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  1. architect feet


    I was hard as a rock every sitting moment of school today. :{
  2. architect feet


    You guys I am really struggling. My testicles kinda hurt a bit like they kinda ache. Is this happening to anyone else? I've jerked it more or less 1-2 times a day, everyday since I was 13. Is it even healthy to quit cold Turkey like this.
  3. architect feet

    Finding a Roommate in College? Do you know any websites?

    NT, I just transferred to a new school and I'm looking for roommates. I'm commuting from my parents house right now but I want to move in with other college students. Obviously most students will already have their living arrangements sorted out but this one girl I met told me about this...
  4. architect feet

    "To (All) the Colleges That Rejected Me" - A Message from Taylor Allderdice High School

    I got rejected by San Diego State, UCLA, and UC Berkeley. One of my few regrets is not even considering leaving CA for college.
  5. architect feet

    Tips on Financing a Used/New Car? Vol. 2010 Toyota Camry vs 2010 Honda Accord?

    I'm looking to finance a used car for the first time by the end of the month. I've been looking mostly at the Camry and the Accord, I've budgeted things out and I'm basically looking to put $3,000 down with monthly payments
  6. architect feet

    Happy Birthday to me...

    happy birthday!
  7. architect feet

    ALEX MORGAN VOL. This is where the magic happens

    Such a strange thing but the pro combat shorts slayeth me. so hot. 
  8. architect feet

    What Really Goes Down in the Olympic Village a.k.a. the "Kobe Just Doesn't Care" Thread

    How do you know he same people in this thread are the same ones cracking jokes about Kidd's son. You don't. Sounds like you want it to be that way for convenience. No need to defend this kind of immaturity man.
  9. architect feet

    The Ultimate Soccer Thread 2012-2013 Vol. 3 Premier League, La Liga, Serie A, Bundesliga etc

    Even with wages included 70M is too much for RVP. Sneijder back to RM would be awesome.
  10. architect feet

    What Really Goes Down in the Olympic Village a.k.a. the "Kobe Just Doesn't Care" Thread

    Using idiot behavior to excuse more idiot behavior. Nice.
  11. architect feet

    Anybody own vending machines?

    Great info m23 I'm very curious about protecting your machine from theft and vandalism and also profit sharing. How much of your profit do you have to throw to the business or property owner? Typically negotiable?
  12. architect feet

    the thread about nothing...

    Wait she wants you to drive her around and pay for her dro? Even if she she's paying for her own weed the whole scenario sounds like a L. Friend zone FTL.
  13. architect feet

    What Really Goes Down in the Olympic Village a.k.a. the "Kobe Just Doesn't Care" Thread

     You gotta hit multi quote individually for each post and then the last one just hit the regular quote and it should all be set up.
  14. architect feet

    Official FIFA Soccer 13 Thread: Out Now!

    Can't wait for this. Has a RD been confirmed already?
  15. architect feet

    the thread about nothing...

    What does this mean? Like b-grade? 10 for 45 is a hell of a deal.
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