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  1. dawgpaw23lkp

    [Last Day!] Win a pair of Jordans, Help a starving artist, and the charity of your choice

    Shoes aint my size cuzzo...But...I still send me a art piece of yours instead
  2. dawgpaw23lkp

    Child Support Aint No Joke Fellas

    I live in the Los Angeles i dont know if it will be the same for you... but same situation. I was paying 836.00 a month so every check was deducted a grip load... So i contacted my case worker and submitted forms of the things i paid for and stuff like that...2 months later... child...
  3. dawgpaw23lkp

    Switch lives with a fictional character?

    fictional character? there's so many, so ill just say...majority of today's money, big houses, big cars, and all the ladies...
  4. dawgpaw23lkp

    How would you think? How can you imagine?

    well my mother in law is actually deaf, and I've asked her before, but I found out she wasn't born deaf, she actually had some bone in her ear F*** her hearing up. So from memory, she says she remembers how words sounds and can think to her self in English/spanish...
  5. dawgpaw23lkp

    How would you think? How can you imagine?

    A few friends and I discussed this over the weekend and over a few drinks...But...If you were born blind, how can you imagine? or if you were born deaf, in what language would you think to yourself in? Just wondering in what some of your answers are...
  6. dawgpaw23lkp

    How many girls do you get on a day?

    "A white mans face on green paper doesn't make you wealthy."    I honor that opinion cause you're right...I never really believed in money as a sign of wealth, but I do worry about the amount in my bank account because; 1. I gotta keep food on the table for my kids. 2. I gotta keep a roof...
  7. dawgpaw23lkp

    How many girls do you get on a day?

    Just take your L nephew, you know damb well you was in here trying to brag, and you probably just a little %%* virgin yourself who got his feelings hurt. Like you said "REAL RECOGNIZE REAL" and obviously nobody on NT recognized your lying/bragging ***...
  8. dawgpaw23lkp

    How many girls do you get on a day?

    Like I said "B" its just the way you put yourself out there. If you genuinely just asking a simple question then cool keep doing what you do...and to answer your question; I'm probably just like the next homeboy in line, yeah I'll holla at female when its the right time,(clubbing, Vegas, mall...
  9. dawgpaw23lkp

    How many girls do you get on a day?

    I'm sorry my dude, I'm not trying to knock your "G" or anything like that...But the way you putting yourself out there, you sounding like one of them lames that tries to be cool by making false statements about who you smashing and this and before you say, "We not even talking bout...
  10. dawgpaw23lkp

    How many girls do you get on a day?

    Only digits I'm worried about is my GPA and bank account...Just saying...
  11. dawgpaw23lkp

    anyone going to see SCARFACE tommorow night?

    Man shut the !@%% up, you dumb @##. Talking all that mess just cause you got nobody to take with you to the theaters. $%##! *+*...
  12. dawgpaw23lkp

    Proud Parent Post

    How do yall post pics up on NT? 
  13. dawgpaw23lkp


    Don't get me wrong here, I love the NAVY and always will, but if you're looking for something exciting and something different do the Marines. After my probation period lifts from the military I'm gonna re enlist, this time MARINES all the way.  
  14. dawgpaw23lkp


    Don't get me wrong here, I love the NAVY and always will, but if you're looking for something exciting and something different do the Marines. After my probation period lifts from the military I'm gonna re enlist, this time MARINES all the way.  
  15. dawgpaw23lkp

    Becoming a New Parent - Share Your Stories...Struggles...Joys....

    My Daughter is turning 2 in May, and it just trips me out how fast the 2 years have passed. Then my son with my ex baby moms is turning 5 and it surprises me how fast he's grown. I put it on everything, that every moment with them makes everything worth while. Weather from the struggles and hard...
  16. dawgpaw23lkp

    Becoming a New Parent - Share Your Stories...Struggles...Joys....

    My Daughter is turning 2 in May, and it just trips me out how fast the 2 years have passed. Then my son with my ex baby moms is turning 5 and it surprises me how fast he's grown. I put it on everything, that every moment with them makes everything worth while. Weather from the struggles and hard...
  17. dawgpaw23lkp

    What to do if your car breaks down in the middle of nowhere?

    Probably burn my spare tire in hopes, someone see's the smoke signals...
  18. dawgpaw23lkp

    What to do if your car breaks down in the middle of nowhere?

    Probably burn my spare tire in hopes, someone see's the smoke signals...
  19. dawgpaw23lkp

    Cigarette Smokers: How and Why?

    I started smokin at 13, always saw pops doin it so i figured i'd take a few sticks at night and try it, and now here we are 8 years later still smokin them same sticks my pops used to (Benson.&.Hedges)...I did have a good run though without smoking during basic (4 months), but as soon as i was...
  20. dawgpaw23lkp

    Cigarette Smokers: How and Why?

    I started smokin at 13, always saw pops doin it so i figured i'd take a few sticks at night and try it, and now here we are 8 years later still smokin them same sticks my pops used to (Benson.&.Hedges)...I did have a good run though without smoking during basic (4 months), but as soon as i was...
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