Wife qualities?


Looks like one just divorced you.

Nah there ain't no 2 ball sports being discussed in there. Its either 1 or none.

2 ball sport:

There are times where I hump my bed when I get a random boner in the morning

This is the only way I can masturbate been doing it since I was Lil. First time was by accident. I was watchn HBO late Thursday night and stumbled upon real sex I was in the 3rd grade. Watched a lady start getting undressed tiits came out and I came all over myself.Lol from that day on I was entering manhood.

I lay on my stomach, put a hand on my wood for support tune into a porno and start the motion in the ocean.Lol

I'm a sick **** I know... I get yambs daily and I still do it IDC.
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Struggle *** breakfast.

Wifey has to hold you down. Cook, clean, know when to take your ****, and know when to put you in your place.

She has to have good family values and has to honor commitment and loyalty to family and her man.

She can't be out here seeing things from the outside and then trying to incorporate that into your relationship/family. That **** ain't cool. Don't bring other peoples **** into our home.

Wifey has to be able to clean up well when needed, and also know how to put her hands in the dirt. The yard ain't going to mulch and water itself. If I'm cutting the grass, the least you can do is plant the flowers.

She has to know how to keep her composure when things get a little tight. I know we're all human and have our breaking point, but you gotta know that when its go time and theres an emergency, keep a level head and handle it responsibly.

She has to have self control. Know right from wrong. We aren't children, so don't give me a childish excuse for why you went behind my back on some immature ****. We grown, b.

Having a good time is great, but you can't be out here with you skeezin' *** girls at the club every weekend. Depending on he age we met, that life might have to be behind you at some point.

You gotta know how to take care of a ***** when he's sick. You ain't replacing mom dukes, but you GOTTA do your best impression.

Speaking of moms, you gotta have a relationship with momma. A good one at that.

Gotta be down for kids at some point.

Gotta know how to make a meal. Did I say that already?

Gotta have a strong vocabulary and even if you don't have the highest level of education, you have to be well spoken.

Respectful. To your man, and to yourself.

All the extra, superficial **** doesn't matter. You don't have to look like some video chick or dress ya *** off all the time. You just have to have strong qualities and values.

My girl hold me down :pimp:
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She's still smart though. So why can't she get another career?
Hard workers can become complacent and lazy.

A nice attitude can become a bitter one after a few bad breaks.

Compassion today can become cruelty tomorrow when they truly suffer same goes for an opportunity that allows them to reveal their true selves.

Nothing is going to last if you want to be cynical about it.
Some people yes break under pressure but there are some that keep their moral standards no matter the situation. To find a woman who can keep their nice attitudes after a few bad breaks, maintain their compassion through suffering and continue to resist laziness and complacency would be excellent. 
Bruh, I'd expect this from Mr.Friendly. 
I ain't picky, I just want one with a heartbeat.

she must be smart and open minded, nothing like a fun/funny convo with a girl.

freckles, I like freckles but not too many.

dimples, both on face and lower back.

pretty smile.

short bc I'm 6 foot even, she can't be taller when in heels.

dope family.

she must be understanding.

not picky.

a little weird.

can't be too psycho, a bit is okay.

I like jealousy, nothing like a pointless argument and poking her insides.

dark hair, light eyes are sexy but so are dark eyes and light hair, point is that I don't care as long as she has ^^^ all that ^^^ so far.

a homebody would be nice, I don't like being home much so that would be ideal.

one who is active, not necessarily working out but someone I can just go hiking with on a random day.

she can't be lazy, #1 annoying thing to me.

a cute laugh, not a weird one.

not a deep voice either.

that gothic, all black rocker look.

I also like girly girls who wear a lot of colors.

her nail game must be on point, color-wise and design-wise.

nice feet, I'm not a toe sucker but I will peek at a foot here and there.

she must look good in Janoskis or Kostons.

she must know how to ride a skateboard. I've dreamed of skating from Santa Monica to Venice skatepark. hit the feels bros.

straight hair, wavy at worst.

SHE MUST NOT BE RELIGIOUS, some of you know why.

she really can't be religious, at least super religious.

I like pinups too, flower in the hair and red lips puts a wiggle in my hips.

she must not take me out to dance bc well I'm not a girl.

she must not be big on getting married, bc I don't see myself getting married.

she must like traveling.

she can't be hairy. a little fur on the burger isn't bad but too much is too much, nomsayin.

she must get over things quickly bc I will **** up again.

she must enjoy driving bc I hate driving.

I like hipster babes too, thrift store shopping hipster babes.

must have a good job bc I will request to get hours cut so I can skate more.

she must not have a kid, big no no.

I like cookies, she must know how to bake.

I like popsicles, she must not let me run low.

I can cook, I just won't cook for her.

she must like sports, a lot.

she must also like going to games.

she must be class, sexiness right there.

if she wears heels plus jeans and a tee...#BOING

if she wears all black richboyorangebitinglips.jpeg.

I like girls who cry cute, I'll make them cry on purpose just so I could get butterflies.

a nice voice too, can't fap over the phone if she has a voice like one of my bros.

must enjoy a beer or whiskey.

must love the beach.

she must like playing sports.

must not like having sex for a long time, seriously, who wants it to last.

can't have a weird name, word to Margo.

she must not be a slob.

definitely not a smoker. groce.

must be willing to wear my teams jerseys and have sex with me during the commercials. not my jerseys of course.

don't mind a snuggler but she better not fall asleep on my hand, I'm trying to leave after.

tattoos are sexy but depends on what they are or what it is.

no criminal record. 

good credit score bc I know mine will be trash.

good taste in music.

a cute pouter always gets me 

she must be a happy person, I can't deal with negativity.

random acts of kindness/affection are always appreciate.

she must not expect much from me.
[COLOR=#red]*WARNING*[/COLOR] Before the "I will never get married" posters come in here...This doesn't have to be your actual wife. Can be your main, wifey, bay, or whatever else you want to call it if you never plan to actually get married. It's completely understood that you can make a compelling argument against marriage, or that you are too alpha to settle down. This is not the thread for those arguments. [COLOR=#red]*WARNING*[/COLOR]

So after seeing Draya's Father Day plate of struggle in the Fools thread, and seeing how she has a 587 page thread on NT dedicated to her I started thinking about how much emphasis men are putting on looks compared to other qualities. I understand if you just want to smash based on appearance but after smashing a hot chick a few times, if she sucks as a person, it gets old. So what qualities besides looking good does your potential wife need to have? I'll start with a few (in no order)...

  • Good relationship with her parents
  • Ability to cook well (by this I mean no microwavable/pre-packaged food; composing a meal using raw ingredients)
  • Minimal presence on social media
  • College educated
  • Make at least $50k a year
  • Hasn't had kids yet

I'll try to think of more...

Damn thanks OP.... Just made me love my girl even more!
Question to my dudes that workout with their ladies...

Do you guys feel some kinda way when the muscle man Mark Walhberg types are in there flexing?

Another question... How much of your Shorty's earning power matterto you?

I know a chick that is in probation and it will probably evolve into some type of law later... But for the mean time, she's $40k at best, and might be there for awhile...

But is beautiful, smart funny, allat (I'm not wifing her. Just an example)

Would that deter you from wifing her up?
Question to my dudes that workout with their ladies...

Do you guys feel some kinda way when the muscle man Mark Walhberg types are in there flexing?

Another question... How much of your Shorty's earning power matterto you?

I know a chick that is in probation and it will probably evolve into some type of law later... But for the mean time, she's $40k at best, and might be there for awhile...

But is beautiful, smart funny, allat (I'm not wifing her. Just an example)

Would that deter you from wifing her up?

Not gonna lie. Sometimes when im in the gym and I see a hot piece with some lame scrawny looking dude, I feel like going up to her and grab her *** in front of his face. But then the thought slips and I hit the weights heavy :lol:

Nothing wrong with a woman making more than you. But when you start to show insecurities about it she'll begin to rub it in your face. No matter how much more she makes, just make sure you keep her in her place. Women dont have egos when it comes to money as long as you let her know who's boss.
Not gonna lie. Sometimes when im in the gym and I see a hot piece with some lame scrawny looking dude, I feel like going up to her and grab her *** in front of his face. But then the thought slips and I hit the weights heavy :lol:

Nothing wrong with a woman making more than you. But when you start to show insecurities about it she'll begin to rub it in your face. No matter how much more she makes, just make sure you keep her in her place. Women dont have egos when it comes to money as long as you let her know who's boss.

Bruh you sound so immature. It's comical.
Only need 4 things.

Work Ethic
No Parent Issues

Personality ain't really that high up there because I know I'm a boring *** dude truthfully. I need someone boring too word to Ace and his girl on Paid in Full :lol: As long as we can chill, light one and just enjoy each other's company I'm straight.
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Not gonna lie. Sometimes when im in the gym and I see a hot piece with some lame scrawny looking dude, I feel like going up to her and grab her *** in front of his face. But then the thought slips and I hit the weights heavy :lol:

Nothing wrong with a woman making more than you. But when you start to show insecurities about it she'll begin to rub it in your face. No matter how much more she makes, just make sure you keep her in her place. Women dont have egos when it comes to money as long as you let her know who's boss.
to the first point, I always thought guys though like that.

How big are you, no romo.

And in the second point, I meant when your lady doesn't make that much... Cuz cats in here are having salary floors dfor their ladies.
to the first point, I always thought guys though like that.

How big are you, no romo.

And in the second point, I meant when your lady doesn't make that much... Cuz cats in here are having salary floors dfor their ladies.

Dont get me wrong. Id never disrespect a dude in front of his woman. Its just a thought that runs through my head when the testosterone if flowing in the gym.

I misunderstood about the salary thing. Who makes the most/ least shouldnt be a factor as long as the both of you are comfortable and happy. Make sure you put your foot down on those shopping sprees though :lol:
Question to my dudes that workout with their ladies...

Do you guys feel some kinda way when the muscle man Mark Walhberg types are in there flexing?

Another question... How much of your Shorty's earning power matterto you?

I know a chick that is in probation and it will probably evolve into some type of law later... But for the mean time, she's $40k at best, and might be there for awhile...

But is beautiful, smart funny, allat (I'm not wifing her. Just an example)

Would that deter you from wifing her up?

That wouldn't be anything to me tbh.

As long as she's willing to work hard and make a newer, bigger, and better situation out of that then thats cool with me.

Also, as long as she's happy with that. If you're making $40k a year and come home completely happy everyday and you're living a happy life everyday in and out not coming home bringing the troubles from work home, then cool.

Happy wife, happy life.

You don't have to be making some crazy amount with some super tied up job with all this fancy hoopla for me to be into you. As long as you're not out here trickin' yambs for $$ and are working a honest living, then we can make something work.

If I make $100k and you make $40k, that $140k.

Thats more than either of us make separately, so you're still bringing something to the table.
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Unless she's going back to school or starting up a business, she's going to have to make around what I'm making. Career field isn't really a concern. Like I wouldn't marry someone making $17 an hour at department store, but if you're some type of district manager for the store clearing $65k+ then you're good with me.
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Unless she's going back to school or starting up a business, she's going to have to make around what I'm making. Career field isn't really a concern. Like I wouldn't marry someone making $17 an hour at department store, but if you're some type of district manager for the store clearing $65k+ then you're good with me.
see... I disagree ..

If my chick is make $17 an hour (which is pretty good here) I wouldn't even trip...

Especially if she has great work life balance, excels at her job, and is happy...

Don't get me wrong... You can make 65k and be happy... And have work life balance...

But I just would value that more than money
I make sure my **** is cool so it doesn't matter what she makes, together we'll be better anyways. As long as she has ambition.
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