AIr jordan XXXV first info.

Zion had that nasty dunk yesterday in his 35s and then in the second half switched to his 34s.


Zion had that nasty dunk yesterday in his 35s and then in the second half switched to his 34s.


That’s a few games now where he’s done that...they’re likely working on modified pairs for him. The exaggerated plate and wiring raised above the footbed is the most bothersome aspect for many, even during casual wear.
Bought the black/red 35s from ndc. Do these fit similar to the 31s that's the last jordan I bought. In retros I'm a 8.5 but in the newer jordan's I'm a 9
So I never had the 31s but I went TTS in the sisterhood pair I have (don’t have the breds in hand yet) and they started out tight and uncomfortable. I also wear orthotics so I took out the standard insole and put orthos in and the eclipse plate at first hurt a lot. Then the upper started to break in and the eclipse plate as well, and I loved them after that.

All this to say I would go with the 9 in these and that should be fine
New release from Nike but no info on the CNY XXXV release

So I never had the 31s but I went TTS in the sisterhood pair I have (don’t have the breds in hand yet) and they started out tight and uncomfortable. I also wear orthotics so I took out the standard insole and put orthos in and the eclipse plate at first hurt a lot. Then the upper started to break in and the eclipse plate as well, and I loved them after that.

All this to say I would go with the 9 in these and that should be fine
Thanks alot gonna use these casually . I also use orthotics. Good to know they will actually fit
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