2013-2014 NBA Season Thread - Congrats to the Spurs, DBD is still a buster

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This thread is hilarious when there are no games on.  

Anyway i'll just leave this here:

Shelly Sterling Meets with Billlionaire Steve Ballmer to Sell Clippers http://dlvr.it/5mvQgL 
*For those that don't know, Steve Ballmer is one of the guys that was a part of the Seattle ownership group that tried to buy the Kings from the Maloofs last year*


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The fatigue narrative is getting annoying and I expect it to get worse if Miami reaches the Finals. A few people have been screaming it for so long that they don't want to relent even a little bit at this point.

If you're going strictly off that angle then you should be in absolute amazement over their performance yesterday. Because according to y'all, that shouldn't be possible this close to the finish line.

I hope this fatigue **** doesn't turn into a nauseating topic by the media. The concerns are somewhat legit but **** sounds like a built-in excuse for this team right now. If they lose, they lost because they're not better.

History gets remade every day b.

That has little to do with the fact that I think the team as a whole has gotten worse whereas the Spurs have gotten better.

While the spurs have gotten better, The Bron / Wade tandem has gotten better this year too. I just can't go against the two best players in the series on the same team if they are playing this well together. Could be wrong though.
The Heat are beatable though just because of the competition they've faced so far. They dont have that "look" they had last year.

The Spurs? Idk this team looks SCARY. Better than last year. They're toying with teams that would probably take the Heat to 6-7
:lol: :lol:

OKC and the Mavs wouldnt take Miami to 6?
Blazers wont be able to win 1 more game than the Nets?

Without Ibaka, OKC has zero big men that Miami has to account for and their 2nd best player is 15-49 from the field in his last 3 games against Miami. 5 game series max.

Dame is a playoff rookie and would be a TO machine against Miamis aggressive schemes. LMA can also be slowed down with length/gritty defenders. He fell back to the earth as soon as TJones stopped guarding him. 5 games.

The Mavs? The 22nd best defensive team is gonna beat Miami more than once? :lol:
The East is easy blah blah blah.

Heat have gone through the league's best defense in the EC playoffs four straight years now. The Spurs are playing like the ******* globetrotters against the generals out here.

Heat fatigue is overblown too. Wade couldn't even string together 15pt games last year. He's dominated the past four games including the first three against the Pacers. Lebron low reg season usage rate along with Wade missing 30 games speaks to the contrary as well.
This. Lebron has played the 2nd fewest mpg in his career this season
Yes the Mavs would have beat the Heat more than once. Their biggest weakness is their lack of interior defense, Miami has no bigs/PGs that can dominate the paint. Their biggest defensive advantage is their ability to guard the 3 which is why they did so well against the Spurs.

Stop Miami's 3s and you have a great shot.
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I'm hearing that the sale of the Clippers might have a clause that requires the team to stay similar to the Bucks thing. That would suck
I'm hearing that the sale of the Clippers might have a clause that requires the team to stay similar to the Bucks thing. That would suck

Ballmer has no intention of moving anyways

He just wants to own regardless
Yes the Mavs would have beat the Heat more than once. Their biggest weakness is their lack of interior defense, Miami has no bigs/PGs that can dominate the paint. Their biggest defensive advantage is their ability to guard the 3 which is why they did so well against the Spurs.
The Spurs 38% from 3 in the series, that would've been #2 in the NBA during the reg season and #2 in the postseason. It's also a whopping 1% lower than what they shot in the reg season.

They are not a good defensive team, LeBron destroyed them during the regular season, and Wade is dropping 24 on 62% shooting against a MUCH better defense.

Again, 5 game series
We're bringing up regular season again like it matters?
So you think the league's best player wouldn't maintain his volume and efficiency against the #22 defense in the playoffs? :lol:

All the other aforementioned points stand, which is probably why u didn't touch on those :lol:. 5 game series max
We're bringing up regular season again like it matters?
So you think the league's best player wouldn't maintain his volume and efficiency against the #22 defense in the playoffs? :lol:

All the other aforementioned points stand, which is probably why u didn't touch on those :lol:. 5 game series max

so you're saying Lebron would single handedly beat the Mavs?

I'm talking about 3pt defense you're talking about team defense. The Mavs prevented many of the Spurs 3s which is why Danny, Marco, and Patty were damn near ghost for 90% of the series. Spurs won that series because of the points in the paint and Splitter.

The Mavs played great 3pt defense in the playoffs. If you contain Miami's open 3s they're in trouble.
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