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  1. mostofthetime

    What's the worst look you've had or seen while at the gym?

    I saw a girl wearing brown combat boots and jean shorts to lift weights and run on the treadmill.
  2. mostofthetime

    Take the accent test.

    What American accent do you have? Your Result: The Midland "You have a Midland accent" is just another way of saying "you don't have an accent." You probably are from the Midland (Pennsylvania, southern Ohio, southern Indiana, southern Illinois, and Missouri) but then for all we know you...
  3. mostofthetime

    Do People Really Buy These Shirts?

    I have a bunch, but I'm a girl. lol
  4. mostofthetime

    Post real stories nobody will ever believe.

    Man, that was weird. Michelle
  5. mostofthetime

    PYP: Post your pets!!

    Maaaaax 8)
  6. mostofthetime

    Puerto Rico?? Anyone been?

    I went a few years back with my parents since my dad is puerto rican. Check out El Yunque rainforest and stay in the Old San Juan area. We stayed over at El Covenento and loved it, it has a really old spanish..kinda creepy feel to it, but it's beautiful. We kind of were on a road trip for two...
  7. mostofthetime

    What are your "go to" songs at karaoke?

    Was it Little Hoolies? I love karaoke there...25 cent drinks for ladies! woo I always do really depressing karaoke songs. :( Michelle
  8. mostofthetime

    HBD to my little man. 3 years old !

    So cute, he looks like a little adult! Happy birthday!!
  9. mostofthetime

    YO NT, look what my old high school did

    I thought that was kind of cute. I never would have participated though.
  10. mostofthetime

    Did your class ever win field day in elementary?

    We never won, but I remember we almost won the tug of war once. My middle school always had an annual last day of school shaving cream fight. Hammocks Middle. Miami! michelle
  11. mostofthetime

    Goin to CHICAGO for St Pattys day weekend- help me out!

    Hot Doug's is awesome. Kuma's corner is a great burger place. As for the bars...there are just so many! Great city. I can't wait to back. Also, I second Sunda. One of the best meals I've ever had. michelle
  12. mostofthetime

    Womenfolk of NT: what is the best way that you have been approached by a dude?

    It's cool when a guy can approach you and be confident and funny without coming off as cocky.
  13. mostofthetime

    My favorite term of endearment for women is censored now? 0_o

    I wouldn't exactly call that a term of endearment.
  14. mostofthetime

    James Bond rips Kim Kardashian in latest GQ Vol. Kanye DID smash

    I hope those of you defending Kim K are getting paid to cause otherwise yall are just plain dumb. 
  15. mostofthetime

    What do you want for Christmas?

    ipad and a nice pair of earrings.
  16. mostofthetime

    Does everyone cheat in relationships?

    i don't.
  17. mostofthetime

    21 Year Old Naked Woman Climbed Inside A Dead Horse Becasue She Wanted To Get Feels!

    I live in Miami and last week on the news they showed this horse that had been dismembered. Like they actually showed it. It was crazy, but yeah they actually sell the meat cause it's considered a delicacy in some hispanic countries and Miami has a ton of hispanics. 
  18. mostofthetime

    College students protesting "racist" Halloween costumes vol. C'mon man

    Lol they look like they're about to cry!
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