A historical figure that pisses you off

Originally Posted by AKA LONGSTROKE

Originally Posted by foxdawg2000

Originally Posted by AKA LONGSTROKE

Are you suggesting that the entire Black community has a problem with homosexuality? Please clarify. 
My sarcasm is a reference to the modern day Christian perception of homosexuality as an abomination, specifically in portions of the black community..

but people like this guy obviously had a conflict of interest...

It seems as if you like to point out the flaws in the Black community, so before I go any further with you, what is your racial background, and what experiences do you have in the black community that will allow you to make such absurd assumptions? If not considered Black, did you do any valued research, any that is credible? State them please.
Are you doing this to simply bait people? Or are you somehow trying making up for your own stereotypical inadequacies?
If you're trying to imply that I have to be black to speak on the many mythical fallacies that corrupt black communal education I'd have to strike you down right there.. I can also contend that education is important no matter what the source may be..If you're apprehensive about acknowledging Malcolm's homosexual tendencies and how it may hurt his legacy I think that goes to say more about the ignorance in the community than the course of his actions...You're falling into the same folkloric trap that you complain about from Anglo America, making Immortal the image of men that were just that, Men.. If you're also trying to imply that I'm a racist then I would have to admit that you may be right there but only for the fact that I personally dislike every race equally for their collective ignorance throughout history.

For your pure satisfaction I am black enough to speak on these topics and do have a background in social science education.. I'd like to say I'm somewhat qualified on these topics but then again it only takes a bit of investigating do uncover these types of things..

I'm not baiting anybody and I don't see how this could be baiting anyone if homosexuality is perfectly acceptable to me..
Is it baiting somebody to call a spade, a spade?

This is the second time in a couple days that you have taken offense to me pointing out certain portions of an individuals life that may strike you as somewhat imperfect..

Once again I'd have to ask you to understand that I didn't make these things up, don't blame me, blame the people you choose to worship...

If it makes you feel any better they also say that Ghandi probably had his share of homosexual relations as well..
What EVIDENCE does anyone have of Malcolm being gay?
And hating Ali for dodging the draft is stupid IMO... I'd dodge a draft too the hell i'm a fight for a country that dont give a damn about me for?

Anyway my choices are
Bush(the whole family)
Abe Lincoln
Originally Posted by foxdawg2000

Originally Posted by AKA LONGSTROKE

Originally Posted by foxdawg2000


Just one source but usually where there's smoke there's fire..

The fact that him being gay is totally out the realm of possibility to you is sort of a shame, Does this make him any less of a man?

It really doesn't matter to me, I don't care what he was in his former life, because he was a criminal as well. He robbed from Black people, but he evolved, and that is the main focus for me. The evolution of a human being from an unproductive individual, to a productive one, one who lived for a cause greater than himself.
However, it seems that you are one presumptuous individual, which is pathetic in its own right.

I just showed you where my evidence came from and now I'm presumptuous ?

It's not the only source, and obviously you have a problem with his homosexual past because you're trying to relate his homosexuality to robbing other black people?

Would it make you even more angry if I told you Malcolm was also the mistress of a white business man???
I'm not making this stuff up it's all in the bio..

“This book gives us a richer, more profound, more complicated and more fully fleshed out Malcolm than we have ever had before,
Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by blacklion23

Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by blacklion23

I don't understand what you are trying to say. You would have been "militant", but would not be violent? Militant means to be combative and coercive. Malcolm X wasn't violent either.

A militant does not have to be violent. There are other ways to be an aggressor for a cause without being violent. What I'm saying is that I would not initiate violence, but would defend myself if need it be.
Wait I just cant consider homosexuality disgusting and male on male or woman on woman sex completely detrimental to mankinds overall health and psyche.Like is it only fair that atheist are allowed to Be 3d dimensional people and religious people can't be. Why is it every time you write something you gotta use a picture from reddit why can't you create a original ideas of your own? why is that this thread got derailed into another thread were Sillyputty gets to use his stupid pictures, his stupid double spaced sentence font and his 30 pictures per post style.Why is it every time somebody discusses Malcolm X folks bring up the fact he was bisexual but not the fact it was only during the time he had no true identity as a person and was a completely lost soul and a terrible human being? Why did this fool post Bishop Eddie Long as an example of Black homosexual hypocrisy when he is a pedarest and would be an outcast in the gay community as much as in the black community? Why is it that folks don't understand Homosexuality and the Black Community as well as the African Community will always be considered taboo because it's against the very foundation of what it means to be a man?A mans job as provider and fertilizer of the seeds is extremely important .For a man to submit to another man sexually is a form of weakness mentally,spiritually and physically in our community.
Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

Wait I just cant consider homosexuality disgusting and male on male or woman on woman sex completely detrimental to mankinds overall health and psyche.Like is it only fair that atheist are allowed to Be 3d dimensional people and religious people can't be. Why is it every time you write something you gotta use a picture from reddit why can't you create a original ideas of your own? why is that this thread got derailed into another thread were Sillyputty gets to use his stupid pictures, his stupid double spaced sentence font and his 30 pictures per post style.Why is it every time somebody discusses Malcolm X folks bring up the fact he was bisexual but not the fact it was only during the time he had no true identity as a person and was a completely lost soul and a terrible human being? Why did this fool post Bishop Eddie Long as an example of Black homosexual hypocrisy when he is a pedarest and would be an outcast in the gay community as much as in the black community? Why is it that folks don't understand Homosexuality and the Black Community as well as the African Community will always be considered taboo because it's against the very foundation of what it means to be a man?A mans job as provider and fertilizer of the seeds is extremely important .For a man to submit to another man sexually is a form of weakness mentally,spiritually and physically in our community.
Now you're just spewing your religious bigotry onto the topic which I have no ear for...

The fact that I bring up Malcolm X's homosexuality is to do just that, make a point of how hypocrisy is so common in today's day and age especially for you so called Christians..

Basically religious folks believe in a portion of a compilation of books that are over 2000 years old.. You've dropped a ton of other principals out of those books but continue to hold on to the hating gayness part..

Sad once again and shows another reason why ignorance is rampant for people in this country..

Once again you're comparing homosexuality to other "bad" parts of Malcolm's life and I also never tried to discredit his accomplishments I simply stated that "our heroes" do have portions of their lives that black people love to ignore..

I chose Bishop Eddie Long for the fact that he symbolizes everything I despise about the religious community in America.. He preaches out against sin and homosexuality but in reality is a sick Mfer ..

I think homosexuality is a great thing for people that feel the way they feel.. Do I have to be homosexual to have this view? not at all.. But I believe in freedom of lifestyle..Just because I don't practice it does not mean it should not be allowed..

If you're mad about the facts it's a personal problem..

P.S. So now you'd like me to create my own MeMes and you'd be more accepting of them? dude you are quite the softee..(no pun intended

It's also funny how you call the people who post evidence "stupid" and those who provide little to no factual support the intelligent ones..

Sometimes I wonder, but not surprised at these comments..
Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

Wait I just cant consider homosexuality disgusting and male on male or woman on woman sex completely detrimental to mankinds overall health and psyche.Like is it only fair that atheist are allowed to Be 3d dimensional people and religious people can't be. Why is it every time you write something you gotta use a picture from reddit why can't you create a original ideas of your own? why is that this thread got derailed into another thread were Sillyputty gets to use his stupid pictures, his stupid double spaced sentence font and his 30 pictures per post style.Why is it every time somebody discusses Malcolm X folks bring up the fact he was bisexual but not the fact it was only during the time he had no true identity as a person and was a completely lost soul and a terrible human being? Why did this fool post Bishop Eddie Long as an example of Black homosexual hypocrisy when he is a pedarest and would be an outcast in the gay community as much as in the black community? Why is it that folks don't understand Homosexuality and the Black Community as well as the African Community will always be considered taboo because it's against the very foundation of what it means to be a man?A mans job as provider and fertilizer of the seeds is extremely important .For a man to submit to another man sexually is a form of weakness mentally,spiritually and physically in our community.
You had me until this little piece of information, How is a homosexual man any less of a "man" than a heterosexual man? Because he isn't "fertilizing" a female? A male isn't a man unless he becomes a father? How is the man submitting to his mate? Heterosexual relationships you would call it love but in a homosexual relationship it considered submitting? What type of logic is that?
How is malcolm xs case one of hypocrisy when it's obvious he was only gay when he was at his lowest not at his highest when he became a real man he stopped or organizedreligion .Like how can you use that as an example of hypocrisy .For the record I'm not Christian I'm agnostic don't really care for atheism because I find it quite pointless in a world where mysterious things and miracles do happen. I don't understand how atheist especially this new generation of Internet savvy ones think that they are getting payback on religions for wiping them out and persecuting them by attacking and trying to assassinate religious peoples characters and identities through the Internet the same way they were treated through books,stories etc for centuries.

Like does that really accomplish anything it makes you appear to be just the monsters and heathens they depicted you to be. All of these stupid gifs pictures all do one purpose proves to that you are capable of the same barbaric and tired attacks you hate them for you all just wanted the freedom to finally do it back and not get caught for it.All that superior atheist logic and thinking You lot love to gush about .Is just some false superiority complex you all have.Its disgusting its laughable and it's most importantly human. Something we all have in common except both sides are so busy trying to prove they are the superior human mind three just show how similar and typical they are.
Originally Posted by Gex The Damaja

Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

Wait I just cant consider homosexuality disgusting and male on male or woman on woman sex completely detrimental to mankinds overall health and psyche.Like is it only fair that atheist are allowed to Be 3d dimensional people and religious people can't be. Why is it every time you write something you gotta use a picture from reddit why can't you create a original ideas of your own? why is that this thread got derailed into another thread were Sillyputty gets to use his stupid pictures, his stupid double spaced sentence font and his 30 pictures per post style.Why is it every time somebody discusses Malcolm X folks bring up the fact he was bisexual but not the fact it was only during the time he had no true identity as a person and was a completely lost soul and a terrible human being? Why did this fool post Bishop Eddie Long as an example of Black homosexual hypocrisy when he is a pedarest and would be an outcast in the gay community as much as in the black community? Why is it that folks don't understand Homosexuality and the Black Community as well as the African Community will always be considered taboo because it's against the very foundation of what it means to be a man?A mans job as provider and fertilizer of the seeds is extremely important .For a man to submit to another man sexually is a form of weakness mentally,spiritually and physically in our community.
You had me until this little piece of information, How is a homosexual man any less of a "man" than a heterosexual man? Because he isn't "fertilizing" a female? A male isn't a man unless he becomes a father? How is the man submitting to his mate? Heterosexual relationships you would call it love but in a homosexual relationship it considered submitting? What type of logic is that?

I think it's an affront to the idea and foundations of masculinity of the black community.Ill retract my statement it is indeed harsh and distracts from what I said earlier
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Those hating MLK must have wanted a race riot...

and when it comes to a race riot, the minority ALWAYS loses.

lol @ the cowards talking that I would've fought back nonsense in modern times from behind a computer screen. Most people on here wouldn't have done anything. And yes, it would've just made minorities look like savages and the riots would've been dealt with swiftly. You think people weren't itching for black people to do something to give them an excuse to handle it with full force?
Originally Posted by foxdawg2000

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

You can talk about them as men (X, Martin) if you want to...thats outside what they did as men and it just shows how your a gossiping %+* female.
I'm not an ignorant idiot, I don't think homosexuality is a problem so I see no issues with it. Many great men in many European cultures in history have been found to be homosexual you don't see Europeans crying about "tarnished image".


stay in your arena...there is no EVIDENCE that Malcolm was gay...so why would you believe that? Where is your evidence?

You (especially YOU, all you do on NT is challenge the entire African American dichotomy, you show no social ability or intellect) ARE trying to undermine his legacy...with your PC crap...
You  need to read more from certain biographers.. There is some evidence that he did dabble in gay prostitution along with his drug addictions and interracial relationships..

This is all before he became the almighty "Malcolm X" of course.. look it up homie

BTW him being gay doesn't diminish any of his accomplishments at all..

Unless you have a problem with homosexuals of course.. but the black community has never had a problem with that..

sad sad...

LOL I love how black people never question the credentials and validity of these experts and historians when it's something that benefits their own agendas. B Smooth is mad, I must  be doing something right.

If the same dude wrote something about how Malcolm X was the direct descendant of a Benin king people in here would be like "PREACH!!!!"
Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

Originally Posted by Gex The Damaja

Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

Wait I just cant consider homosexuality disgusting and male on male or woman on woman sex completely detrimental to mankinds overall health and psyche.Like is it only fair that atheist are allowed to Be 3d dimensional people and religious people can't be. Why is it every time you write something you gotta use a picture from reddit why can't you create a original ideas of your own? why is that this thread got derailed into another thread were Sillyputty gets to use his stupid pictures, his stupid double spaced sentence font and his 30 pictures per post style.Why is it every time somebody discusses Malcolm X folks bring up the fact he was bisexual but not the fact it was only during the time he had no true identity as a person and was a completely lost soul and a terrible human being? Why did this fool post Bishop Eddie Long as an example of Black homosexual hypocrisy when he is a pedarest and would be an outcast in the gay community as much as in the black community? Why is it that folks don't understand Homosexuality and the Black Community as well as the African Community will always be considered taboo because it's against the very foundation of what it means to be a man?A mans job as provider and fertilizer of the seeds is extremely important .For a man to submit to another man sexually is a form of weakness mentally,spiritually and physically in our community.
You had me until this little piece of information, How is a homosexual man any less of a "man" than a heterosexual man? Because he isn't "fertilizing" a female? A male isn't a man unless he becomes a father? How is the man submitting to his mate? Heterosexual relationships you would call it love but in a homosexual relationship it considered submitting? What type of logic is that?

I think it's an affront to the idea and foundations of masculinity of the black community.Ill retract my statement it is indeed harsh and distracts from what I said earlier
I appreciate you taking that back for the fact that it shows you are aware that homosexuals are just as humane as the next person..

So you're saying that Malcolm X magically stopped being gay the rest of his life? You're only gay when you engage in sexual acts with someone? So a virgin gay male isn't really gay just because he hasn't engaged in intercourse yet? Are heterosexual boys only proven heterosexuals when they first engage in sex with a woman? How can you be sure he just wasn't suppressing his homosexuality for the rest of his life?  My point was that him being homosexual had nothing to do with him doing drugs or robbing black people.. He merely had a desire to sleep with other men whether that changed later or not has nothing to do with the "bad" things he did at that point in his life...

My mistake came in comparing him to bishop eddie long, pedophilia was a part of that case and I did not mean to associate Malcolms homosexuality with pedophilia which are two different instances so yes I was wrong in that comparison for that fact.. I probably should have used Tedd Haggard as a better example..

The fact that you have a problem with intellectuals is a problem to me..

"For the record I'm not Christian I'm agnostic don't really care for atheism because I find it quite pointless in a world where mysterious things and miracles do happen."
-A hundred years ago there were many more miracles than there are today.. That number mysteriously seems to shrink as human intelligence increases through scientific discovery.. would you agree?

"I don't understand how atheist especially this new generation of Internet savvy ones think that they are getting payback on religions for wiping them out and persecuting them by attacking and trying to assassinate religious peoples characters and identities through the Internet the same way they were treated through books,stories etc for centuries. "
I'm not attempting to assassinate any one's character just point out the points in history where misconception runs a muck.  The lives of people like Malcolm are great example in where people, especially blacks firmly stand against homosexuality but in the next sentence look at this guy as a hero.. hypocrisy?

"Like does that really accomplish anything it makes you appear to be just the monsters and heathens they depicted you to be."
No way I can be considered a monster in comparison to the atrocities that religious people worldwide perpetrate on a daily basis in the name of their God... The audacity.. If anything I'm educating people on things they may have never known about or forcing them to do their own research to prove that their beliefs hold any scientific validity.. Is that a bad thing?

Yes, the gifs are just for shock value.. I'm sorry if they offend you.. It's kind of like an endzone dance.. I could hand the ball to the referee but I choose to dunk it through the goal posts.. If that offends you I'm sorry pal but please feel free to ignore them..

To conclude this discussion I've never claimed to be superior to anyone in that regard. All I do on here is encourage people to examine their belief system and continue to learn about themselves as well as others. If you would like to be a sheep and believe everything that you're told by your uncle has told you that's fine, I personally am intrigued by multiple perspectives and seeing things from different points of view..I choose to continue my personal education and attempt to help others... If that bothers you my friend I can only suggest that you refrain from entering forums with open discussion and stay in your lane..

I do appreciate the conversation though and hopefully we can both move forward and take something useful from this exchange
Originally Posted by foxdawg2000

Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

Originally Posted by Gex The Damaja

You had me until this little piece of information, How is a homosexual man any less of a "man" than a heterosexual man? Because he isn't "fertilizing" a female? A male isn't a man unless he becomes a father? How is the man submitting to his mate? Heterosexual relationships you would call it love but in a homosexual relationship it considered submitting? What type of logic is that?

I think it's an affront to the idea and foundations of masculinity of the black community.Ill retract my statement it is indeed harsh and distracts from what I said earlier
I appreciate you taking that back for the fact that it shows you are aware that homosexuals are just as humane as the next person..

So you're saying that Malcolm X magically stopped being gay the rest of his life? You're only gay when you engage in sexual acts with someone? So a virgin gay male isn't really gay just because he hasn't engaged in intercourse yet? Are heterosexual boys only proven heterosexuals when they first engage in sex with a woman? How can you be sure he just wasn't suppressing his homosexuality for the rest of his life?  My point was that him being homosexual had nothing to do with him doing drugs or robbing black people.. He merely had a desire to sleep with other men whether that changed later or not has nothing to do with the "bad" things he did at that point in his life...

My mistake came in comparing him to bishop eddie long, pedophilia was a part of that case and I did not mean to associate Malcolms homosexuality with pedophilia which are two different instances so yes I was wrong in that comparison for that fact.. I probably should have used Tedd Haggard as a better example..

The fact that you have a problem with intellectuals is a problem to me..

"For the record I'm not Christian I'm agnostic don't really care for atheism because I find it quite pointless in a world where mysterious things and miracles do happen."
-A hundred years ago there were many more miracles than there are today.. That number mysteriously seems to shrink as human intelligence increases through scientific discovery.. would you agree?

"I don't understand how atheist especially this new generation of Internet savvy ones think that they are getting payback on religions for wiping them out and persecuting them by attacking and trying to assassinate religious peoples characters and identities through the Internet the same way they were treated through books,stories etc for centuries. "
I'm not attempting to assassinate any one's character just point out the points in history where misconception runs a muck.  The lives of people like Malcolm are great example in where people, especially blacks firmly stand against homosexuality but in the next sentence look at this guy as a hero.. hypocrisy?

"Like does that really accomplish anything it makes you appear to be just the monsters and heathens they depicted you to be."
No way I can be considered a monster in comparison to the atrocities that religious people worldwide perpetrate on a daily basis in the name of their God... The audacity.. If anything I'm educating people on things they may have never known about or forcing them to do their own research to prove that their beliefs hold any scientific validity.. Is that a bad thing?

Yes, the gifs are just for shock value.. I'm sorry if they offend you.. It's kind of like an endzone dance.
. I could hand the ball to the referee but I choose to dunk it through the goal posts.. If that offends you I'm sorry pal but please feel free to ignore them..

To conclude this discussion I've never claimed to be superior to anyone in that regard. All I do on here is encourage people to examine their belief system and continue to learn about themselves as well as others. If you would like to be a sheep and believe everything that you're told by your uncle has told you that's fine, I personally am intrigued by multiple perspectives and seeing things from different points of view..I choose to continue my personal education and attempt to help others... If that bothers you my friend I can only suggest that you refrain from entering forums with open discussion and stay in your lane..

I do appreciate the conversation though and hopefully we can both move forward and take something useful from this exchange
Love every response in this, I don't even understand at what point the whole Malcolm thing because a religious debate but I like where it's going.

LOL @ endzone dance.
Originally Posted by ILL LEGAL OPERATION

Originally Posted by foxdawg2000

Originally Posted by ILL LEGAL OPERATION

HELL NO - that dude's a damn joke...

...the book should be respected because wanna be 2pac Dyson said so?

C'mon my dude 
Oh yeah I forgot black professors at Georgetown are all jokes..


damn it once again here comes a guy discrediting a black man held in a high regard... STOP IT!
You're familiar with Michael Eric Dyson the persona...
...I'm familiar with the person.

And that's fine but possibly instead of calling someone a joke how about you contribute something useful to the conversation and expand on your opinion.. It's easy to shoot down someone's comment with no basis but not so easy to extrapolate an argument or construct a meaningful thought supporting your offering.. Explain my friend..
Originally Posted by foxdawg2000

Originally Posted by AKA LONGSTROKE

Originally Posted by foxdawg2000

My sarcasm is a reference to the modern day Christian perception of homosexuality as an abomination, specifically in portions of the black community..

but people like this guy obviously had a conflict of interest...

It seems as if you like to point out the flaws in the Black community, so before I go any further with you, what is your racial background, and what experiences do you have in the black community that will allow you to make such absurd assumptions? If not considered Black, did you do any valued research, any that is credible? State them please.
Are you doing this to simply bait people? Or are you somehow trying making up for your own stereotypical inadequacies?
If you're trying to imply that I have to be black to speak on the many mythical fallacies that corrupt black communal education I'd have to strike you down right there.. I can also contend that education is important no matter what the source may be..If you're apprehensive about acknowledging Malcolm's homosexual tendencies and how it may hurt his legacy I think that goes to say more about the ignorance in the community than the course of his actions...You're falling into the same folkloric trap that you complain about from Anglo America, making Immortal the image of men that were just that, Men.. If you're also trying to imply that I'm a racist then I would have to admit that you may be right there but only for the fact that I personally dislike every race equally for their collective ignorance throughout history.

For your pure satisfaction I am black enough to speak on these topics and do have a background in social science education.. I'd like to say I'm somewhat qualified on these topics but then again it only takes a bit of investigating do uncover these types of things..

I'm not baiting anybody and I don't see how this could be baiting anyone if homosexuality is perfectly acceptable to me..
Is it baiting somebody to call a spade, a spade?

This is the second time in a couple days that you have taken offense to me pointing out certain portions of an individuals life that may strike you as somewhat imperfect..

Once again I'd have to ask you to understand that I didn't make these things up, don't blame me, blame the people you choose to worship...

If it makes you feel any better they also say that Ghandi probably had his share of homosexual relations as well..

I don't think that I've mentioned anything about being anti gay, homophobic, nor any such thing. But as I have stated, your aggressive stance suggests that you are dealing with issues that are beyond this topic in particular. Regardless of your racial background, you'd rather hide behind the hyperbolic, attacking in a manner that may get a rise out of some, but not here. Labs are doing some great things in test tubes, perhaps if you get in line now, they may be able to grow you a pair, so that you'll no longer hide behind your insanely stereotypical tainted rhetoric.
James Baldwin

Bayard Rustin

Langston Hughes

Bill T Jones, who happens to be a good friend of mine

All of these Black men, strong brothers mind you, are Men that I admire greatly, regardless of their sexual orientation. I think that we can all agree that smart, honest people or all races, creed, and gender, those of well intention, are incredibly attractive, just simply great to be around.

So in saying that, I am certain that you'll certainly understand why it is incredibly important that I no longer discuss this particular topic, with the likes of you.

Have a marvelous evening. 
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