When You Talk To God, Is The Response From Him or Is It From You Talking To Yourself

Oct 13, 2001
Was walking with someone a few hours ago. Convo went a little something like that

Me: Let me taste that Sobe
Her: Let me think about it. Let me ask Jesus
Me: Jesus doesn't give a damn about Sobe. He won't respond to that
Her: Yes he will.
Me: Sure. If you "hear" anything, it will simply be you talking to yourself. As with any other conversation with God

So for those of you that speak to God, do you feel it is him speaking back to you or do you sometime question if it is just you talking to yourself.

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:lol: Aw man I dunno. Sometimes I just find the thought of it being taken seriously so silly.

Why can't ppl step back and see the madness? It's just so crazy.
What did she say when you said:

Me: Sure. If you "hear" anything, it will simply be you talking to yourself. As with any other conversation with God

And also, DC you got a girl?
What did she say when you said:
Me: Sure. If you "hear" anything, it will simply be you talking to yourself. As with any other conversation with God
And also, DC you got a girl?
" I won't get into that. You believe what you want and I will believe what I want."
:lol: you'll answer that question one day fam.

But as far as your question... I tend to save things I can't figure out/questions I can't come to a conclusive answer for my conversations with the big guy.
:lol: you'll answer that question one day fam.
But as far as your question... I tend to save things I can't figure out/questions I can't come to a conclusive answer for my conversations with the big guy.
Man I could be married with kids ( :nerd: ) and not answer that question.

But when you talk to the big guy, who speaks back?
OP I think you should work on your joke/sarcasm detector.. 
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It has always amused me when people say they talk to God and moreso the "God told me..." Then if they are wrong or their decision they made, again at God's suggestion, doesn't work out how they expected, they still attribute that to God's goodness and his will, working in mysterious ways and all that nonsense. Kind of like it you get raped and get pregnant, God wanted you to have that baby.

God talking to someone= their own conscious made decision after self reflection and them just injecting God into it so nobody can or will argue.

We can't be mad at W, God told him to go to war with Iraq.
Reminds me back about 9 years ago when I was a restaurant manager. Guy turns in job application to me. Under references, he puts "God maybe?" :x
She's either a really funny, sarcastic chick in which case post pics cause I need more of that in my life. Especially if she white. Or she's showing early signs of schizophrenia in which case do not want, and neither should you.

Good day chap.
Anyone/Anything that you can't physically touch or who you don't know the identity of.
Well in that case I can't answer since I believe that the Creator doesn't involve itself in human affairs. Although my family (who is christian) believe that God talks either directly to them or through people/situations. How they differentiate between the two is they call it their "first mind." I know my mom always says her "first mind" told her to do something and when she does the opposite she claims she should have listened to her "first mind." When I asked her what that meant, she said God. 
That's just it, I talk to the big guy. I don't converse with him. There's never any response or rebuttals I hear when I "pray".

I personally go to a higher power when I feel like acknowledge my appreciation for life (not really expecting a response), or when I have an issue I can't resolve or a question I can't answer for myself. If an answer/solution presents itself in subsequent life, I take that as God's response.

Unlike your homegirl who treats God like their subsoncsious who has practically all answers.
It has always amused me when people say they talk to God and moreso the "God told me..." Then if they are wrong or their decision they made, again at God's suggestion, doesn't work out how they expected, they still attribute that to God's goodness and his will, working in mysterious ways and all that nonsense. Kind of like it you get raped and get pregnant, God wanted you to have that baby.
God talking to someone= their own conscious made decision after self reflection and them just injecting God into it so nobody can or will argue.
We can't be mad at W, God told him to go to war with Iraq.

Strong post to avy ratio. I pictured Snoop shaking his head while reading :lol:
I usually just look at the river and talk to "the world" when I want to give thanks.

I mean, I don't get on praying knees night with my hands clasped and sing "God's" praises. If, while driving on the freeway, sitting in class, or running a few miles, I feel the need to acknowledge my thanks, I'll do so. I try not to label what/who god is, since I don't believe man is capable of fully knowing, But I'm getting off topic.
Are we talking about any God or the judeo-christian God?
Does it really matter?

Do any of them exist? 

That's just it, I talk to the big guy. I don't converse with him. There's never any response or rebuttals I hear when I "pray".

I personally go to a higher power when I feel like acknowledge my appreciation for life (not really expecting a response), or when I have an issue I can't resolve or a question I can't answer for myself. If an answer/solution presents itself in subsequent life, I take that as God's response.

Unlike your homegirl who treats God like their subsoncsious who has practically all answers.
Why does god get credit for your hard work? 
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