You Know What Really Grinds My Gears?

Going to get your car washed and there's like 20 cars in line
Or getting the car washed and then a bird drops one right after.
Washing your car then it rains<<<<<
Biting into food that's too hot causing you to scorch your tastebuds and then you can barely taste the rest of your meal.
You know what really grinds my gears?

The fact that in our modern era Twerking is praised more than education. Societies priorities are backwards. Girls will learn the definition of the term "twerk," before they learn how to properly fill out an application. Parents will check their boyfriends texts before they check their own child's homework. Kids will be able to write a synopsis on WSHH, but wont know their Bill Of Rights. People will watch BET, The Housewives Of Atlanta, and Love & Hip Hop all day but wont take 2 hours out of their lives to watch a Huey Newton, Angela Davis, or Stokely Carmichael documentary. People will know what Rihanna wore last night, Beyonce's new hair due, whos fu***** who, but wont know what a government shutdown is. Kids will learn the Nae Nae, and how to create a Facebook account, but wont understand proper grammar. Girls will pay hundreds of dollars on 8 inch weaves, hair extensions, makeup, shoes, and their nails to impressive strangers online but wont spend a dime on pencils, paper, and books. So that maybe one day they'll become a Lawyer, a Nurse, or an Actress. Instead of flipping, spinning, and doing somersaults around a pole for men to degrade, and refer to you as a b****, and or a  t***.

I'm tired of women who post on Facebook: "I need a real man, someone who knows how to treat a woman. I have been hurt so many times." When they're the ones that put themselves into these predicaments by dating losers. I'm tired of these bittys living luxury lifestyles off of child support like its a yearly income. I am also tired of men impregnating these women, as well as not taking care of these children. Lastly, I am tired of WSHH, side-chicks flexing, women posing in booty shorts, and a low cut tanktop but getting an attitude when approached in a derogatory way. Our youth being brainwashed by heavily violent, and materialistic music they hear on the radio. People labeling dark-skinned as ugly, and light-skinned as pretty. Individuals who use skin bleaching cream. Folks partying, humping, and acting a fool in the club on Saturday, but posing as a saint on Sunday. The fact that obesity is at an appalling rate globally. And, urban communities being overpopulated with fast food restaurants and not grocery stores. As well as a lot more.

That grinds my gears.

Best post in this thread.

Homie let his feelings be known, and I agree with almost everything you said
I hate explaining myself/ situations through texts messages..

I hate text convos in general...its cool like if a brief statement etc.... but to have some long drawn out convo...just pick up the damn phone... That and ppl who put responses important info etc... like on twitter/facebook etc... and get upset surprise when you don't know or aren't informed. Ex.... Oh how didn't you know, I posted it on twitter... Or its updated on my facebook status. Im like if its that important and you wanted me to know hell just call/text me.

Everybody who really know me knows for a fact that I don't have Facebook / twitter / etc..

Thank goodness I don't have to deal with that nonsense of keeping up with everybody lives through Facebook / twitter / etc..
When you make some simple bet about anything with a friend. After you win, the person doesn't just pay up. It leads to you actually having to ask, then they act as if you are disrespecting them - "you really need $10"
This gets me HEATED... Made a bet with someone last year that the Seahawks would beat the Texans... At halftime Texans were up 20-3. Dude was filling up my FB page with updates (that I couldn't see at the time, because I was at the game) such as....
"Them Texans smashin them Seahawks... $100 coming from (tags my name) very soon" another status right before halftime...
"Do you see this score?? LMFAO!!!"
Needless to say the dude counted his chickens before they could hatch... Seahawks come back, and win the game.... Dude is nowhere to be found on FB... So I texted him, and he's like "that was a good game, but I've been BBQ with the family all day and Ive got to get some rest, cuz I have work at 5am... Can I pay u tomorrow? " I instantly thought this was odd, cuz the game aired at noon, and was over by 3pm... I'm not trippin tho, so I tell him "it's all good. Get wit me."
Tomorrow arrives and I get a text that says... "Sorry man, I really thought the Texans were gonna win, I don't even have the $ right now, I will have it Friday when I get payed tho. Instantly I'm annoyed, but once again i tell him "it's all good get wit me Friday" (it was Monday)
So Friday comes, I never hear from him, so I text him "what up" dude text me back... " I almost died when I totaled my car today, but I didn't" So I'm like ???, "what that gotta do wit me... " he replies "nothing I just gotta buy a new car before I can pay u back" I kinda lost my cool, and told him basically I wasn't gonna wait till he was ready to pay me, and had I lost the bet, I would have been at his doorstep first thing after the game. He feels a lil embarrassed, and tells me to come over and get half the money. I go to his house, and dude hands me some folded money, gives me a sob story, and then apologizes... I start to feel bad for the way I blew up, I apologize, then I dab him up, and I'm out. I get home, empty my pockets and I find out he gave me $30, not $50 like he said... So I hound dude over the $70 he still owes me for the next 3 weeks or so, only to have him start ignoring me... I show up to his door, and his BM is talkin bout "he ain't here" when their only vehicle is in the driveway. Lying sack of ****. Both of em. So after all this, i call him 3-4 times, and he ignores it, so I texted him some really hostile ****, and he calls me instantly...
Talkin bout, "I got ur money meet me at the hospital... My dad is dying, and ur harrassing me over $70." Dude was yelling in the phone all tough trying to intimidate me, and was saying he wanted to box... I told him "I'm on the way" He must have figured I wouldn't show up... So I call him when I get there 5-10mins later, and he says "they transferred my dad to another hospital, and I rode wit him" (hospital is across town of course). At this time I just hang up on dude. No more talkin on my end. 2 weeks later a home invasion claims the life of a mutual friend we have... So I know I'm gonna see him at the benefit/viewing/funeral... And as horrible, and disrespectful as it sounds, I was gonna fade ol boy at one of those places. I see him at the benefit, and dude is spooked, and dodging me HEAVY. I finally catch him slippin, coming back from a store right next door to the benefit lot... I ran up on him (as he smiles at me like I'm sweet) and two pieced him... Dude drops his cigars, and puts his hands up, and I piece him up a few more times till one of the mutual friends seperates us. Had dude leaking from the mouth and eyebrow... He then reaches in his pocket and says "u want some money, u want some stupid money?? Here" I just told that fool, "na ***** I want MY money." He hands me 96 dollars, (wad was crumpled up) and says "are we good now? Are we squared away" I tell him yes, but lord knows I didn't mean it... When I see him again I'm fading him like a bottle of bleach. The worst part about dude is he's a social media "gangster" who claims he's getting all kinds of money, and sadly dude is a Vicodin fiend, that has nothing going for him. It was never about the $ either. Principle.
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Just woke up from a dream that I was in a penthouse hotel in Paris with bad chicks.

Thought I had to piss, but I dont. SMH
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Sorry for the rant fellas but that's the kinda that grinds my gears...

Why were originally upset? Because he was talking trash on social media?

Sorta off topic: I had made two similar bets with a friend of mine:

Here's my story..

First bet: I'm a buccaneers fans and he bet me $50 that the Seahawks will beat the bucs at Seattle..(Loser have to paid the bet of $50 within 2 weeks from that Sunday)
I lost and I paid him $50 within the two weeks

Tampa bay was up 20-3 at halftime.. I could've talk trash to him via texts messages but I didn't because he was work + I like to talk trash after the game is officially over/when I see them in person..

Second bet: He's a broncos fan.. I bet $100 that Seattle Seahawks will win the Super Bowl..(the same team that took my $50 dollars prior) ..(Loser have to paid the bet of $100 within the 2 weeks from that Sunday) I won the bet and he paid me the $100 within the 2 weeks..

I was so happy that I won because I got my $50 back plus his $50 from the team that cost me -$50.. :rofl:
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Sorry for the rant fellas but that's the kinda **** that grinds my gears...
I feel u to a certain extent. I hate when I win a bet and the loser aint willin to pay up.

But sometimes you gotta weigh your options.
Which is more important? Principle or freedom?
Cause if your friend was that type he couldve easily had you locked up for assault and battery.
And depending on your prior record might get your freedom taken away for a period of time.

Now you have that on your record for the rest of your life. And it was all over $70 bucks and a principle.
Its really not worth it.

Next time you bet on a sporting event make sure the other person has the money RIGHT THEN, in their pocket and you are at the same place. Problem eliminated. You wont ever have to worry about someone not paying after the fact.

But I do feel you. Same **** happened to me. Fool act like he didnt wanna pay me and I fought him and almost got locked up.
Ended up not going to jail but learned a valuable lesson about friends and money.
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:rofl: @ that story up there where son's friend tried to give him the run around and got given the hands in front of a store.
When you make some simple bet about anything with a friend. After you win, the person doesn't just pay up. It leads to you actually having to ask, then they act as if you are disrespecting them - "you really need $10"
This gets me HEATED... Made a bet with someone last year that the Seahawks would beat the Texans... At halftime Texans were up 20-3. Dude was filling up my FB page with updates (that I couldn't see at the time, because I was at the game) such as....
"Them Texans smashin them Seahawks... $100 coming from (tags my name) very soon" another status right before halftime...
"Do you see this score?? LMFAO!!!"
Needless to say the dude counted his chickens before they could hatch... Seahawks come back, and win the game.... Dude is nowhere to be found on FB... So I texted him, and he's like "that was a good game, but I've been BBQ with the family all day and Ive got to get some rest, cuz I have work at 5am... Can I pay u tomorrow? " I instantly thought this was odd, cuz the game aired at noon, and was over by 3pm... I'm not trippin tho, so I tell him "it's all good. Get wit me."
Tomorrow arrives and I get a text that says... "Sorry man, I really thought the Texans were gonna win, I don't even have the $ right now, I will have it Friday when I get payed tho. Instantly I'm annoyed, but once again i tell him "it's all good get wit me Friday" (it was Monday)
So Friday comes, I never hear from him, so I text him "what up" dude text me back... " I almost died when I totaled my car today, but I didn't" So I'm like ???, "what that gotta do wit me... " he replies "nothing I just gotta buy a new car before I can pay u back" I kinda lost my cool, and told him basically I wasn't gonna wait till he was ready to pay me, and had I lost the bet, I would have been at his doorstep first thing after the game. He feels a lil embarrassed, and tells me to come over and get half the money. I go to his house, and dude hands me some folded money, gives me a sob story, and then apologizes... I start to feel bad for the way I blew up, I apologize, then I dab him up, and I'm out. I get home, empty my pockets and I find out he gave me $30, not $50 like he said... So I hound dude over the $70 he still owes me for the next 3 weeks or so, only to have him start ignoring me... I show up to his door, and his BM is talkin bout "he ain't here" when their only vehicle is in the driveway. Lying sack of ****. Both of em. So after all this, i call him 3-4 times, and he ignores it, so I texted him some really hostile ****, and he calls me instantly...
Talkin bout, "I got ur money meet me at the hospital... My dad is dying, and ur harrassing me over $70." Dude was yelling in the phone all tough trying to intimidate me, and was saying he wanted to box... I told him "I'm on the way" He must have figured I wouldn't show up... So I call him when I get there 5-10mins later, and he says "they transferred my dad to another hospital, and I rode wit him" (hospital is across town of course). At this time I just hang up on dude. No more talkin on my end. 2 weeks later a home invasion claims the life of a mutual friend we have... So I know I'm gonna see him at the benefit/viewing/funeral... And as horrible, and disrespectful as it sounds, I was gonna fade ol boy at one of those places. I see him at the benefit, and dude is spooked, and dodging me HEAVY. I finally catch him slippin, coming back from a store right next door to the benefit lot... I ran up on him (as he smiles at me like I'm sweet) and two pieced him... Dude drops his cigars, and puts his hands up, and I piece him up a few more times till one of the mutual friends seperates us. Had dude leaking from the mouth and eyebrow... He then reaches in his pocket and says "u want some money, u want some stupid money?? Here" I just told that fool, "na ***** I want MY money." He hands me 96 dollars, (wad was crumpled up) and says "are we good now? Are we squared away" I tell him yes, but lord knows I didn't mean it... When I see him again I'm fading him like a bottle of bleach. The worst part about dude is he's a social media "gangster" who claims he's getting all kinds of money, and sadly dude is a Vicodin fiend, that has nothing going for him. It was never about the $ either. Principle.

Aught em n put da paws on em
When you make some simple bet about anything with a friend. After you win, the person doesn't just pay up. It leads to you actually having to ask, then they act as if you are disrespecting them - "you really need $10"
This gets me HEATED... Made a bet with someone last year that the Seahawks would beat the Texans... At halftime Texans were up 20-3. Dude was filling up my FB page with updates (that I couldn't see at the time, because I was at the game) such as....
"Them Texans smashin them Seahawks... $100 coming from (tags my name) very soon" another status right before halftime...
"Do you see this score?? LMFAO!!!"
Needless to say the dude counted his chickens before they could hatch... Seahawks come back, and win the game.... Dude is nowhere to be found on FB... So I texted him, and he's like "that was a good game, but I've been BBQ with the family all day and Ive got to get some rest, cuz I have work at 5am... Can I pay u tomorrow? " I instantly thought this was odd, cuz the game aired at noon, and was over by 3pm... I'm not trippin tho, so I tell him "it's all good. Get wit me."
Tomorrow arrives and I get a text that says... "Sorry man, I really thought the Texans were gonna win, I don't even have the $ right now, I will have it Friday when I get payed tho. Instantly I'm annoyed, but once again i tell him "it's all good get wit me Friday" (it was Monday)
So Friday comes, I never hear from him, so I text him "what up" dude text me back... " I almost died when I totaled my car today, but I didn't" So I'm like ???, "what that gotta do wit me... " he replies "nothing I just gotta buy a new car before I can pay u back" I kinda lost my cool, and told him basically I wasn't gonna wait till he was ready to pay me, and had I lost the bet, I would have been at his doorstep first thing after the game. He feels a lil embarrassed, and tells me to come over and get half the money. I go to his house, and dude hands me some folded money, gives me a sob story, and then apologizes... I start to feel bad for the way I blew up, I apologize, then I dab him up, and I'm out. I get home, empty my pockets and I find out he gave me $30, not $50 like he said... So I hound dude over the $70 he still owes me for the next 3 weeks or so, only to have him start ignoring me... I show up to his door, and his BM is talkin bout "he ain't here" when their only vehicle is in the driveway. Lying sack of ****. Both of em. So after all this, i call him 3-4 times, and he ignores it, so I texted him some really hostile ****, and he calls me instantly...
Talkin bout, "I got ur money meet me at the hospital... My dad is dying, and ur harrassing me over $70." Dude was yelling in the phone all tough trying to intimidate me, and was saying he wanted to box... I told him "I'm on the way" He must have figured I wouldn't show up... So I call him when I get there 5-10mins later, and he says "they transferred my dad to another hospital, and I rode wit him" (hospital is across town of course). At this time I just hang up on dude. No more talkin on my end. 2 weeks later a home invasion claims the life of a mutual friend we have... So I know I'm gonna see him at the benefit/viewing/funeral... And as horrible, and disrespectful as it sounds, I was gonna fade ol boy at one of those places. I see him at the benefit, and dude is spooked, and dodging me HEAVY. I finally catch him slippin, coming back from a store right next door to the benefit lot... I ran up on him (as he smiles at me like I'm sweet) and two pieced him... Dude drops his cigars, and puts his hands up, and I piece him up a few more times till one of the mutual friends seperates us. Had dude leaking from the mouth and eyebrow... He then reaches in his pocket and says "u want some money, u want some stupid money?? Here" I just told that fool, "na ***** I want MY money." He hands me 96 dollars, (wad was crumpled up) and says "are we good now? Are we squared away" I tell him yes, but lord knows I didn't mean it... When I see him again I'm fading him like a bottle of bleach. The worst part about dude is he's a social media "gangster" who claims he's getting all kinds of money, and sadly dude is a Vicodin fiend, that has nothing going for him. It was never about the $ either. Principle.

Real talk fam, I don't even do this, but I didn't read all that.

Not because its "too much text", because its not...

But because you didn't structure any of it to be read without giving me a headache.

Its a big chunk of white lines on black text with no breaks in it.

That grinds my gears.
When parents can't handle their kids in public, especially in church. Lil dude this morning was throwing a fit rolling in the aisle and his parents just let it happen. At least have the decency to take them outside or something.
Is it okay my front turn signal in the right don't work properly but the back doe$? I messed up part of it so it stays on but no front blink
Why were originally upset? Because he was talking trash on social media?

Sorta off topic: I had made two similar bets with a friend of mine:

Here's my story..

First bet: I'm a buccaneers fans and he bet me $50 that the Seahawks will beat the bucs at Seattle..(Loser have to paid the bet of $50 within 2 weeks from that Sunday)
I lost and I paid him $50 within the two weeks

Tampa bay was up 20-3 at halftime.. I could've talk trash to him via texts messages but I didn't because he was work + I like to talk trash after the game is officially over/when I see them in person..

Second bet: He's a broncos fan.. I bet $100 that Seattle Seahawks will win the Super Bowl..(the same team that took my $50 dollars prior) ..(Loser have to paid the bet of $100 within the 2 weeks from that Sunday) I won the bet and he paid me the $100 within the 2 weeks..

I was so happy that I won because I got my $50 back plus his $50 from the team that cost me -$50.. :rofl:
Def not. I was heated because he was constantly lying, and trying to duck me.
I knew he wouldn't call the police... I told y'all he's a Facebook Gangster. He's got a reputation to uphold to the rest of his followers/friends, so callin the laws is out if the question for him, and I'm NEVER calling the police, unless someone steals my weapons or breaks into my truck... And that's really just a report for insurance.
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