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  1. hard rock chasez

    Calling all Law School Students of NT...

    Don't do it for the money, and do consider it very carefully just like kix4kix has already said. It is very demanding. Not in the traditional "Oh Ihave to write this paper" way, but in a way that consumes you completely for 3 years, 4 if you're part-time. I've wrestled with deciding whetheror...
  2. hard rock chasez

    NT! chicks/dudes with guages and tattoos vol. hot or not?

    I don't like gauges, but I love tattoos. I'll admit to internally making fun of people with really, really stupid tattoos, but as long as they likethem, who cares. As for being attractive, there are dozens of physical qualities people look for (and rule out) when checking out the opposite sex. I...
  3. hard rock chasez

    Calling all Law School Students of NT...

    I'm not in law school, but I consider (and abandon) sitting for the LSAT at least once a year. Honestly, my advice is for you to take the LSAT prep coursesbut really work on building up your undergrad GPA as well. And be 100% sure about your decision to enter law school.
  4. hard rock chasez

    NT, what is your status?

    Thank you very much!
  5. hard rock chasez

    NT, what is your status?

    Engaged as of Saturday night.
  6. hard rock chasez

    The Official JJB'er introduction post Vol O HAI GUYZ! (update, up to 12)

    I'm starting to see why ladies never stay long here.
  7. hard rock chasez

    Hello, I'm No On Prop 8

    I think prop 4 is going to need a whole new post.
  8. hard rock chasez

    Is this a legit moeny making???? Vol...Pre Paid legal

    Pre-paid legal service companies do exist and offer real (albeit crappy) legal service bundle packages. They solicit small businesses and individuals in largercompanies all of the time. But the actual job working for them is a pyramid scheme and you'll regret it.
  9. hard rock chasez

    Hello, I'm No On Prop 8

    Legally and legislatively, marriage is a contract. It is not one and the same with religion. If your religious beliefs prohibit allowing a gay couple to enterinto the sacrament of marriage, that's one thing. These moral and religious views can and do govern marriage - but only in the church. No...
  10. hard rock chasez


    That is what it stands for... the board started in 99. It's evolved past that. Just as I'd like to think this board has evolved past sneakers.
  11. hard rock chasez


    And I know there are like 50 JJBers lurking right now, so someone else post so I'm not the only fool that replied.
  12. hard rock chasez


    JJB is another board that a group of NT guys came to a few weeks ago. It's a lot like this board, in that a lot of the topics are the same, kinda has thesame vibe. It's just 90% women, where this one seems to be 90% men.
  13. hard rock chasez


    I'm one. Hi, I'm Jess.
  14. hard rock chasez

    What's the best feeling in the world?

    Physically - sex, working out, sneezing, taking my bra off at the end of the day, in that order Mentally - The end of a really good meeting at work, appreciation for my work, taking pride in my family's accomplishments, beating someone at a game, anygame, just winning. I'm sure there are more...
  15. hard rock chasez

    do YOU let your girl wear anything she desires in public with you?

    $%%. LET her wear? No one has told me what to wear since I was in elementary school. I know how to dress myself. And really, why are some of you dating womenthat would need told NOT to look dirty, like a skank, unkempt, or otherwise inappropriate?
  16. hard rock chasez

    NT QUESTION? A Chick You Trying To Get At Has A Man Does That Dude Matter Update on Pg4

    Some of you men will put it anywhere soft and warm. Quality over quantity.
  17. hard rock chasez

    So I'm thinking of a new car.

    I like Mustangs, but I'm a girl. And I think of them as a "girl" car too. Corvette is pretentious to me, so the Jeep.
  18. hard rock chasez

    NT QUESTION? A Chick You Trying To Get At Has A Man Does That Dude Matter Update on Pg4

    Yes, he matters. You don't know or care about him, sure, but he's with her, you're not, and if that was your fiance, you'd probably beextremely angry if someone dared to disrespect your relationship. Let her come to you when she's single - that'll be soon enough, she's freaking19.
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