Whether You Like it or not our Government does things not in our best interest

I just want to know why this report isn't gaining more attention than two kooks who decided to bomb people at the marathon. This is what the **** people should be upset and rallying over. Because although no lives have been directly taken these changes will lead to thousands of deaths worldwide and nobody really wants to report on it or the severity of damage it can cause.
I just want to know why this report isn't gaining more attention than two kooks who decided to bomb people at the marathon. This is what the **** people should be upset and rallying over. Because although no lives have been directly taken these changes will lead to thousands of deaths worldwide and nobody really wants to report on it or the severity of damage it can cause.

Because all the media on TV is corporate owned, they choose what to report and what's 'news'. There are people who report it, but if you don't work for CNN FOX or whatever people question your source and people dismiss it.

If you listen to Joe Rogan's podcast there was a women who worked for CNN that gave a little insight on this issue. I forget her name, but it was a good podcast to listen to if you want to know a little more.
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Someone explain to me why mainstream media believers get so mad over this stuff. Is it that infuriating that people question the official story and don't blindly trust everyone?

It's the fact that they NEVER take ANYTHING at face value EVER.

Another bothersome thing is that they call people that believe the mainstream media "sheep" when they parrot the stuff that they hear from guys like Jones in exactly the same way.
Someone explain to me why mainstream media believers get so mad over this stuff. Is it that infuriating that people question the official story and don't blindly trust everyone?

It's the fact that they NEVER take ANYTHING at face value EVER.

Another bothersome thing is that they call people that believe the mainstream media "sheep" when they parrot the stuff that they hear from guys like Jones in exactly the same way.

I hear you, but I believe that there is a logical middle ground. Most people who rail against them and scream "conspiracy theorist!" only accept the official reports from the mainstream media and are just as closed minded. To me, believing that Iraq had WMD and that Sadam pulled babies out of incubators, or that people hate us because of our "freedoms", is just as ignorant as believing that the Boston incident was a play put on by actors. It is good to have a healthy distrust of people and to question the motives of your rulers.

Some people just reach a point where that distrust morphs into something closer to dementia.
This is exactly how i wanted this thread to go. Usually when things like this our brought up it becomes Conspiracy theorist vs Sheep and both sides get more caught up in that argument and trying to make their ideology look good rather than taking an unbias look at the situation and just saying you know what this looks really corrupt.

Hopefully people keep adding on to more news that for one reason or another hasn't been discussed properly in the mainstream media.
I just want to know why this report isn't gaining more attention than two kooks who decided to bomb people at the marathon. This is what the **** people should be upset and rallying over. Because although no lives have been directly taken these changes will lead to thousands of deaths worldwide and nobody really wants to report on it or the severity of damage it can cause.
Because all the media on TV is corporate owned, they choose what to report and what's 'news'. There are people who report it, but if you don't work for CNN FOX or whatever people question your source and people dismiss it.

If you listen to Joe Rogan's podcast there was a women who worked for CNN that gave a little insight on this issue. I forget her name, but it was a good podcast to listen to if you want to know a little more.
Gotta link? I would love to listen when I had some time to kill
A few people have asked me about Peter Schiff, I'm gonna post the links I've been sending.




(from 06, first predictions)

(newer video)

Can't embed, on my phone and whatnot.

Someone in the Boston Theory thread was asking people to say what specific organizations and whatever were connected to the conspiracies.

It seems to me everything is connected.
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Some people just reach a point where that distrust morphs into something closer to dementia.

And others reach a point where their absolute trust becomes a dangerous childlike naivete.

Didn't see this earlier. This is why we need a middle ground. Keep that "fake bomb, missile hit the pentagon, lizards rule earth" stuff out.

If its a theory, say so. If you have concrete facts even better, post links and cite sources. Throw out some book names. Attacking (from either side) is LITERALLY what "they" want us to do.

"Divide and conquer". They've done an excellent job.

History. Is. A. Great. Teacher.
The US government is corrupt  just like anyone else who has power over others.   The US government is flying drones all over our country spying on it's own people yet no one cares.  Why would the government be spying on it's own people for? 

My mother in law works at Area 51.  They want you to think that it's all about aliens :lol:    It's so top secret out there that when they use to take her out there by bus, they would cover up all the windows so they didn't know where they were going.   They now fly the workers out every day.   My mother in law only works in the kitchen and most of the buildings and rooms out there are off limits to only the people working on the projects and top government officials.    The government is developing new technology at Area 51.   She said they believe the technology being developed  is 15 to 20 years ahead of the general population.   

I believe all of them UFO sightings that people catch on camera aren't  aliens but it's really the US government flying and testing new air crafts.   Just think about it. The government has developed a plane that can fly from LA to New York in 12 minutes.  Just think what they have developed that they don't want the public to know about. 

info please
The US government is corrupt  just like anyone else who has power over others.   The US government is flying drones all over our country spying on it's own people yet no one cares.  Why would the government be spying on it's own people for? 

My mother in law works at Area 51.  They want you to think that it's all about aliens :lol:    It's so top secret out there that when they use to take her out there by bus, they would cover up all the windows so they didn't know where they were going.   They now fly the workers out every day.   My mother in law only works in the kitchen and most of the buildings and rooms out there are off limits to only the people working on the projects and top government officials.    The government is developing new technology at Area 51.   She said they believe the technology being developed  is 15 to 20 years ahead of the general population.   

I believe all of them UFO sightings that people catch on camera aren't  aliens but it's really the US government flying and testing new air crafts.   Just think about it.  The government has developed a plane that can fly from LA to New York in 12 minutes.  Just think what they have developed that they don't want the public to know about. 
Seriously, not sure if serious :lol:
Good post op

But at the end of the day they gonna do what they want nothin we can do we can vote protest etc but in the end it mostly does nothin
I'd just like to know, from the naysayers...

Why are there FDNY firefighters (honorable men) who SWEAR that they heard bomb blasts from the ground level on 9/11?

How come there was a timely insurance policy bought for both towers (by Larry Silverstein, owner) on July of 2011, just 3 months before the attack?

And why were there armed guards guarding the elevators during "renovations" in the months before the attack.

And why did Bill Cooper (military vet & Naval intelligence officer, author of Behold a Pale Horse, predicted 9/11) get assassinated only two months after 9/11 by Feds (US Marshalls).

People who ask why aren't "theorists" we just use our ******g brain. The people who live on this earth who walk around eyes wide shut, eating whatever ******** the media and the government feed 'em make me ******g sick.

Its those people who are not only the part of the problem, but the whole problem. If it wasn't for these ***** we wouldn't be so susceptible to all these coverups.
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Must all be a coincidence & I'm just a crazy **** bordering on dementia...

Yep that's it, YOU naysayers, YOU'RE the ones with all the marbles.

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