What's worth it to get into a fight as an adult?

Dude got his manhood taking on court. I bet money you were quiet as a mouse the rest of the day on the court. Weak as water.

You are clearly seen as weak and vulnerable by dude for him to flex on you like that.
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So basically you got two choices, walk away being the bigger man and taking the moral W OR when no ones around, beat that dude into a vegetative state so he can't testify against you. Two sides of a coin
No reason to get into an emotional fight over something petty. Man's ego is so fragile and sensitive.

But sometimes it's cool to test your physical self in combat. Just put the ego aside and be okay with potentially losing and if you win pick him up and buy him a beer.
Some of y'all act like a fight will end your life as you know it. You not going to get fired, go to jail, or get permanently disfigured for fighting a scrawny man who *****ed you publicly on a court. Lets stay in reality for a little while here 
never really been in a serious fight myself...im 23 now...waiting for someone to push me tho but i'm just a normal unassuming person people don't really threaten/feel threatened by me so its never that kind of situation :lol  i'm just a casual human being who tries to be cool with everyone

If you haven't been in a fight at 21, you don't want these problems.

No amount of weight room and training can prepare you for a punch in the face.

That's the only factor where size doesn't matter IMO.
That sounds like an easy fight to have and be done with, no future in jeopardy unless your murder him. Honestly though at 31, i'm fighting no one over anything short of harm to my family. Then again, i'm not even getting checked like that, your frame and presence are different when you're older. I probably just jinxed myself.
Some of y'all act like a fight will end your life as you know it. You not going to get fired, go to jail, or get permanently disfigured for fighting a scrawny man who *****ed you publicly on a court. Lets stay in reality for a little while here 

Your 12, the **** you know?

2 grown men fighting aint no HS squabble.
The only time size doesn't matter is if the big dude is scared. Size definitely matters :lol this isn't a movie.
That sounds like an easy fight to have and be done with, no future in jeopardy unless your murder him. Honestly though at 31, i'm fighting no one over anything short of harm to my family. Then again, i'm not even getting checked like that, your frame and presence are different when you're older. I probably just jinxed myself.

A 31 year old don't fight for his family, they kill.

I can't honestly think of a situation where my family was in danger and it could be solved by a fist fight.

Na ***** you getting shot :lol
That sounds like an easy fight to have and be done with, no future in jeopardy unless your murder him. Honestly though at 31, i'm fighting no one over anything short of harm to my family. Then again, i'm not even getting checked like that, your frame and presence are different when you're older. I probably just jinxed myself.

Nah dog I'm gonna tell you what happen OP was talking sideways, and the frail dude checked him on it. OP realized dude wasn't playing games and turned straight beta. Now he's turning to NT bc hes feeling emotional distressed. Shouldn't be talking slick.
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Some of y'all act like a fight will end your life as you know it. You not going to get fired, go to jail, or get permanently disfigured for fighting a scrawny man who *****ed you publicly on a court. Lets stay in reality for a little while here 

SN to post fail. Yes it can affect you not completely destroy your life though just make it more difficult. Have a couple of fights on your record and some land lords won't rent an apt to you. Some jobs may not hire you because of it. And yes you can go to jail for fighting. May not stay their long but you can get prosecuted.
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I got into a scuffle a few months back. Nothing serious, but I was thinking anout how stupid I would look showing up to the office on Monday with a bust lip/black eye if I took an L :lol :{

That's when I realized I should probably avoid grtting into fights.
SN to post fail. Yes it can affect you not completely destroy your life though just make it more difficult. Have a couple of fights on your record and some land lords won't rent an apt to you. Some jobs may not hire you because of it. And yes you can go to jail for fighting. May not stay their long but you can get prosecuted.
I'm not talking about going around fighting everybody that looks at you wrong. Just checking somebody that came at you wrong on the court and embarrassed you. Clearly the op was embarrassed and wished he has checked him or he wouldn't have felt the need to make the post seeking confirmation that swallowing the tears was the right thing. 
No reason to get into an emotional fight over something petty. Man's ego is so fragile and sensitive.

But sometimes it's cool to test your physical self in combat. Just put the ego aside and be okay with potentially losing and if you win pick him up and buy him a beer.

This. I'll never forget almost getting into a fight with a teammate in college who was white knuckling when he stopped me cold by saying, "we can fight right now and still be friends." Realized then and there how petty fighting is.

Those wannabe thugs with nothing going for them can be dangerous though. They're reckless; desperate to gain street cred at times and try doing something stupid by getting weapons involved. Real dudes don't need any of that, but you never know if someone is a whack job until it's too late. Not worth it.
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Top Secret clearance makes it not worth it for me. Never know what charges could be brought up and if they just say I violated it somehow.
You just have to let that **** ride bro

You're relatuvely young and you don't want this on your record

Just chill or don't event hoop there anymore
If he hits you first that's different

But let dude make it

I know the type that you're talking about. The ones that go so hard and want to flex .

I'm like why are you so angry kindle? Get some yambs and calm the hell down. Lolol

But you absolutely did the right thing. Let somebody else show him a lesson. You don't need that drama in your life

LOL this. personally, the anger in ball was more in the hs days. not really so much with adults. just my experience.
I'm not talking about going around fighting everybody that looks at you wrong. Just checking somebody that came at you wrong on the court and embarrassed you. Clearly the op was embarrassed and wished he has checked him or he wouldn't have felt the need to make the post seeking confirmation that swallowing the tears was the right thing. 

Op may be soft but he did the right thing even if he may have been shook to even do anything. I remeber some og I use to work with mid 50's asked me for a letter of work confirmation to get this apt with his new wife and her daughter. Fam got turned down because he had on his record a public fight from when he was younger. Not worth it b at all.
Worth it? Not much. Now if someone put hands on my kids or my gf, I'd make them regret it, but anything short of that I'd be reluctant to even get into an argument, HOWEVER...

I work in sales and for some it's a pretty stressful environment. Everybody wants to hit their numbers and some are competitive with other sales people to the point that they get angry or frustrated if they have more numbers on the board. I'm not really like that and if you're selling more than me, great. It's not going to make a difference on my check. Anyway, there's this one dude from New York at my job, this short little Jewish dude in his 40s who is a loud mouth. He's good but he's had a problem with this one lady ever since she came to the office because she stole his thunder. She kicks his *** every week and he can't stand it.

He's been on a campaign to give her a bad rep ever since she started. PMing people about how she stole people's deals, talking **** in meetings, etc. The bosses have told him more than once to cool it or he'd be let go, because he goes well over the line with the **** he does and says. I would just ignore it because it wasn't my problem and I don't do the office politics thing. I'm neutral and cool with everyone.

I sit across from this lady and one day she cracked a joke and I started laughing and ever since (about two weeks) dude all of a sudden wouldn't say hello to me in passing and was straight up acting like a *****. I played the bigger man and said hello to him anyway. I knew he thought I was talking **** or whatever, but I figured at some point he would come to his adult senses and get over it.

So last week we're all having a rough day, but I had sold two for the day, so I was coasting at that point. The dude had sold none for a couple of days and the lady sold one and I guess he felt like it was his lead so he goes in the chat and puts "oh look the snake is stealing another deal." I don't know why, but that irked me. We never put unprofessional **** in the chat, so I responded "are we doing this high school crap in the chat now? ____ you closed one of my clients last week and you don't hear me crying about it."

And he had, but if we have a legitimate case, usually our boss will hook us up anyway and in my case he did. Same would've happened with him, had his case been legit.

So this dude stands up and starts staring at me from across the room like he wanted to do something to me. So I called him over to my desk and was like "what's up?!" And I'm heated because dude was legit giving me the look like he wanted to fight. So I kinda blacked out and am looking down at this dude. Had he been taller we would've nose to nose. I start calling him on his ******** and he starts going on and on about how I've been talking behind his back. I tell him I'm a straight up dude and I would say whatever I think to his face. I told him he's loud and THAT's what we were laughing about. So dude is still butt hurt and by this time, my boss rushes over and tries to break it up, but I say "let's take this outside!" And he has that "aw ****" look on his face, like man I pissed this big ***** off. So the boss and other people are trying to calm the situation, but I'm not having it. The fact that dude got in my face for whatever reason had me pissed. Dude goes back to his desk and I tell him once more "_____ let's go outside" and I start walking toward the door.

So he follows and I start cursing this dude out like I'm a Samuel L Jackson highlight reel. I guess that I was so loud, one of the OWNERS of the company hears me all the way in his office and runs out and breaks it up. They thought I was gonna kick his ***, but I wasn't I just wanted to give him a piece of my mind. The owner tells us to break the **** up or we're going home. At that point we had straightened it out anyway, so we shook hands and squashed it.

The next day the owner pulls me to the side and says "you got my respect." I guess they didn't like the dude. He got written up and moved to another one of their companies on Friday.
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Some of y'all act like a fight will end your life as you know it. You not going to get fired, go to jail, or get permanently disfigured for fighting a scrawny man who *****ed you publicly on a court. Lets stay in reality for a little while here 

What are the odds of a dude like that calling the cops?
exactly OP pride is hurt, plain and simple. dude got embarrassed in front of a crowd.

up here talking like he was gonna kill dude in a fist fight. FOH

Thank god I'm not the only one who can see through the BS. :lol :lol

OP gave a crazy back story about his mom working at a hospital, how long she's been there, how well respected she is...like they are going to match up the DNA on dudes face to your family tree or some **** and call her into the office :lol :{...don't even get me started about the owing money tidbit.

You kept quiet and now you feel like a ***** OP. Keep it 100.
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