What's the grimiest thing you've ever done?

this thread is about the grimiest thing you've ever done.

it's not about judging people for the grimiest things they've ever done.

some of ya'll need to get off ya'll high horse.

One of the more grimy things i did was when I was a soph in high school.

One of my friends asked me and my other guy to come over, but when we got to his crib he was gone.

We were mad, b/c we had walked a good deal to get there, so we broke into his house, took all his sneakers (like 30 pairs of jordans, maxes, foamposites, etc.), and put them in random spots around his house, like kitchen cabinets and underneath bathroom sinks, behind washing machines, hid some in his parents' room underneath between mattresses, you get the point.

Later I'm at my house sippin my Capri Sun not even thinking about it. Son comes to my house straight up distressed talkin bout someone robbed him, he's about to fill out a police report and wanted to know if i heard anything. I look him dead in the eye and tell him with the straightest of faces that I got know idea about this and it's crazy that someone would do that. I asked him what they took and let him tell me the story. Inside i felt half bad but since I knew the shoes weren't stolen I knew he would be aight.

The next day, he comes to my house heated. He says he heard it was me and my man, b/c his YG across the street was watching us and snitched. I say nah, I heard it was my accomplice but it musta been another black dude (he's asian so it was easy to spot him). I get invited to join the posse that will ride out on son, but I decline with some excuse about my mom wanting us to eat together that night. I then convince mom dukes to take us out to Ole' Country Buffet so I got an alibi and some people from school could back my story up. You know you always used to run into kids you knew at OCB.

Next day, i get the story from my other mans about how they ran up on Asian son. They didn't beat him up b/c he admitted to it, but he also tried to rat me out. Since I lied in the first place, it just looked like he was down to take anyone down with him and son didn't wanna get beat up for lying even if it was the truth, so he threw another name out: some kid who had just moved out here from Las Vegas. Son had no stock in our neighborhood whatsoever, so later on i get a ring on my doorbell. My mans who we did this to is sizing me up to see if I was in on it, but I keep my cool and pass his lil' tests, and he tells me he's about to walk down the block and slump the Vegas kid for breakin into his house. I said that's cool but i gotta stay with my sisters right now. He walks down the block, proceeds to beat the dog piss out of the kid from Vegas for no real reason, and I start feeling bad because this kid had no idea what was about to happen to him. I go outside, see the aftermath and the crowd and such, and decide that I don't wanna get my *## whooped so I'm not about to admit to anything. I get my mans to calm down, and tell him that its over there's nothing else he can do. He then tells me that he started finding shoes around his house, so he doesn't think it was a robbery but a prank, but he was so angry about the situation he had to let off some steam.

A couple years later, it's the end of Senior Year. All of us are still friends, and I finally admit I was the other guy who broke into his house. He was blown, but not mad, because he found all his shoes after a while, but was hurt that I would break into his house and lie about it and let another kid get beat up over it. I told him that he was heavy handed and that nowadays i would have whooped his *## if he came at me like he came at the Vegas kid (who had moved away again by then, lol). We laugh about it, and that's that.

Now it's about 5 years after HS ended, me and the dude whose house we broke into are best friends due to everyone else falling off (prison, babies, military, turning gay, etc.). We're like the only dudes left who just like to chill and smoke weed and watch sports and try to do good in life without having to do illegal stuff or get girls pregnant or become an aspiring rapper/producer. Asian dude complete switched up his steez from being your regular geeky Asian kid to being some Thug aspiring Rapper/Producer in South Florida. Last time i talked to him he was bragging about smoking dippers (DMV thing, cigs dipped in embalming fluid), and dabbling in Angel Dust, and robbing people. Son had better grades than everyone in HS, so it's mad sad.

Moral of the story: If you're caught in a lie, deny deny deny.
this thread is about the grimiest thing you've ever done.

it's not about judging people for the grimiest things they've ever done.

some of ya'll need to get off ya'll high horse.

One of the more grimy things i did was when I was a soph in high school.

One of my friends asked me and my other guy to come over, but when we got to his crib he was gone.

We were mad, b/c we had walked a good deal to get there, so we broke into his house, took all his sneakers (like 30 pairs of jordans, maxes, foamposites, etc.), and put them in random spots around his house, like kitchen cabinets and underneath bathroom sinks, behind washing machines, hid some in his parents' room underneath between mattresses, you get the point.

Later I'm at my house sippin my Capri Sun not even thinking about it. Son comes to my house straight up distressed talkin bout someone robbed him, he's about to fill out a police report and wanted to know if i heard anything. I look him dead in the eye and tell him with the straightest of faces that I got know idea about this and it's crazy that someone would do that. I asked him what they took and let him tell me the story. Inside i felt half bad but since I knew the shoes weren't stolen I knew he would be aight.

The next day, he comes to my house heated. He says he heard it was me and my man, b/c his YG across the street was watching us and snitched. I say nah, I heard it was my accomplice but it musta been another black dude (he's asian so it was easy to spot him). I get invited to join the posse that will ride out on son, but I decline with some excuse about my mom wanting us to eat together that night. I then convince mom dukes to take us out to Ole' Country Buffet so I got an alibi and some people from school could back my story up. You know you always used to run into kids you knew at OCB.

Next day, i get the story from my other mans about how they ran up on Asian son. They didn't beat him up b/c he admitted to it, but he also tried to rat me out. Since I lied in the first place, it just looked like he was down to take anyone down with him and son didn't wanna get beat up for lying even if it was the truth, so he threw another name out: some kid who had just moved out here from Las Vegas. Son had no stock in our neighborhood whatsoever, so later on i get a ring on my doorbell. My mans who we did this to is sizing me up to see if I was in on it, but I keep my cool and pass his lil' tests, and he tells me he's about to walk down the block and slump the Vegas kid for breakin into his house. I said that's cool but i gotta stay with my sisters right now. He walks down the block, proceeds to beat the dog piss out of the kid from Vegas for no real reason, and I start feeling bad because this kid had no idea what was about to happen to him. I go outside, see the aftermath and the crowd and such, and decide that I don't wanna get my *## whooped so I'm not about to admit to anything. I get my mans to calm down, and tell him that its over there's nothing else he can do. He then tells me that he started finding shoes around his house, so he doesn't think it was a robbery but a prank, but he was so angry about the situation he had to let off some steam.

A couple years later, it's the end of Senior Year. All of us are still friends, and I finally admit I was the other guy who broke into his house. He was blown, but not mad, because he found all his shoes after a while, but was hurt that I would break into his house and lie about it and let another kid get beat up over it. I told him that he was heavy handed and that nowadays i would have whooped his *## if he came at me like he came at the Vegas kid (who had moved away again by then, lol). We laugh about it, and that's that.

Now it's about 5 years after HS ended, me and the dude whose house we broke into are best friends due to everyone else falling off (prison, babies, military, turning gay, etc.). We're like the only dudes left who just like to chill and smoke weed and watch sports and try to do good in life without having to do illegal stuff or get girls pregnant or become an aspiring rapper/producer. Asian dude complete switched up his steez from being your regular geeky Asian kid to being some Thug aspiring Rapper/Producer in South Florida. Last time i talked to him he was bragging about smoking dippers (DMV thing, cigs dipped in embalming fluid), and dabbling in Angel Dust, and robbing people. Son had better grades than everyone in HS, so it's mad sad.

Moral of the story: If you're caught in a lie, deny deny deny.
wish i could put myself out there like that but i might get in trouble for posting my grimy acts and there prolly too many to post
wish i could put myself out there like that but i might get in trouble for posting my grimy acts and there prolly too many to post
i dont do many grimey things

smashed my rommates gf. didnt like her or my roommate.

cheated on girls when i was younger.

yeah no cool stories from this side of the room i guess.
i dont do many grimey things

smashed my rommates gf. didnt like her or my roommate.

cheated on girls when i was younger.

yeah no cool stories from this side of the room i guess.
im not really grimey...

these arent really that grimey...

in cancun, senior trip, i got some cut from a chick while her friend "slept" next to us...i pulled out, and the chick hopped up immediately to the bathroom (very messy), so i busted ALL OVER her sleeping friends' grill....and dipped...like, i was in the hotel hallway without a key, pants around knees, knocking on the door, trynna get in before ole girl saw how i left her friend....

i made a chick flash me and my dudes in a mall for "the chance to possibly bang me"

...banged my RA's little sister sophmore year in the dorms....that was tight.

"uck bout 5 or 6 best friends..." well, technically, it was 4...and they werent BEST FRIENDS...and i didnt know they knew each other until afterwards...well...the last two i did....*shrugs*

got kicked out of some frat party my first night out in college....they were saying my dude tim (offensive lineman dude, like 6'9") was $%$#!%$ with some dude's girl, so i got burned with a cigarette during the scuffle....i waited outside infront of like 25 corny white dudes that were all "dude...please" dude who burned me wouldnt come out...so everytime i passed their frat house that year, whichever jeeps werent "covered" (you know) i pissed in those....EVERY TIME I PASSED BY...youd think they'd catch on, eh?

oh, and if i don't like you, and you ask me to cop trees for you.....you DO know you gonna come up off 2 blunts, right?

...that's about the extent of my grime.....
im not really grimey...

these arent really that grimey...

in cancun, senior trip, i got some cut from a chick while her friend "slept" next to us...i pulled out, and the chick hopped up immediately to the bathroom (very messy), so i busted ALL OVER her sleeping friends' grill....and dipped...like, i was in the hotel hallway without a key, pants around knees, knocking on the door, trynna get in before ole girl saw how i left her friend....

i made a chick flash me and my dudes in a mall for "the chance to possibly bang me"

...banged my RA's little sister sophmore year in the dorms....that was tight.

"uck bout 5 or 6 best friends..." well, technically, it was 4...and they werent BEST FRIENDS...and i didnt know they knew each other until afterwards...well...the last two i did....*shrugs*

got kicked out of some frat party my first night out in college....they were saying my dude tim (offensive lineman dude, like 6'9") was $%$#!%$ with some dude's girl, so i got burned with a cigarette during the scuffle....i waited outside infront of like 25 corny white dudes that were all "dude...please" dude who burned me wouldnt come out...so everytime i passed their frat house that year, whichever jeeps werent "covered" (you know) i pissed in those....EVERY TIME I PASSED BY...youd think they'd catch on, eh?

oh, and if i don't like you, and you ask me to cop trees for you.....you DO know you gonna come up off 2 blunts, right?

...that's about the extent of my grime.....
Damn Trent. Good story, I can relate. I feel bad for homeboy that started smoking wachie. I kno some wet heads that's !!%*%+ up in the game, stuck on stupid.. Alotta my crew fell off.. Prison, addiction, or got out the hood. But I got alot of stories just like yours.
Damn Trent. Good story, I can relate. I feel bad for homeboy that started smoking wachie. I kno some wet heads that's !!%*%+ up in the game, stuck on stupid.. Alotta my crew fell off.. Prison, addiction, or got out the hood. But I got alot of stories just like yours.
another one

I racked up over $2000 in parking tickets whenever I would drive down home to NYC from school. I came down shortly before Christmas for a job interview, went to sleep in my house then came back downstairs to move my car...then BLAM!! it was gone

I thought it was stolen at first so, I called the police then they was like, "you car wasnt stolen you fool, it was towed because of parking tickets". Mind you this is my brand new civic and I was heartbroken.

So after the interview i took the bus back to buffalo and I was pondering how the hell am i going to get $3,000 for the tickets and the impoud fees. So after a month, I scrapped up $2,000 from friends and family but then I was still short by $1,500.

So my mother had an old checking account that was inactive. I wrote myself a check for $1,500 and went to HSBC, deposit it as cash (since I had over $1,500 in there already) ran over the marshalls office, swiped my debit card, got my card and drove straight up to buffalo.

While driving up HSBC called me and was like "yo, did u put in a bad check for $1.5k!?!?!?!" , lol, I was scared cause some private investigator told me that was gonna be prosecuted and a whole bunch of legal issues would ensure.

That was 4 years ago, it never appeared on my credi report, I can still use othe checking accounts and up to 2 months ago I called HSBC and asked about my name and they said I never existed in the checking account system

its like it never happened
another one

I racked up over $2000 in parking tickets whenever I would drive down home to NYC from school. I came down shortly before Christmas for a job interview, went to sleep in my house then came back downstairs to move my car...then BLAM!! it was gone

I thought it was stolen at first so, I called the police then they was like, "you car wasnt stolen you fool, it was towed because of parking tickets". Mind you this is my brand new civic and I was heartbroken.

So after the interview i took the bus back to buffalo and I was pondering how the hell am i going to get $3,000 for the tickets and the impoud fees. So after a month, I scrapped up $2,000 from friends and family but then I was still short by $1,500.

So my mother had an old checking account that was inactive. I wrote myself a check for $1,500 and went to HSBC, deposit it as cash (since I had over $1,500 in there already) ran over the marshalls office, swiped my debit card, got my card and drove straight up to buffalo.

While driving up HSBC called me and was like "yo, did u put in a bad check for $1.5k!?!?!?!" , lol, I was scared cause some private investigator told me that was gonna be prosecuted and a whole bunch of legal issues would ensure.

That was 4 years ago, it never appeared on my credi report, I can still use othe checking accounts and up to 2 months ago I called HSBC and asked about my name and they said I never existed in the checking account system

its like it never happened
Originally Posted by Al Audi

smashed a chick............unexpected visit............kicked her out real quick

smashed another girl soon as she came in the door

i aint even wipe myself down or nothing. i felt grimey as hell but real manly

Damn that's codl blooded
Originally Posted by Al Audi

smashed a chick............unexpected visit............kicked her out real quick

smashed another girl soon as she came in the door

i aint even wipe myself down or nothing. i felt grimey as hell but real manly

Damn that's codl blooded
Originally Posted by bizzygunts

another one

I racked up over $2000 in parking tickets whenever I would drive down home to NYC from school. I came down shortly before Christmas for a job interview, went to sleep in my house then came back downstairs to move my car...then BLAM!! it was gone

I thought it was stolen at first so, I called the police then they was like, "you car wasnt stolen you fool, it was towed because of parking tickets". Mind you this is my brand new civic and I was heartbroken.

So after the interview i took the bus back to buffalo and I was pondering how the hell am i going to get $3,000 for the tickets and the impoud fees. So after a month, I scrapped up $2,000 from friends and family but then I was still short by $1,500.

So my mother had an old checking account that was inactive. I wrote myself a check for $1,500 and went to HSBC, deposit it as cash (since I had over $1,500 in there already) ran over the marshalls office, swiped my debit card, got my card and drove straight up to buffalo.

While driving up HSBC called me and was like "yo, did u put in a bad check for $1.5k!?!?!?!" , lol, I was scared cause some private investigator told me that was gonna be prosecuted and a whole bunch of legal issues would ensure.

That was 4 years ago, it never appeared on my credi report, I can still use othe checking accounts and up to 2 months ago I called HSBC and asked about my name and they said I never existed in the checking account system

its like it never happened
Son you pulled some Ocean's 11 type swindle.

That was on your moms, though.

I think it all evens out to a
but with a triumphant

Very grimey, my friend.
Originally Posted by bizzygunts

another one

I racked up over $2000 in parking tickets whenever I would drive down home to NYC from school. I came down shortly before Christmas for a job interview, went to sleep in my house then came back downstairs to move my car...then BLAM!! it was gone

I thought it was stolen at first so, I called the police then they was like, "you car wasnt stolen you fool, it was towed because of parking tickets". Mind you this is my brand new civic and I was heartbroken.

So after the interview i took the bus back to buffalo and I was pondering how the hell am i going to get $3,000 for the tickets and the impoud fees. So after a month, I scrapped up $2,000 from friends and family but then I was still short by $1,500.

So my mother had an old checking account that was inactive. I wrote myself a check for $1,500 and went to HSBC, deposit it as cash (since I had over $1,500 in there already) ran over the marshalls office, swiped my debit card, got my card and drove straight up to buffalo.

While driving up HSBC called me and was like "yo, did u put in a bad check for $1.5k!?!?!?!" , lol, I was scared cause some private investigator told me that was gonna be prosecuted and a whole bunch of legal issues would ensure.

That was 4 years ago, it never appeared on my credi report, I can still use othe checking accounts and up to 2 months ago I called HSBC and asked about my name and they said I never existed in the checking account system

its like it never happened
Son you pulled some Ocean's 11 type swindle.

That was on your moms, though.

I think it all evens out to a
but with a triumphant

Very grimey, my friend.
Originally Posted by Trent Ferris

Originally Posted by bizzygunts

another one

I racked up over $2000 in parking tickets whenever I would drive down home to NYC from school. I came down shortly before Christmas for a job interview, went to sleep in my house then came back downstairs to move my car...then BLAM!! it was gone

I thought it was stolen at first so, I called the police then they was like, "you car wasnt stolen you fool, it was towed because of parking tickets". Mind you this is my brand new civic and I was heartbroken.

So after the interview i took the bus back to buffalo and I was pondering how the hell am i going to get $3,000 for the tickets and the impoud fees. So after a month, I scrapped up $2,000 from friends and family but then I was still short by $1,500.

So my mother had an old checking account that was inactive. I wrote myself a check for $1,500 and went to HSBC, deposit it as cash (since I had over $1,500 in there already) ran over the marshalls office, swiped my debit card, got my card and drove straight up to buffalo.

While driving up HSBC called me and was like "yo, did u put in a bad check for $1.5k!?!?!?!" , lol, I was scared cause some private investigator told me that was gonna be prosecuted and a whole bunch of legal issues would ensure.

That was 4 years ago, it never appeared on my credi report, I can still use othe checking accounts and up to 2 months ago I called HSBC and asked about my name and they said I never existed in the checking account system

its like it never happened
Son you pulled some Ocean's 11 type swindle.

That was on your moms, though.

I think it all evens out to a
but with a triumphant

Very grimey, my friend.

yea, but the checking account she had was an old one from about 10 years back. It was closed and inactive...shes good
Originally Posted by Trent Ferris

Originally Posted by bizzygunts

another one

I racked up over $2000 in parking tickets whenever I would drive down home to NYC from school. I came down shortly before Christmas for a job interview, went to sleep in my house then came back downstairs to move my car...then BLAM!! it was gone

I thought it was stolen at first so, I called the police then they was like, "you car wasnt stolen you fool, it was towed because of parking tickets". Mind you this is my brand new civic and I was heartbroken.

So after the interview i took the bus back to buffalo and I was pondering how the hell am i going to get $3,000 for the tickets and the impoud fees. So after a month, I scrapped up $2,000 from friends and family but then I was still short by $1,500.

So my mother had an old checking account that was inactive. I wrote myself a check for $1,500 and went to HSBC, deposit it as cash (since I had over $1,500 in there already) ran over the marshalls office, swiped my debit card, got my card and drove straight up to buffalo.

While driving up HSBC called me and was like "yo, did u put in a bad check for $1.5k!?!?!?!" , lol, I was scared cause some private investigator told me that was gonna be prosecuted and a whole bunch of legal issues would ensure.

That was 4 years ago, it never appeared on my credi report, I can still use othe checking accounts and up to 2 months ago I called HSBC and asked about my name and they said I never existed in the checking account system

its like it never happened
Son you pulled some Ocean's 11 type swindle.

That was on your moms, though.

I think it all evens out to a
but with a triumphant

Very grimey, my friend.

yea, but the checking account she had was an old one from about 10 years back. It was closed and inactive...shes good
Originally Posted by bizzygunts

another one

I racked up over $2000 in parking tickets whenever I would drive down home to NYC from school. I came down shortly before Christmas for a job interview, went to sleep in my house then came back downstairs to move my car...then BLAM!! it was gone

I thought it was stolen at first so, I called the police then they was like, "you car wasnt stolen you fool, it was towed because of parking tickets". Mind you this is my brand new civic and I was heartbroken.

So after the interview i took the bus back to buffalo and I was pondering how the hell am i going to get $3,000 for the tickets and the impoud fees. So after a month, I scrapped up $2,000 from friends and family but then I was still short by $1,500.

So my mother had an old checking account that was inactive. I wrote myself a check for $1,500 and went to HSBC, deposit it as cash (since I had over $1,500 in there already) ran over the marshalls office, swiped my debit card, got my card and drove straight up to buffalo.

While driving up HSBC called me and was like "yo, did u put in a bad check for $1.5k!?!?!?!" , lol, I was scared cause some private investigator told me that was gonna be prosecuted and a whole bunch of legal issues would ensure.

That was 4 years ago, it never appeared on my credi report, I can still use othe checking accounts and up to 2 months ago I called HSBC and asked about my name and they said I never existed in the checking account system

its like it never happened
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