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jericho out there acting like he's drunk
Jericho's return was so awesome. He just took trolling to levels it's never been before. I already can't wait for next weeks Raw.

I wouldn't be surprised if Jericho got on twitter tomorrow and acted like nothing happened.

And the ending of Raw wasn't as bad as you guys are making it out to be.

It seems at first like the WWE championship match being so early in the show devalues the title. But in retrospect it was good booking. Crowd wouldve been dead for it if it went on after Jericho.
Originally Posted by casekicks

If the "she" in the videos turns out to be Steph, then that would be abso-freakin-lutely perfection..I don't know if the E has the balls to make that happen and let Jericho go off on the mic week after week, but if they did then the ratings would skyrocket..

If The Rock couldn't make the ratings skyrocket, Jericho sure as hell isn't going to.  It's about putting out a consistently good product for a long period of time, not just one good thing on the show for a few weeks.
Punk was gold over the summer, but ratings didn't move at all.
So Kane will only be relevant until Royal Rumble or possibly Elimination Chamber, because I honestly do not see them doing anything with him after Cena defeats him.
Didnt really watch RAW because of the Fiesta Bowl but from the parts I did see, the way the announcers are forcing this Cena sucks stuff on us is pretty beat. Could do without it.
I don't know why everyone romanticizes about Stephanie. She's as awful on TV as she is backstage.
Now that raw is over.. I'm interested in how they're going to handle the

cody v Booker

D.Bryan v Show

Titles matches on smackdown..
As long as they explain the vids, I am perfectly fine with the Jericho response and how he treated it as a face turn. The crowds were ready to kill him at most arenas with his last run making him a Tremendous heel. But I think based on the crowd seeing him comeback, You can't go on that until everything is explained. I think everyone should just be happy he is back for right now. lets give the E the opportunity to have us say "This was completely worthless"

Again though, within the Social Media realm that the WWE is trying for (Whether we hate it or not) they succeeded yesterday.
So, Jericho was trolling and essentially mocking the characteristics of a typical Baby-Face wrestler?

Genius, Jericho! Genius!
Jericho is brilliant , hes trolling hes still a heel I love it.I can see Jericho screwing CM punk out of title at the rumble or something to set up a fued and match at mania.
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