A historical figure that pisses you off

Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by blacklion23

Originally Posted by Cicero Avenue Dopeman

lol 2 dude who said MLK gotta b a white guy

I came in here to post MLK and I'm black. I respect his ideology and all that he accomplished. As a child I dreamed to follow in his footsteps. It pisses me off that he put himself, along with others, through so much. The ideal of peace is a wonder to believe in. The way of which he went by it was not happening, especially during that time period. Not saying he had to result to violence, but a no back down and I'm not going to take this mess approach was needed. Taking stones to the head and not throwing them back?

I'm more fond of Malcolm X more than MLK myself, but this is just ridiculous. MLK accomplished a lot with civil disobidience.

What's ridiculous!? Maybe I worded this wrong. I stated that I respect his ideal for peace and everything he accomplished. For a long time I wanted to be Dr. King. As I got older my views changed. The OP said pissed not hate. It pisses me off to watch videos of hundreds of blacks marching with Dr. King while being unfairly attacked and not fighting back. Dr. King, the man, does not piss me off, just the thought of what he put himself through to obtain peace. He lived during a time where it was not going to happen that way.
Originally Posted by blacklion23

Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by blacklion23

I came in here to post MLK and I'm black. I respect his ideology and all that he accomplished. As a child I dreamed to follow in his footsteps. It pisses me off that he put himself, along with others, through so much. The ideal of peace is a wonder to believe in. The way of which he went by it was not happening, especially during that time period. Not saying he had to result to violence, but a no back down and I'm not going to take this mess approach was needed. Taking stones to the head and not throwing them back?

I'm more fond of Malcolm X more than MLK myself, but this is just ridiculous. MLK accomplished a lot with civil disobidience.

What's ridiculous!? Maybe I worded this wrong. I stated that I respect his ideal for peace and everything he accomplished. For a long time I wanted to be Dr. King. As I got older my views changed. The OP said pissed not hate. It pisses me off to watch videos of hundreds of blacks marching with Dr. King while being unfairly attacked and not fighting back. Dr. King, the man, does not piss me off, just the thought of what he put himself through to obtain peace. He lived during a time where it was not going to happen that way.

Why does it make you upset of what he put himself through for peace? You honestly think that what he was trying to accomplish would have happened without any repercussions? It should empower people to know what he put himself through to obtain what he was trying to accomplish.
I'm tickled by some of the responses! Apparently some of these little boys have nothing else to do.

Some of the being pissy would simply dissipate, if you actually went out and got some from a willing participant, male or female.

Before any of you ask, I'm not available.
Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by blacklion23

Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by blacklion23

I came in here to post MLK and I'm black. I respect his ideology and all that he accomplished. As a child I dreamed to follow in his footsteps. It pisses me off that he put himself, along with others, through so much. The ideal of peace is a wonder to believe in. The way of which he went by it was not happening, especially during that time period. Not saying he had to result to violence, but a no back down and I'm not going to take this mess approach was needed. Taking stones to the head and not throwing them back?

I'm more fond of Malcolm X more than MLK myself, but this is just ridiculous. MLK accomplished a lot with civil disobidience.

What's ridiculous!? Maybe I worded this wrong. I stated that I respect his ideal for peace and everything he accomplished. For a long time I wanted to be Dr. King. As I got older my views changed. The OP said pissed not hate. It pisses me off to watch videos of hundreds of blacks marching with Dr. King while being unfairly attacked and not fighting back. Dr. King, the man, does not piss me off, just the thought of what he put himself through to obtain peace. He lived during a time where it was not going to happen that way.

Why does it make you upset of what he put himself through for peace? You honestly think that what he was trying to accomplish would have happened without any repercussions? It should empower people to know what he put himself through to obtain what he was trying to accomplish.

I'm not upset. No matter what route he went there would have been repercussions. I just feel that during that time period equality was not going to be given to us because we were peaceful. We were viewed as nothing, a waste of life. I'm really basing my opinion on how I feel my mindset would have been during that time, militant. I just feel that we had to stand up and fight for equality. Not saying we had to go out and commit violent acts, but we damn sho didn't have to take it. I highly respect what Dr. King accomplished. He is one of the greatest to ever live. Im just not down with his complete ideology.
Funny how people in here just throw out a name with no historical perspective at all..

For those who prefer Malcolm, I'd hope that you are accepting of his homosexual past.. (I have no problem with that, my problem lies with his combating of hate with hate early in his elijah muhammed stan days)

For those who choose Martin, I'd hope you're accepting of his infidelities as a husband which in turn mean christian hypocrisy and also his Communist connections.. (Not that I have a problem with any of those but people make him out to be some american christian folk hero, negriod puhlease....)

I wouldn't include either of them on my fav or least fav list though just intrigued at the reasoning behind many responses..

My list would include: (in no particular order)

Charlemagne (sold the souls of future of millions of Europeans into Christianity)

Mao Tse Tung("killed somewhere between 20 and 67 million (estimates vary) of his countrymen" uh yeah guy had no conscience)

Pol Pot(lead to about 4 million of his own people's death by various means )

Adolf Hitler ( falsely manipulating millions to blame their problems on a minority and using that to exterminate another 6 million plus)

Joseph Stalin (similar to pol pot, millions perished under his rule)

Nathan Bedford Forrest (founded the first major american terrorist org , KKK, the rest speaks for itself)

Honorable Mention

Tomas de Torquemada
Idi Amin
Henry VIII

countless others..
Originally Posted by dmbrhs

Originally Posted by casekicks

My reason for not likin' Ali is kinda simple..I think he's a flat out A-hole..I think he's racist..And I think he did Joe Frazier dirty..So to me he's a punk b and he pisses me off..Plus I can't stand how tons of sports mags/shows say he's the best athlete of the 20th century when he wasn't even the best in his own sport..
Ali is the most overrated human being in the history of the world.
He the #1 HW though.

Top 20 too.
Originally Posted by casekicks

My reason for not likin' Ali is kinda simple..I think he's a flat out A-hole..I think he's racist..And I think he did Joe Frazier dirty..So to me he's a punk b and he pisses me off..Plus I can't stand how tons of sports mags/shows say he's the best athlete of the 20th century when he wasn't even the best in his own sport..

That pretty much summed it up for me.  That and he was a draft dodger.
Originally Posted by blacklion23

Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by blacklion23

What's ridiculous!? Maybe I worded this wrong. I stated that I respect his ideal for peace and everything he accomplished. For a long time I wanted to be Dr. King. As I got older my views changed. The OP said pissed not hate. It pisses me off to watch videos of hundreds of blacks marching with Dr. King while being unfairly attacked and not fighting back. Dr. King, the man, does not piss me off, just the thought of what he put himself through to obtain peace. He lived during a time where it was not going to happen that way.

Why does it make you upset of what he put himself through for peace? You honestly think that what he was trying to accomplish would have happened without any repercussions? It should empower people to know what he put himself through to obtain what he was trying to accomplish.

I'm not upset. No matter what route he went there would have been repercussions. I just feel that during that time period equality was not going to be given to us because we were peaceful. We were viewed as nothing, a waste of life. I'm really basing my opinion on how I feel my mindset would have been during that time, militant. I just feel that we had to stand up and fight for equality. Not saying we had to go out and commit violent acts, but we damn sho didn't have to take it. I highly respect what Dr. King accomplished. He is one of the greatest to ever live. Im just not down with his complete ideology.

I don't understand what you are trying to say. You would have been "militant", but would not be violent? Militant means to be combative and coercive. Malcolm X wasn't violent either.

For those who prefer Malcolm, I'd hope that you are accepting of his homosexual past.. (I have no problem with that, my problem lies with his combating of hate with hate early in his elijah muhammed stan days)

Who cares if he was gay? As if it would have diminished what he did just because he was a homosexual. To ignorant morons, maybe.
Originally Posted by Cicero Avenue Dopeman

lol 2 dude who said MLK gotta b a white guy

Ill be honest, my reason for debate in this thread was to go against the quoted comment. In no way am I pissed at MLK. Though I don't completely agree with his way of gaining equality, it was more reasonable as far as decreasing violence. I just believe that the person I am today would not have stood the hate towards black race. Yeah, It's easy to say that at this point, but I don't think I could have handled it.
Originally Posted by jermz101

Wow the hate for Ali is crazy

I don't hate him, I just don't understand why he's so revered.  He doesn't really piss me off, but it just tilts me that most of the world treats him as if he's this amazing human being.  I guess I'm like Mugatu saying all Derek has is just one look.  Who knows, maybe Ali does have blue steel, but I just haven't seen it.  I acknowledge his athletic achievements, but outside of that I really just don't understand the reverence for him held by most.
@ Malcolm X being gay. I'm not homophobic but what a way for them to put a black man "down" when he's dead.
Originally Posted by Quincy Powell

@ Malcolm X being gay. I'm not homophobic but what a way for them to put a black man "down" when he's dead.

Meh I think Malcom X was gay, and I would have to be homophobic if I associated it with putting thr black man down. He was gay.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Quincy Powell

@ Malcolm X being gay. I'm not homophobic but what a way for them to put a black man "down" when he's dead.

Meh I think Malcom X was gay, and I would have to be homophobic if I associated it with putting thr black man down. He was gay.
You and I both know how they think. A man that had an influence on many Black people is now deemed gay to a  people that homosexuality is a "problem". All of the great White Americans are never tarnished in such a way after their death. I know you like to preach all this skin color and equality but Black people in general are always portrayed in some sort of negative fashion if they speak up. I'm noy saying I agree but gay men are seen by the majority as weak and not a threat.
Originally Posted by foxdawg2000

Funny how people in here just throw out a name with no historical perspective at all..

For those who prefer Malcolm, I'd hope that you are accepting of his homosexual past.. (I have no problem with that, my problem lies with his combating of hate with hate early in his elijah muhammed stan days)

For those who choose Martin, I'd hope you're accepting of his infidelities as a husband which in turn mean christian hypocrisy and also his Communist connections.. (Not that I have a problem with any of those but people make him out to be some american christian folk hero, negriod puhlease....)

I wouldn't include either of them on my fav or least fav list though just intrigued at the reasoning behind many responses..

My list would include: (in no particular order)

Charlemagne (sold the souls of future of millions of Europeans into Christianity)

Mao Tse Tung("killed somewhere between 20 and 67 million (estimates vary) of his countrymen" uh yeah guy had no conscience)

Pol Pot(lead to about 4 million of his own people's death by various means )

Adolf Hitler ( falsely manipulating millions to blame their problems on a minority and using that to exterminate another 6 million plus)

Joseph Stalin (similar to pol pot, millions perished under his rule)

Nathan Bedford Forrest (founded the first major american terrorist org , KKK, the rest speaks for itself)

Honorable Mention

Tomas de Torquemada
Idi Amin
Henry VIII

countless others..

This is a good list, all horrible human beings

add Ivan the Terrible

Originally Posted by Quincy Powell

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Quincy Powell

@ Malcolm X being gay. I'm not homophobic but what a way for them to put a black man "down" when he's dead.

Meh I think Malcom X was gay, and I would have to be homophobic if I associated it with putting thr black man down. He was gay.
You and I both know how they think. A man that had an influence on many black people is now deemed gay to a  people that homosexuality is a "problem". All of the great White Americans are never tarnished in such a way after their death. I know you like to preach all this skin color and equality but black people in general are always portrayed in some sort of negative fashion if they speak up.

I'm not an ignorant idiot, I don't think homosexuality is a problem so I see no issues with it. Many great men in many European cultures in history have been found to be homosexual you don't see Europeans crying about "tarnished image".
Originally Posted by sifupooh

NT community I present to you one Alain Prost
dirty pool mister dirty pool 

I'm watching Senna
No one referred to your original post?
To be fair, I felt the movie was a bit unfair to Prost.  It's about Senna, so it was always gonna be a bit biased, but to be fair, I think both guys could have shared the blame for some of those incidents.  Don't get me wrong, I'm a Senna fan, but there are always 2 sides to a story.  
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Quincy Powell

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Meh I think Malcom X was gay, and I would have to be homophobic if I associated it with putting thr black man down. He was gay.
You and I both know how they think. A man that had an influence on many black people is now deemed gay to a  people that homosexuality is a "problem". All of the great White Americans are never tarnished in such a way after their death. I know you like to preach all this skin color and equality but black people in general are always portrayed in some sort of negative fashion if they speak up.

I'm not an ignorant idiot, I don't think homosexuality is a problem so I see no issues with it. Many great men in many European cultures in history have been found to be homosexual you don't see Europeans crying about "tarnished image".

I have no issues with homosexuality either. All I'm saying is if a person of color is gay they are gay before being a man like it matters. I feel us Blacks at times can never just be who we are first we have to be broken down into further classifications.
^word to the chapelle show skit

Whenever it's Columbus day I get so mad, like how the hell does a murderer rapist scumbag who was arrested by his own people have a national holiday. The quintessential %+%*++$++.
Originally Posted by Quincy Powell

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Quincy Powell

You and I both know how they think. A man that had an influence on many black people is now deemed gay to a  people that homosexuality is a "problem". All of the great White Americans are never tarnished in such a way after their death. I know you like to preach all this skin color and equality but black people in general are always portrayed in some sort of negative fashion if they speak up.

I'm not an ignorant idiot, I don't think homosexuality is a problem so I see no issues with it. Many great men in many European cultures in history have been found to be homosexual you don't see Europeans crying about "tarnished image".

I have no issues with homosexuality either. All I'm saying is if a person of color is gay they are gay before being a man like it matters. I feel us Blacks at times can never just be who we are first we have to be broken down into further classifications.
Oh the "you're black before you're gay" response. Because someone can't be discriminated on for being + for being gay + for being a woman. So because dude is black, a gay person can't use him as a hero for gay people?  Because there is a monopoly on civil rights leaders?
Originally Posted by nYcHipHopHippo

^word to the chapelle show skit

Whenever it's Columbus day I get so mad, like how the hell does a murderer rapist scumbag who was arrested by his own people have a national holiday. The quintessential %+%*++$++.

I don't understand Columbus day at all, it's one thing to discover and desecrate someone's land but to rub it in by making it a national holiday is beyond me. We might as well have a slavery and invasion day while we're at it. Call me unpatriotic.
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