Wrestling Thrd Jan 2-8 | 1/8 TNA Genesis - Roode vs Hardy, Angle vs Storm | Predictions Close @ 8pm

Originally Posted by 3dgarfly23

^^ I remember you had a lot of heat when you created your R truth gimmick
who else did a promo gimmick last RR?
 I just remember my cm punk gimmick and tennhouse truth gimmick and the ultion dragon i get bunz gimmick

Sup brahhh....
Originally Posted by 3dgarfly23

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

No one wants to see your old Truth promos.
You were the beta-version of bkmac.
bkmac took what you did and went full ******.
Holy +%!% we have Hymen Man with a santino gimmick and im that one cutting the same promo he does all the time one year ago.

Good times.

 the iss invasion and page 33 the greatest NTwrestlemania promo ever no one was touching me on the mic when it comes 2 promos

if you took out all of the fluff (the gifs, the Ricardo saying) and added only original material, you're left with:

IM THAT ONE who do you think you are? DO you really think you have a chance to beat me at the biggest stage of them all

Once you step in the square circle i will humiliate and mock and taunt you in the ring Like is your first match you ever had

I will make you regret you ever went for the US title and not the IC title. Once im done having fun with you 

I will hit my finisher on you


And after 4min and 43 sec ………………



no wonder you're in the midcard.

speaking of midcard:

Wow...the next page in that link has me losing my smile.
Weird knowing that in a few months, I'd lose my testicles, become 2011 Comeback NTWT'r selling out cod-pieces, then staging a walkout on the COO...what a strange year it's been. 

Only to end the year by jobbing to i dont even remember who in the opening match of our only other PPV this year.

Oddly enough, these guys are two of the bigger threats in the upcoming Rumble

Type of dudes to proudly hang their 'Participant' trophies on the mantle.

Come late January, im throwing necks over top ropes and im making jobbers out of everyone 
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

Originally Posted by TennHouse2
Holy +%!% we have Hymen Man with a santino gimmick and im that one cutting the same promo he does all the time one year ago.

Good times.


[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)] coming from a guy with NO CHARACTER. or he just copies what i do over a month later. aye, it's the sincerest form of flattery. appreciate it bro.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]and weren't you the one who completely botched his promo towards me and couldn't be found for a week after completely buried you? you sure you wanna go this route again? oh ok, focus on what it is you have to do for NTRR.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]as for Progression, i went from dark side tough guy thing to Alpha Male. someone above each and every one of you. I've found my stride. You'll find yours kiddo, i do believe in you funny and surprisingly enough. So just because i have High Quality and entertaining promos doesn't mean there is no progression. this place was DEAD as far as promos when i was suspended, fact. maybe i should post a bunch of wrestling .gifs in the middle of when i talk so you remidial kids can keep up. I am Quality... maybe we should just sit back and watch god awful bkmaclionheartjericchotrollwhateverthefuuu and tennhouse rtruth promos. maybe we can hear 4cena talk about his cats some more. [/color]

Spoiler [+]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]words... [/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]words...[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]4w has..[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]words...[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]words...[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]a verb...[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]reaction.... words...[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]and now i'm like the rest of you...[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]well done, spot on, i know. i know.[/color]

Spoiler [+]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]for the record, the Promos between 3dgarfly23 and I were >* (i carried most of it, but he had his moments. posting the Wandy pic was funny). Although there is only one MMA alter ego here.... that will be addressed later. It's not NTDown... but No one touched us and we tore the house down at NTMania. [/color]
I've went through at least 20 pages of that old thread so far. 

NTWTMania 1 was a classic.
Originally Posted by im that one

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

I've already thought about members no showing. In those instances only the opposition will call options given to them in matches, which may or may not win the match for them.

Yes, even if you no show there is a chance you can still win.

Spoiler [+]
Unless your hypercutter. Not even the simulator likes that guy.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]i Still have the same reaction after reading that spoiler. damn near spit my water out.[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)] [/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)].[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]did we ever find out who newsole123 was or who the guy was "helping" him.... that was so much comedy. good god. [/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)].[/color]
gotta admit, imthatone has been on a role. very impressive.

goin after the top heel of the company, cutting really good promos

im very disappointed in deeks and brasilians recent work, they have been afterthoughts the past weeks

speaking of afterthoughts, where's bkmac?

btw jnsq, thanks for polishing my NTercontinental Title
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]The anticipation for The ISS Invasion > Raw's GM Laptop thing.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]couldn't find the NTRR card, updated? [/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]also, can you list out who the champs are in the (current) or next power rankings. elcubano and his divas title needs to sit at last at all times.[/color]

YardFather VS 4Wrestling (C) for the NTWEF Title

TheDeek (C) VS Peep_Game for the NTUS Title

GHIMS (C) VS BKMac VS JNSQ for the NTercontinental Title

NobleHymens (C) VS BrasilianMami & Mister916 for the NTag Titles

VeintiSiete VS ImThatOne in a Street Fight

20 Man Battle Royal (World Champ cannot compete)

TennHouse draws #1, 3dgarFly draws #2
Originally Posted by JRAdagreat72

Who had the Al Snow gimmick?

Those faces were GOLD
I was actually one of the very few fans for his Snow gimmick, but again...he still went full ****** with it.
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks


YardFather VS 4Wrestling (C) for the NTWEF Title

TheDeek (C) VS Peep_Game for the NTUS Title

GHIMS (C) VS BKMac VS JNSQ for the NTercontinental Title

NobleHymens (C) VS BrasilianMami & Mister916 for the NTag Titles

VeintiSiete VS ImThatOne in a Street Fight

20 Man Battle Royal (World Champ cannot compete)

TennHouse draws #1, 3dgarFly draws #2

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]when are we figuring out the rest of the battle royal and how?[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]i got something in store that will be jolting my match to the top. yardfather drawing anything but a stick figure [/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]...[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]guy gets lucky for all the work I and Club17893-98 put in. and not even a thank you? gonna be funny to watch 4cena squash you buddy.[/color]
Spoiler [+]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]soon.[/color]
Whoa whoa whoa whoa, hold up.

A thank you for all the work you guys put in? A thank you?!

The only thanks that is in order should be directed towards me. From you and from whoever the other jobbers that made up Team NTDown were. Thanks for carrying the whole team on your back Yardfather. Thanks for eliminating the most members of team NTRaw Yardfather. Thanks for making fools tap out to earn NTDown the W Yardfather.

See our incompetent COO decided to snub me from a roster spot and had the gall to offer me a spot on NTXT. But that all changed when I was selected first to team NTDown. Now are you implying I should be thankful for this gesture? I'm not thankful because it was the obvious thing to do, it was expected for a seasoned vet like me to be leading the superior roster to victory. Although I'm not so sure the entire roster is so superior anymore. I especially think you, im that one, know you are weak and run your mouth about everyone and blah blah blah and then run and hide behind me, because you know I am superior and you know that behind me you are safe.

But you're not so safe anymore. 

Now I'm not one to step on toes, but I'm also not one to take lightly to my toes being stepped on. Your jealousy has led you to pop off at the mouth about me. You're jealous that it was me who made the statement at NTSeries, and it was me who was drawing more heat than Kane's pyrotechnician, and it's me who is getting a shot at 4w's title at the Rumble.

So after Club beats your punk +%# within an inch of your life in the street fight. I'll be waiting to pick up the pieces.
My Santino gimmick
I've switched it up since then, I like dmy Punk gimmick the best when he was SES.. but then edgar got on the wagon and stole it.. smh.
By the time 20-man Battle Royal begins, I'll be entering like so:


Yeah Baybay!
MMA Fight Between Nash vs Warrior on Mania Weekend?
--From the twitter of Kevin Nash, as he challenges the Ultimate Warrior to a shoot fight:

"Never realized I had a problem with Jim (Warrior).  Seemed to get along fine in Scottsdale.  Come on my clown, turn that frown upside down." 

"A true warrior never turns down a challenge.  Put up a 100K.  I'll do the same.  3 rounds, mma rules, winner takes all."

"I'm talking shoot not sports entertainment.  Jim Hellwig needs to put up or shut the @%#! up.  Day before Mania in Miami area."

"Warrior will have to pass all hiv and hep a b and c tests.  I'll do the same."

"I'm tired of the guy talking ++$$ about the boys & me.  When they stop it or you tap, I'll quit, or you can apologize like the @%#+ you are."

"You should watch your mouth.  You know your a !#%@+.  You want nothing to do with me.  You ran out of your gym to avoid me."

"You want to go !*%!$, name the place and time.  If not, shut your **** sucker and forget my name.  !#%@+ make me 100K richer."
In regards to the NWO spray painted titles were these just worn by Hogan? I remember Nash obtaining the strap but not sure if I remeber him with the spray painted title.
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