Who on NT lives in the most rural place?

Originally Posted by rocathajordans23

Originally Posted by rsdplaya

i'm from minneapolis, but i go to school in north dakota...quite a few ppl i know had graduating classes of like 3 or 4!!!!! cousins, brothers and sisters, etc. going to prom together and such

Dang you serious??
yuppppp. now i don't know if there was any funny business after the prom though
Jesus. And here I thought that Bakersfield was dead.

I do realize that rural living has it's upsides, however. My mom grew up in Kansas, and most of her family now lives in Nebraska. It's a lot simplerlife, but they seem to really love it.
I always wonder who could possibly live in those houses. I drive from San Antonio to Lubbock Texas every once in a while.

I know everytime i stop and grab something to eat, i get that devil look. Like i just ruined their day and stuff. lol I just pay em no mind.
like shorty said , what do yall do in terms of dating in a small place like that ? graduating class of 8 ? do yall just never get P ?
Originally Posted by Prez T

like shorty said , what do yall do in terms of dating in a small place like that ? graduating class of 8 ? do yall just never get P ?

Can't speak for everyone but my town wasnt AS small we had like 3 high schools all of which had about 350-450 graduating classes.. but like being back forthe summer it's constant accurances of dimes with scurbs.. just because these girls have nothing to choose from lol
Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Originally Posted by ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg

To any of you guys have you left to go to a bigger city like for college or something? Was there a culture shock (ie. more people of another race)? were yall able to adjust? Would you prefer city life over middle of nowhere life?

Sorry I'm just curious, because I would die if I had to live around one race, drive miles to get to another "town", and only be exposed to the city life through the television? BTW how the hell did yall find out about NT???

Just because you live in a rural are does not mean there is only one "race" around nor does it mean that people arent in the know about certain things. That's a misconception.
Most rural areas have a homogenous population. This is fact.

I don't doubt that, but that doesn't negate what I said.
my town has 7000 people, only one HS only one gas station thats open 24hrs, 5 stoplights total, its crazy small. It was hard getting some of my fav J'swhen you gotta drive 2-3 hours to have a chance at getting them, but i made friends with the empolyees and had hookups after a while so it all worked out okay.The closest mall is 1 hour away but they dont have anything that great. Anyways i'm gonna go read everyone else's reply and see if i live in the mostrural area
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