Before and After Photos of An Abandoned Detroit School

I feel like Detroit could turn into a gold mine again if anyone cared enough to actually put forth the money to get the city going again. No reason why any major city in this country should be like that.

theres nothing you can do to fix it

Neglect, simply because it's inhabited by a bunch of Negros. As far as the Gov. cares let 'em rot, right? Detroit pre-60s/riots was one of the greatest cities in the WORLD not just America. It could have easily become what the ATL's, CHI's, HOU, and DAL we have today. Corruption, neglect, the migration of whites to the outskirts/burbs, and whats the end result? One of the largest ghettos since the holocaust.

See you can talk about it being the governments fault and all, but at what point do people realize they need to change themselves? Sometimes I feel like we give people too much of a pass. The government isn't the one making the people in Detroit kill each other and look the way it does. The people there obviously don't care about how their city looks or else they could try and do something about it.
gotta be the most ignorance laced thread ever, people commenting and dont even know what the deal is
Interesting pics, but I don't see what's so sad if the school was closed in favor of a newer one . . .
What happened to Detroit is the same thing that happened to New Orleans, Baltimore, St. Louis, and other cities. A thing called white flight
Really sad to see Detroit like this. I remember growing up, Detroit was a thriving city on it's way to be like Dallas, Houston, and Chicago.
Now, after GM going down and outsourcing so many jobs overseas, Detroit tanked. Damn shame to see a city so dependent on an industry and then watching it fall.
How are there still professional teams in Detroit? Tickets must be filthy cheap.

Tickets to a Pistons and Clippers game starts at 2.00 on Stubhub. Wow.
Really sad to see Detroit like this. I remember growing up, Detroit was a thriving city on it's way to be like Dallas, Houston, and Chicago.
Now, after GM going down and outsourcing so many jobs overseas, Detroit tanked. Damn shame to see a city so dependent on an industry and then watching it fall.
How are there still professional teams in Detroit? Tickets must be filthy cheap.

Tickets to a Pistons and Clippers game starts at 2.00 on Stubhub. Wow.

yea for nosebleeds :lol:

let me know when you find courtside for cheap, only time ill go to a pistons game now.
I'm more than sure Detroit has it's rough spots but some of you guys are trying to portray it like a war zone. If you have common sense/street smarts you should be able to survive there just fine. Just like Chicago. There's plenty of NTers on here that will tell you first hand the LOVE Chicago but there's some places you just don't go. You can get your cap peeled in ANY city. I'm sure a lot of you think Indianapolis is "safe" but there's a lot of places you won't catch me going alone at any time of day.
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