YO! Female infidelity...

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

So, I am in a 6 year relationship with a beautiful woman. Internally and externally. I love the woman.

I decide to stick my privates inside the hole of another woman.

At what point does the love switch turn off? The minute of penetration?

So just like that, the love I had for my woman is instantly gone? Really? Emotions work like that? I didn't know that.
But it's not your love that's important here...it's how quick it vanishes from your girl once she finds out.  What could you say to her, that would make her feel better.
People have or should have this feeling that they are special, one of a kind and unique...because it's true.  Taking into consideration the physicality of sex and how it transcends just physical nature...especially in people who consider sex to be sacred and one factor in them being "special"...that they have a partner that only shares it with them....and then they find out one day that you just gave it up because you felt like it...it really breaks them....thats how an emotion can work.

You got trained killers in this world that can shut off emotions on a drop of a dime, some people might have actually been born this way...the emotional spectrum and wide a varied.

LDJ, tying into my previous statement, people want this feeling of being special, especially inside the monogamous sanctity of marriage.  And they'll lie their way to get there, even at the alter.  You have to figure which is more important...you saying a couple of words that you feel aren't really true, or appeasing the person on the other end who these words mean everything too...OR understanding that if you say these words and later on you falter what are the consequences. 

Which was my whole point in the marriage thread. Ppl say it isnt for social,ppl perceptions/conditioning by society product of environment and they do take the vows seriously yet knowingly come into the situation lying knowing that the love they swore to god family and friends and to the world has conditions and till death isnt the only one. 

And unrelated but kinda one in the same is you mentioned the parent/child connection and unconditional love yet you have ppl particulary woman who many times deny their kids a family that consist of to parents who love them because they didnt get along with the other parent, cheated/got cheated on and use the whole if you cheated dont love me disrespect me then you did/feel the same way about said child. And it has been proven time and time again that having two parents is better for children then just one. Wouldnt that be considered being one instance that can change the dynamics of ones life, that being the child? And if thats the case why arent alot of these kids who grow up in single homes using that same mentality and accepting what their parent did to them? 

Why is this forgiven and not the other? Wouldnt their certain particular action hurt them in ways for years? i know its kind of a segway but the argument is still based on the same premise and principles. 

As for the parent/child relationship...this too is subject to conditional love.  Every relationship you have in your life will be conditional...it's just that the word "unconditional" has been built up over the years to be something so pure and so godly that because its the creme de la creme of nice things to say...it's been overused and said without thinking....it makes a hell of a hallmark card but it's just not true.  We haven't reached that state of buddhahood or enlightenment to accept what unconditional means when you say it.

But like I said...people want to feel special, like their one of a kind.  
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

So, I am in a 6 year relationship with a beautiful woman. Internally and externally. I love the woman.

I decide to stick my privates inside the hole of another woman.

At what point does the love switch turn off? The minute of penetration?

So just like that, the love I had for my woman is instantly gone? Really? Emotions work like that? I didn't know that.
But it's not your love that's important here...it's how quick it vanishes from your girl once she finds out.  What could you say to her, that would make her feel better.
People have or should have this feeling that they are special, one of a kind and unique...because it's true.  Taking into consideration the physicality of sex and how it transcends just physical nature...especially in people who consider sex to be sacred and one factor in them being "special"...that they have a partner that only shares it with them....and then they find out one day that you just gave it up because you felt like it...it really breaks them....thats how an emotion can work.

You got trained killers in this world that can shut off emotions on a drop of a dime, some people might have actually been born this way...the emotional spectrum and wide a varied.

LDJ, tying into my previous statement, people want this feeling of being special, especially inside the monogamous sanctity of marriage.  And they'll lie their way to get there, even at the alter.  You have to figure which is more important...you saying a couple of words that you feel aren't really true, or appeasing the person on the other end who these words mean everything too...OR understanding that if you say these words and later on you falter what are the consequences. 

Which was my whole point in the marriage thread. Ppl say it isnt for social,ppl perceptions/conditioning by society product of environment and they do take the vows seriously yet knowingly come into the situation lying knowing that the love they swore to god family and friends and to the world has conditions and till death isnt the only one. 

And unrelated but kinda one in the same is you mentioned the parent/child connection and unconditional love yet you have ppl particulary woman who many times deny their kids a family that consist of to parents who love them because they didnt get along with the other parent, cheated/got cheated on and use the whole if you cheated dont love me disrespect me then you did/feel the same way about said child. And it has been proven time and time again that having two parents is better for children then just one. Wouldnt that be considered being one instance that can change the dynamics of ones life, that being the child? And if thats the case why arent alot of these kids who grow up in single homes using that same mentality and accepting what their parent did to them? 

Why is this forgiven and not the other? Wouldnt their certain particular action hurt them in ways for years? i know its kind of a segway but the argument is still based on the same premise and principles. 

As for the parent/child relationship...this too is subject to conditional love.  Every relationship you have in your life will be conditional...it's just that the word "unconditional" has been built up over the years to be something so pure and so godly that because its the creme de la creme of nice things to say...it's been overused and said without thinking....it makes a hell of a hallmark card but it's just not true.  We haven't reached that state of buddhahood or enlightenment to accept what unconditional means when you say it.

But like I said...people want to feel special, like their one of a kind.  
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

So, I am in a 6 year relationship with a beautiful woman. Internally and externally. I love the woman.

I decide to stick my privates inside the hole of another woman.

At what point does the love switch turn off? The minute of penetration?

So just like that, the love I had for my woman is instantly gone? Really? Emotions work like that? I didn't know that.
i would say right when you decide is when your love diminishes..
maybe not all your love for your SO diminishes...but an important part of it is forever tarnished..

btw..what is your definition of love?
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

So, I am in a 6 year relationship with a beautiful woman. Internally and externally. I love the woman.

I decide to stick my privates inside the hole of another woman.

At what point does the love switch turn off? The minute of penetration?

So just like that, the love I had for my woman is instantly gone? Really? Emotions work like that? I didn't know that.
i would say right when you decide is when your love diminishes..
maybe not all your love for your SO diminishes...but an important part of it is forever tarnished..

btw..what is your definition of love?
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

So, I am in a 6 year relationship with a beautiful woman. Internally and externally. I love the woman.

I decide to stick my privates inside the hole of another woman.

At what point does the love switch turn off? The minute of penetration?

So just like that, the love I had for my woman is instantly gone? Really? Emotions work like that? I didn't know that.
But it's not your love that's important here...it's how quick it vanishes from your girl once she finds out.  What could you say to her, that would make her feel better.
People have or should have this feeling that they are special, one of a kind and unique...because it's true.  Taking into consideration the physicality of sex and how it transcends just physical nature...especially in people who consider sex to be sacred and one factor in them being "special"...that they have a partner that only shares it with them....and then they find out one day that you just gave it up because you felt like it...it really breaks them....thats how an emotion can work.

You got trained killers in this world that can shut off emotions on a drop of a dime, some people might have actually been born this way...the emotional spectrum and wide a varied.

LDJ, tying into my previous statement, people want this feeling of being special, especially inside the monogamous sanctity of marriage.  And they'll lie their way to get there, even at the alter.  You have to figure which is more important...you saying a couple of words that you feel aren't really true, or appeasing the person on the other end who these words mean everything too...OR understanding that if you say these words and later on you falter what are the consequences. 

Which was my whole point in the marriage thread. Ppl say it isnt for social,ppl perceptions/conditioning by society product of environment and they do take the vows seriously yet knowingly come into the situation lying knowing that the love they swore to god family and friends and to the world has conditions and till death isnt the only one. 

And unrelated but kinda one in the same is you mentioned the parent/child connection and unconditional love yet you have ppl particulary woman who many times deny their kids a family that consist of to parents who love them because they didnt get along with the other parent, cheated/got cheated on and use the whole if you cheated dont love me disrespect me then you did/feel the same way about said child. And it has been proven time and time again that having two parents is better for children then just one. Wouldnt that be considered being one instance that can change the dynamics of ones life, that being the child? And if thats the case why arent alot of these kids who grow up in single homes using that same mentality and accepting what their parent did to them? 

Why is this forgiven and not the other? Wouldnt their certain particular action hurt them in ways for years? i know its kind of a segway but the argument is still based on the same premise and principles. 

So i mean again whats the point its like two ppl are saying they want a honest and truthful relationship, yet went into it lying. Yes ppl do say till death do us part, both parties going in agree to this yet both parties know that what they are saying is complete bs. So if someone cheat the premise is that they lied decieve me etc... But yet both parties lied and decieved and misrepresented the love and the relationship by saying i love you unconditionally forever etc till death due us part. So what is this really tick for tack, Oh we both lied going into this so that lie doesnt count or makes us even, but from this point on the next person who lies cheat etc then you are in the wrong. Its almost like when two kids pinky swear and both kids have a hand behind their backs with finger crossed.
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

So, I am in a 6 year relationship with a beautiful woman. Internally and externally. I love the woman.

I decide to stick my privates inside the hole of another woman.

At what point does the love switch turn off? The minute of penetration?

So just like that, the love I had for my woman is instantly gone? Really? Emotions work like that? I didn't know that.
But it's not your love that's important here...it's how quick it vanishes from your girl once she finds out.  What could you say to her, that would make her feel better.
People have or should have this feeling that they are special, one of a kind and unique...because it's true.  Taking into consideration the physicality of sex and how it transcends just physical nature...especially in people who consider sex to be sacred and one factor in them being "special"...that they have a partner that only shares it with them....and then they find out one day that you just gave it up because you felt like it...it really breaks them....thats how an emotion can work.

You got trained killers in this world that can shut off emotions on a drop of a dime, some people might have actually been born this way...the emotional spectrum and wide a varied.

LDJ, tying into my previous statement, people want this feeling of being special, especially inside the monogamous sanctity of marriage.  And they'll lie their way to get there, even at the alter.  You have to figure which is more important...you saying a couple of words that you feel aren't really true, or appeasing the person on the other end who these words mean everything too...OR understanding that if you say these words and later on you falter what are the consequences. 

Which was my whole point in the marriage thread. Ppl say it isnt for social,ppl perceptions/conditioning by society product of environment and they do take the vows seriously yet knowingly come into the situation lying knowing that the love they swore to god family and friends and to the world has conditions and till death isnt the only one. 

And unrelated but kinda one in the same is you mentioned the parent/child connection and unconditional love yet you have ppl particulary woman who many times deny their kids a family that consist of to parents who love them because they didnt get along with the other parent, cheated/got cheated on and use the whole if you cheated dont love me disrespect me then you did/feel the same way about said child. And it has been proven time and time again that having two parents is better for children then just one. Wouldnt that be considered being one instance that can change the dynamics of ones life, that being the child? And if thats the case why arent alot of these kids who grow up in single homes using that same mentality and accepting what their parent did to them? 

Why is this forgiven and not the other? Wouldnt their certain particular action hurt them in ways for years? i know its kind of a segway but the argument is still based on the same premise and principles. 

So i mean again whats the point its like two ppl are saying they want a honest and truthful relationship, yet went into it lying. Yes ppl do say till death do us part, both parties going in agree to this yet both parties know that what they are saying is complete bs. So if someone cheat the premise is that they lied decieve me etc... But yet both parties lied and decieved and misrepresented the love and the relationship by saying i love you unconditionally forever etc till death due us part. So what is this really tick for tack, Oh we both lied going into this so that lie doesnt count or makes us even, but from this point on the next person who lies cheat etc then you are in the wrong. Its almost like when two kids pinky swear and both kids have a hand behind their backs with finger crossed.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

So, I am in a 6 year relationship with a beautiful woman. Internally and externally. I love the woman.

I decide to stick my privates inside the hole of another woman.

At what point does the love switch turn off? The minute of penetration?

So just like that, the love I had for my woman is instantly gone? Really? Emotions work like that? I didn't know that.
The minute you even think about cheating. You're going behind her back. You let her believe that you're being faithful to her, all the while you're doing some chick on the side. Perhaps you just want to be an open-relationship, let the girl know from the start. Now, are you going to love her less or the same if she did it to you? Well, she still loves you the same, right?
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

So, I am in a 6 year relationship with a beautiful woman. Internally and externally. I love the woman.

I decide to stick my privates inside the hole of another woman.

At what point does the love switch turn off? The minute of penetration?

So just like that, the love I had for my woman is instantly gone? Really? Emotions work like that? I didn't know that.
The minute you even think about cheating. You're going behind her back. You let her believe that you're being faithful to her, all the while you're doing some chick on the side. Perhaps you just want to be an open-relationship, let the girl know from the start. Now, are you going to love her less or the same if she did it to you? Well, she still loves you the same, right?
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

I went out with 3 coworkers last night. All 3 had wedding bands on, and all 3 had rubbers in their pockets

Damn! That %!!! got me worried! 
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

I went out with 3 coworkers last night. All 3 had wedding bands on, and all 3 had rubbers in their pockets

Damn! That %!!! got me worried! 
Ugghh...I hate trying to jump into a thread where all the responses are now in paragraph form. This seems like a good one too!
Ugghh...I hate trying to jump into a thread where all the responses are now in paragraph form. This seems like a good one too!
Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by Peep Game

If I get cheated on, that person gets erased from my life and my memory (if there aren't any kids involved). I agree with the part
about people taking the other person back after they cheat. That just means you were given a free pass, and more than likely,
that person will cheat again, but this time, cover their tracks even better. I know somebody mentioned something about dividing
cheating by gender, but it's hard not to when you see and hear what happens. Normally the woman is basically in another entire
relationship being almost as emotionally invested as her original relationship, thus covering their tracks and hiding the hell out of it.
Guys normally bang their office secretary here and there and just move on, quickly getting caught because they aren't thinking about
the next steps ahead.

See then how can you say you truly loved them then? Im sorry but true feelings just dont switch on and off like light switches. Sounds like alot of ppl are in lust/in love with being in love. Or are just in a situation they enjoy but arent truly in love with the person just really like them alot.
Its hard to fathom one single incident can change your entire feelings/outlook on a person situation. I can understand not being in love with the person anymore, having trust issues with the person, having a hard time of forgiving and forgeting. But to say your my everything/love of my life to oh i hate you clearly shows that there wasnt ppl who are in love.

Like if my woman cheated/deceived me yes i would be upset, it would be hard for me to forgive/forget if ever, but i love her and will always have love for her i probably just wouldnt be with her anymore or be IN LOVE with her anymore. She couldnt come home say i banged a random guy then i go from i love you to i wish death on you in the blink of an eye.

This type of behavior borders sociopath tendencies/bipolar/schizophrenic. And if you change feelings emotions all willie nillie, maybe you shouldnt even be in a relationship. Its thinking like this that makes up them loony bin women on shows like snapped, or crazed b/f who kills wife and kids and offs himself.
I know I'm super late responding to this, but me and Hazel pretty much echo some of the same things here and there. If you cheat, regardless of
it being on a whim or you've been doing it for a long time, you deserve the repercussion of not being with the one who you thought you loved. I
don't believe in that push and pull pandering that goes on in those relationships of somebody who constantly takes back their cheating partner. So
I don't know how you can refer to something like that as the "type of behavior borders sociopath tendencies/bipolar/schizophrenic", which is funny
to me cause I've seen that outlook you mentioned only referenced from people on NT. Things like that don't come with an on & off switch,
that's just burning a bridge that you should have burned. So yes, you can still have love for the person who cheated on you, while you've always 
been the honest upstanding person, but that doesn't mean you should reach doormat status, cause I think a lot of people can agree that someone
who is a cheater, more than likely will do it again, but do it even better, and be that much more hurtful.

Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by Peep Game

If I get cheated on, that person gets erased from my life and my memory (if there aren't any kids involved). I agree with the part
about people taking the other person back after they cheat. That just means you were given a free pass, and more than likely,
that person will cheat again, but this time, cover their tracks even better. I know somebody mentioned something about dividing
cheating by gender, but it's hard not to when you see and hear what happens. Normally the woman is basically in another entire
relationship being almost as emotionally invested as her original relationship, thus covering their tracks and hiding the hell out of it.
Guys normally bang their office secretary here and there and just move on, quickly getting caught because they aren't thinking about
the next steps ahead.

See then how can you say you truly loved them then? Im sorry but true feelings just dont switch on and off like light switches. Sounds like alot of ppl are in lust/in love with being in love. Or are just in a situation they enjoy but arent truly in love with the person just really like them alot.
Its hard to fathom one single incident can change your entire feelings/outlook on a person situation. I can understand not being in love with the person anymore, having trust issues with the person, having a hard time of forgiving and forgeting. But to say your my everything/love of my life to oh i hate you clearly shows that there wasnt ppl who are in love.

Like if my woman cheated/deceived me yes i would be upset, it would be hard for me to forgive/forget if ever, but i love her and will always have love for her i probably just wouldnt be with her anymore or be IN LOVE with her anymore. She couldnt come home say i banged a random guy then i go from i love you to i wish death on you in the blink of an eye.

This type of behavior borders sociopath tendencies/bipolar/schizophrenic. And if you change feelings emotions all willie nillie, maybe you shouldnt even be in a relationship. Its thinking like this that makes up them loony bin women on shows like snapped, or crazed b/f who kills wife and kids and offs himself.
I know I'm super late responding to this, but me and Hazel pretty much echo some of the same things here and there. If you cheat, regardless of
it being on a whim or you've been doing it for a long time, you deserve the repercussion of not being with the one who you thought you loved. I
don't believe in that push and pull pandering that goes on in those relationships of somebody who constantly takes back their cheating partner. So
I don't know how you can refer to something like that as the "type of behavior borders sociopath tendencies/bipolar/schizophrenic", which is funny
to me cause I've seen that outlook you mentioned only referenced from people on NT. Things like that don't come with an on & off switch,
that's just burning a bridge that you should have burned. So yes, you can still have love for the person who cheated on you, while you've always 
been the honest upstanding person, but that doesn't mean you should reach doormat status, cause I think a lot of people can agree that someone
who is a cheater, more than likely will do it again, but do it even better, and be that much more hurtful.

Originally Posted by Brolic Scholar

You're just getting older dude. That's life. I turn down %+@+ daily and I don't feel square at all. I just know what's worth my time now and my wife and kids are too valuable to be %%#!%#$ off for that new lining...

On the same token (I guess that's a saying) when you put that time in with a woman, of course you would be hurt to find out and it +#%@% with you mind at some point, but best to brush it off and enjoy the fact that she chose you.

And why dudes on NT so worried about being fat or ugly?

Never stopped the OG...

Well said...
Originally Posted by Brolic Scholar

You're just getting older dude. That's life. I turn down %+@+ daily and I don't feel square at all. I just know what's worth my time now and my wife and kids are too valuable to be %%#!%#$ off for that new lining...

On the same token (I guess that's a saying) when you put that time in with a woman, of course you would be hurt to find out and it +#%@% with you mind at some point, but best to brush it off and enjoy the fact that she chose you.

And why dudes on NT so worried about being fat or ugly?

Never stopped the OG...

Well said...
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by AME416

Originally Posted by mondaynightraw


I would never, EVER, go that far regardless of  the situation.

Monday lettin that Puertorican blood cloud his judgement
I dont get mad, i get even...id make sure someone she knows like her friend,Or a sister, cousin gets served with da penis too.

You rite 
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by AME416

Originally Posted by mondaynightraw


I would never, EVER, go that far regardless of  the situation.

Monday lettin that Puertorican blood cloud his judgement
I dont get mad, i get even...id make sure someone she knows like her friend,Or a sister, cousin gets served with da penis too.

You rite 
i never cheated on a girl.  been cheated on by a chick who is trash so not a damb was given.  she's on one of them loud mouth hoodrats who gets drunk and tries to get back with me all day.  i just tell her to eat a ****, hop on a ****, get new **** whatever, just keep off mine and keep it movin.  last time i told her to eat a **** in was in february or something.  haven't spoken since. 

i know i said i don't keep girls around in the marriage thread.  which i don't.  this was a chick i was with for a month and realized i fouled up and i'd rather be alone than with her.  all the cheating crap came out after i told her i wasn't feeling her.
i never cheated on a girl.  been cheated on by a chick who is trash so not a damb was given.  she's on one of them loud mouth hoodrats who gets drunk and tries to get back with me all day.  i just tell her to eat a ****, hop on a ****, get new **** whatever, just keep off mine and keep it movin.  last time i told her to eat a **** in was in february or something.  haven't spoken since. 

i know i said i don't keep girls around in the marriage thread.  which i don't.  this was a chick i was with for a month and realized i fouled up and i'd rather be alone than with her.  all the cheating crap came out after i told her i wasn't feeling her.
Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by Peep Game

If I get cheated on, that person gets erased from my life and my memory (if there aren't any kids involved). I agree with the part
about people taking the other person back after they cheat. That just means you were given a free pass, and more than likely,
that person will cheat again, but this time, cover their tracks even better. I know somebody mentioned something about dividing
cheating by gender, but it's hard not to when you see and hear what happens. Normally the woman is basically in another entire
relationship being almost as emotionally invested as her original relationship, thus covering their tracks and hiding the hell out of it.
Guys normally bang their office secretary here and there and just move on, quickly getting caught because they aren't thinking about
the next steps ahead.

See then how can you say you truly loved them then? Im sorry but true feelings just dont switch on and off like light switches. Sounds like alot of ppl are in lust/in love with being in love. Or are just in a situation they enjoy but arent truly in love with the person just really like them alot.
Its hard to fathom one single incident can change your entire feelings/outlook on a person situation. I can understand not being in love with the person anymore, having trust issues with the person, having a hard time of forgiving and forgeting. But to say your my everything/love of my life to oh i hate you clearly shows that there wasnt ppl who are in love.

Like if my woman cheated/deceived me yes i would be upset, it would be hard for me to forgive/forget if ever, but i love her and will always have love for her i probably just wouldnt be with her anymore or be IN LOVE with her anymore. She couldnt come home say i banged a random guy then i go from i love you to i wish death on you in the blink of an eye.

This type of behavior borders sociopath tendencies/bipolar/schizophrenic. And if you change feelings emotions all willie nillie, maybe you shouldnt even be in a relationship. Its thinking like this that makes up them loony bin women on shows like snapped, or crazed b/f who kills wife and kids and offs himself.
I know I'm super late responding to this, but me and Hazel pretty much echo some of the same things here and there. If you cheat, regardless of
it being on a whim or you've been doing it for a long time, you deserve the repercussion of not being with the one who you thought you loved. I
don't believe in that push and pull pandering that goes on in those relationships of somebody who constantly takes back their cheating partner. So
I don't know how you can refer to something like that as the "type of behavior borders sociopath tendencies/bipolar/schizophrenic", which is funny
to me cause I've seen that outlook you mentioned only referenced from people on NT. Things like that don't come with an on & off switch,
that's just burning a bridge that you should have burned. So yes, you can still have love for the person who cheated on you, while you've always 
been the honest upstanding person, but that doesn't mean you should reach doormat status, cause I think a lot of people can agree that someone
who is a cheater, more than likely will do it again, but do it even better, and be that much more hurtful.


That isnt always the case, because its ppl who steal/murder/kill etc have drug problems all kind of demons and they stop doing it. I think judgement of a person should be on a individual case, and not on a generalization. But there where ppl who said in here that they would off their wife, wish death upon them and all kinda crazy mess. And this train of thought isnt just limited to NT. Plenty of ppl have been murdered etc all types of foul/bad things because someone cheated on them etc. Lets not act like ppl mainly woman 100% act civil in situations like this. Hell look at those crazy tyler perry movies. Yes they are movies but, things like that aka woman scorn stuff happen often. All im saying is if you heard/found out your sig other is cheating and you try to run them over with a car/ stab them/ set them on fire, shoot them etc.... Then something is definitely not clicking upstairs. And that the so called love you had was really on some in love with being in love or on some obsession type/derrange mentality.

I mean if you guys feel like this is normal behavior then um cool, hopefully no one will ever betray you/disappoint you. Hate to read a thread about a NTer doing bid for oj'in they sig other.
Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by Peep Game

If I get cheated on, that person gets erased from my life and my memory (if there aren't any kids involved). I agree with the part
about people taking the other person back after they cheat. That just means you were given a free pass, and more than likely,
that person will cheat again, but this time, cover their tracks even better. I know somebody mentioned something about dividing
cheating by gender, but it's hard not to when you see and hear what happens. Normally the woman is basically in another entire
relationship being almost as emotionally invested as her original relationship, thus covering their tracks and hiding the hell out of it.
Guys normally bang their office secretary here and there and just move on, quickly getting caught because they aren't thinking about
the next steps ahead.

See then how can you say you truly loved them then? Im sorry but true feelings just dont switch on and off like light switches. Sounds like alot of ppl are in lust/in love with being in love. Or are just in a situation they enjoy but arent truly in love with the person just really like them alot.
Its hard to fathom one single incident can change your entire feelings/outlook on a person situation. I can understand not being in love with the person anymore, having trust issues with the person, having a hard time of forgiving and forgeting. But to say your my everything/love of my life to oh i hate you clearly shows that there wasnt ppl who are in love.

Like if my woman cheated/deceived me yes i would be upset, it would be hard for me to forgive/forget if ever, but i love her and will always have love for her i probably just wouldnt be with her anymore or be IN LOVE with her anymore. She couldnt come home say i banged a random guy then i go from i love you to i wish death on you in the blink of an eye.

This type of behavior borders sociopath tendencies/bipolar/schizophrenic. And if you change feelings emotions all willie nillie, maybe you shouldnt even be in a relationship. Its thinking like this that makes up them loony bin women on shows like snapped, or crazed b/f who kills wife and kids and offs himself.
I know I'm super late responding to this, but me and Hazel pretty much echo some of the same things here and there. If you cheat, regardless of
it being on a whim or you've been doing it for a long time, you deserve the repercussion of not being with the one who you thought you loved. I
don't believe in that push and pull pandering that goes on in those relationships of somebody who constantly takes back their cheating partner. So
I don't know how you can refer to something like that as the "type of behavior borders sociopath tendencies/bipolar/schizophrenic", which is funny
to me cause I've seen that outlook you mentioned only referenced from people on NT. Things like that don't come with an on & off switch,
that's just burning a bridge that you should have burned. So yes, you can still have love for the person who cheated on you, while you've always 
been the honest upstanding person, but that doesn't mean you should reach doormat status, cause I think a lot of people can agree that someone
who is a cheater, more than likely will do it again, but do it even better, and be that much more hurtful.


That isnt always the case, because its ppl who steal/murder/kill etc have drug problems all kind of demons and they stop doing it. I think judgement of a person should be on a individual case, and not on a generalization. But there where ppl who said in here that they would off their wife, wish death upon them and all kinda crazy mess. And this train of thought isnt just limited to NT. Plenty of ppl have been murdered etc all types of foul/bad things because someone cheated on them etc. Lets not act like ppl mainly woman 100% act civil in situations like this. Hell look at those crazy tyler perry movies. Yes they are movies but, things like that aka woman scorn stuff happen often. All im saying is if you heard/found out your sig other is cheating and you try to run them over with a car/ stab them/ set them on fire, shoot them etc.... Then something is definitely not clicking upstairs. And that the so called love you had was really on some in love with being in love or on some obsession type/derrange mentality.

I mean if you guys feel like this is normal behavior then um cool, hopefully no one will ever betray you/disappoint you. Hate to read a thread about a NTer doing bid for oj'in they sig other.
Ok so the minute I THINK about cheating on my wife my love dimishes.

As mentioned earlier, does the same apply to child/parent relationships? Or is that "different." And if it is different, why is it different?

If a child steals $100 from a mother's purse, does the love diminish the second that thought comes to a child's mind?

Just trying to make sense of where you all are coming from
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