Why do people still eat McDonalds?

McDonald's gives me the runs...

There's always round 2 fifteen minutes after the first wave. I love the taste, but my stomach doesn't love it.
Man I feel like going to Mcdonald's....quarter pounder FTW

To OP...that label is on almost anything now. Almost every fast food, Home improvement store, Costco, Gas station etc etc..has this sign up. I would say about80% of stores has this sign up somewhere.
Because when I'm not thinking outside the bun, I'm rollin with Micky D's
01/03/08....the day I swore off fastfood. But, now that i have stated it...watch me get twisted tonight and get like 6 big macs.
On the real, watch themovie/documentary 'Supersize Me'...you probably won't ever eat @ mcdonalds again.
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