Wrestling Thread Aug 1-7 | 8/7 TNA Hardcore Justice - Sting vs Angle, Aries vs Kendrick vs Shelly

What a horrible ending to Raw, the same as last week 
this is so stupid that it's funny...oh raise the belts...crowds chant...music switches...lol...c'mon
And cliche music change... Person in the back was probably saying just get the #%*$ out of the ring so I can stop arbitrarily pushing buttons..
Originally Posted by bkmac

But, this isn't the first time there are two WWE Champions at the same time.

at the "Push Zack Ryder!" at Laurinaitis.

When was it then?  I've only been watching WWF/WWE since 2000 so I don't think i know.
The "Undisputed Title" angle that happened after the whole invasion thing was because there was a WWE and a WCW champion if i recall correctly.
WWE will forever suck

Cena is getting a much bigger pop, 2 weeks I FINALLY thought they were turning the page but they aren't, it won't change as long as Vince and Hunter Mac are running the show

Wow they really blew Punk becoming legandary, just bring back Jeff Hardy at this point to wrestle Punk bc that's the only thing I can think of that would be buildable after this garbage, Punk shoulda been off tv until October
is this match really just going to be a regular 1v1...why can't it be in a cage or tables match something a little interesting
I see I wasn't the only one who picked up on the Funkhouser comparison.

I'm in agreement that that ending to Raw was lame as hell.

i have a bad feeling that all of this is leading to Cena beating Punk cleanly at Summerfest.

Even though Punk's return was a bit rushed it can be salvaged a bit by him retaining at SummerSlam and then introducing a spanking new championship betl.

I doubt that's going to happen though.
Originally Posted by venom lyrix

is this match really just going to be a regular 1v1...why can't it be in a cage or tables match something a little interesting

Because there's gonna be some type of swerve or fluke crap finish to the match so they can have another rematch at the next PPV
I still think there will be a new belt.

Punk said on the podcast he was on last week that he thinks change of this magnitude needed new music and new wardrobe so why would WWE spend money for the music whatnot if they are just gonna cut this angle so soon at summerslam.

I say CM Punk wins at SS and as Undisputed champion debuts a new title the next (or next week) night on Raw.
That was one of the lamest endings to Raw ever.

How do you guys see this feud ending? Ultimately, Cena is going to have the strap at WM for his match with the Rock.
Originally Posted by toine2983

i have a bad feeling that all of this is leading to Cena beating Punk cleanly at Summerfest.
I am so confused, and have been for a while.

Why are a bunch of you guys saying Summerfest? Isn't it still Summer Slam, or am I missing something
Originally Posted by bkmac

Originally Posted by toine2983

i have a bad feeling that all of this is leading to Cena beating Punk cleanly at Summerfest.
I am so confused, and have been for a while.

Why are a bunch of you guys saying Summerfest? Isn't it still Summer Slam, or am I missing something

Back when WWE still had celebrity guests hosting Raw, Jeremy Piven was the celebrity guest one week and he made a match for Summerslam but mistakenly called it "Summerfest".
Originally Posted by toine2983

Originally Posted by bkmac

Originally Posted by toine2983

i have a bad feeling that all of this is leading to Cena beating Punk cleanly at Summerfest.
I am so confused, and have been for a while.

Why are a bunch of you guys saying Summerfest? Isn't it still Summer Slam, or am I missing something

Back when WWE still had celebrity guests hosting Raw, Jeremy Piven was the celebrity guest one week and he made a match for Summerslam but mistakenly called it "Summerfest".
Originally Posted by Nike Jordan

Originally Posted by toine2983

Originally Posted by bkmac

I am so confused, and have been for a while.

Why are a bunch of you guys saying Summerfest? Isn't it still Summer Slam, or am I missing something

Back when WWE still had celebrity guests hosting Raw, Jeremy Piven was the celebrity guest one week and he made a match for Summerslam but mistakenly called it "Summerfest".
Gotta love Piven and Jeong
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