Yankee hater thread vol. 27. Really?! 27? Can we just get our 2nd?!

Originally Posted by KingFoamNYC

Please no chone... I want Carl Crawford... CC #2
I would love to have him too. But I doubt we would send the prospects to Tampa to actually get him. Let alone Tampa actually wanting to deal himto us.
you can have Feliz.
Chone needs to be in Philly
I said it the first time it was mentioned and I'll say it again, now that I've seen it mentioned again...

... your wildest imagination can't create the type of hatred I would have for the Yankees if Chone joined the Evil Empire.

"You were the chosen one! It was said that you would destroy the Yankees, not join them! You were to bring balance to the Angels dynasty hope, not leaveit in darkness!"

I'm not a Yankee fan nor really an MLB fan......but don't they pay a luxury tax?...

...what do the other team owners do with that money?...or do they put it back into the team or do they pocket it?
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

I'm not a Yankee fan nor really an MLB fan......but don't they pay a luxury tax?...

...what do the other team owners do with that money?...or do they put it back into the team or do they pocket it?

They can do whatever they want with it. They can pay themselves, they can pay players, they can pay scouts, or GM's or whoever.

The Yankees pay all the money they do to their own ballclub, and they ALSO pay all the other teams in revenue sharing. Baseball is a mess, but it is what itis.

Tampa showed last year, you CAN get out of the dumps and compete, but they can NOT sustain it over the long haul. Maybe the Marlins are a better example, theycompete for a year or two, win a ring, and then have to tear it all down. And that happens after all the extra revenue they generate from home playoff gamesand what not. They still can't afford to pay all the players they acquire.

OP, you are a laker fan.
The lakers fans are exactly the same as yankee fans.
I honestly can't even comprehend how you don't see that.
TEAMLAKERS is the most popular sig on all of niketalk and our thread is the longest on niketalk.
We have jerks, elitists, bandwaggoners too. In fact it could be argued that the lakers have more of the aforementioned characters because the lakers have abigger fanbase. (basketball is a more popular sport)
Originally Posted by Troponin C


OP, you are a laker fan.
The lakers fans are exactly the same as yankee fans.
I honestly can't even comprehend how you don't see that.
TEAMLAKERS is the most popular sig on all of niketalk and our thread is the longest on niketalk.
We have jerks, elitists, bandwaggoners too. In fact it could be argued that the lakers have more of the aforementioned characters because the lakers have a bigger fanbase. (basketball is a more popular sport)

23ska909red02 wrote:
The irony of this coming from a Lakers fan is really amusing to me.
I know, I know, I know. Ask any of the Yankee fans that know me on here and they'll tell you that I definitely recognize that I'm hating on their team for many of the same reasons people hate on my beloved Lakers.

When we get to 27 championships, I am a thousand percent positive that the hate will be the same for us at that time as it is right now for The Yankees.
ska, respect. Respect because I honestly can't stand the bandwagon fans, because it makes us true fans look bad. (To answer your question, I'm not ajerk
) Two of my best friends are die-hard Mets fans, and I am being sohumble. I haven't spoken to them since Tuesday, actually, yet, talking through a friend of mine, they are apparently planning my death
. It's funny really, so bitter.

I'm enjoying this one to no end because it's the first since 2000, where I was 9 years old. I appreciated it then, but not to the extent where I canthis season. Following this team since Spring Training with everyone on these forums, it's been a helluva ride.

Here's to #28 next season
Every team has to make due with what they have...Yankees have money and they spend it

Doesnt seem fair but thats the way things are

Only thing that irks me is the Yankee fans that act as if they're God's chosen people as if its some kind of exclusive club they belong to
Between the Rangers, Mets, Jets, and Knicks, I still have not experienced my team winning a championship... Sure the Rangers won in '94 but i was only akid. I could've easily switched to the dark side and became a Yankee fan many years ago, but I stuck with my Mets and I will always stick with them.It's only gonna make it even sweeter when they actually do win a World Series. (not holding my breath).

The Jets?
.... again, I could've jumped the Giants bandwagon a few years ago, but I will always stick with the Jets. There is also a seriouspossibility of me never living to see a Jets SB victory.

My only hope really is the Rangers. And even that, won't come for many more years.

I'm hopeless.
It's not too late SB. Seven HM's and two rounds of beer for each member of Team Yankees and you too can become one of God's chosen ones.


"We are waiting"
I still think many of you Yankees fans (and non yanks fans) are missing the point here when you talk about the money these other teams DON'T spend.

The Yankees would spend the most money in the league no matter what anybody else spent.

Consider what that means...

Okay - let's say the Pirates ownership is making 100 million dollars a year profit, after collecting their own and shared revenues for the year and payingout to everybody that deserves money.

You're suggesting that they would be better off throwing that money at players in order to compete with the Yankees, but what you're not factoring inis that the Yankees and Red Sox of the world (the big markets) would gladly still outbid them for the major ball players, and only drive up the price of the2nd tier players that are already somewhat accessible for a team like the Pirates. So now you're paying more money for the same caliber of average players,and maybe you pick up 1 above average guy for WAY over current market value - meaning you're now a break-even organization who is winning maybe 5 moregames a season.

What the hell is the point when you can win almost exactly the same amount of games currently while maintaining a healthy profit margin for the time being? Thebetter plan is to keep that money in the system and attempt to build from within so hopefully you can one day pay a decent prospect (or draft pick) or two whenthe stars are beginning to align - but even then, you are still rolling the dice with that money because you're hoping everything comes together at thesame time, and if it doesnt - you've got to ship those good players out again and start over.

You see, because of the lack of a salary cap - the large markets are going to dominate in terms of personnel no matter HOW MUCH the small markets TRY to spend.The only change you'd see as fans would be higher ticket and concession prices and more commercials during games.

Don't try to point fingers are the Pirates and Royals for not spending more money, because it would do them ZERO good in terms of on-field performance.ZERO.

How this isn't apparent to everyone, especially fans of the large-market teams, is what drives me most nuts about the situation.

I don't care about the salary cap - as I mentioned already numerous times. I don't care, I think it makes the sport more interesting because of what itcreates between small and large market teams - a sort've david vs goliath scenario. It's different than most other sports and so I kind of dig it. BUT- you can't sit there and deny the advantage that is built-in with such a structure, and least of all, you CAN NOT POINT FINGERS AT THE LITTLE GUYS ANDBLAME US FOR NOT TRYING. This thing reminds me of the institutionalized-racism that Method man is always preaching about - there are inherent advantages thatyou cannot overcome without a salary cap in baseball, it's fact.

All we ask, as fans of these small market teams is... please acknowledge this as a fan of a major market team. Just come clean about it. Wear it like a badgeof honor if you like, who really cares? It is what it is... but IT ABSOLUTELY IS. So just claim it. And don't try to point fingers blaming somebody elsefor it. Just live with it. You are winning in a league where you're at a huge advantage to win, so you're wins will never mean as much as the wins forthe teams who aren't supposed to win. That's our point. And as long as you respect that relationship we'll have no problems with you, for the mostpart.

You will always be the evil empires - but at least taking credit for your "evil doing" (which is neither your fault nor ours) would make it easier toswallow.

Don't try to point fingers are the Pirates and Royals for not spending more money, because it would do them ZERO good in terms of on-field performance. ZERO.
If that was because of my Pirates and Royals comment, I was only pointing out that when you have that long of a stretch of poor on-fieldperformance, that's what 9 years of baseball hell is, not losing in the 1st round/ALCS.

If not, then carry on.

And I understand your larger point.
Originally Posted by JD617

Don't try to point fingers are the Pirates and Royals for not spending more money, because it would do them ZERO good in terms of on-field performance. ZERO.
If that was because of my Pirates and Royals comment, I was only pointing out that when you have that long of a stretch of poor on-field performance, that's what 9 years of baseball hell is, not losing in the 1st round/ALCS.

If not, then carry on.

And I understand your larger point.
Nah - wasn't bagging on you about that comment. Trust me, you're dead on... complaining about 9 years as a Yanks fan sounds like a*%*%#$# vacation compared to the last 17 as a Pirate. I was *%*%#$# 7 years old the last time we were a contender.
Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Originally Posted by JD617

Don't try to point fingers are the Pirates and Royals for not spending more money, because it would do them ZERO good in terms of on-field performance. ZERO.
If that was because of my Pirates and Royals comment, I was only pointing out that when you have that long of a stretch of poor on-field performance, that's what 9 years of baseball hell is, not losing in the 1st round/ALCS.

If not, then carry on.

And I understand your larger point.
Nah - wasn't bagging on you about that comment. Trust me, you're dead on... complaining about 9 years as a Yanks fan sounds like a *%*%#$# vacation compared to the last 17 as a Pirate. I was *%*%#$# 7 years old the last time we were a contender.

Well that goes more towards my point. You're pretty much used to them being a bad team. I'm not saying that one is worse than the other but you makeit sound like we as a fan base have absolutely no point at all in calling them hellish years. And I'm sorry but that's totally ridiculous. Maybe wewere spoiled to winning. But us as fans got used to winning every year. Yes, we were still in contention each year we didn't win. But as I explainedearlier with what happened those years, it got extremely frustrating and hard on the fans to watch this team come up short every postseason when they spent somuch money in the offseason and have great regular season with it ended by us falling flat on our faces. So no, that's not a *%@*#%$ vacation. When yourteam is in contention all season long and then fails miserably in the playoffs it is rough on fans. It's different because your team is finished withit's season by June.

This is just where our opinions differ on the subject.
I used to hate the Yanks, then since we kept beating them in the playoffs, i didn't care anymore. but now after this year ..

lol... actually its only Tex i hate. I don't really mind Jeter or Matsui or Mo
Well, you can not like Jeter because of the women he's always with, along with being rich, on the Yankees, with WS MVPs.

But Mo? How the hell can anyone really not like Mo?

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