having trouble understating what I wassaying, so I started to speak Spanish and the lady was startled. What's weird though is that she still asked, "will that be all", and, "thatwill be $__" in English, in my head I was like, "I just spoke fluent Spanish to you with no accent, why are you trying to talk to me inEnglish".
i'm japanese. mistaken for mexican many times, american indian a few times. indonesian once.
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