Chris Brown just lost it (again)

Nyc game... just stop. For your own good. Tuck your tail between your legs and retreat like you said you were gonna do. I'm obviously not the only one who thinks that was a laughable analogy.

cmon ninjahood. Foreal doe?
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by NYC game

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

NYC game either you are like 14 years old or just dumb....maybe both.  How can you defend this cry baby singer?
How Ironic 

I dont see the irony.  You're defending Chris Brown when he's clearly in the wrong. AND you had one of the worst analogies I've ever heard on top of that.
You calling me 14 or stupid for defending chris brown, you fail to see 
A. flaming me and assuming I'm 14 is an act of childishness 

B. The fact that in starting my first statement I said "I don't even like chris brown" I empathize with his situation.

still don't see the irony?
I'd understand a backhand or shaking her, but dude bashed her face into the side window got dayum!
Originally Posted by NYC game

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by NYC game

How Ironic 

I dont see the irony.  You're defending Chris Brown when he's clearly in the wrong. AND you had one of the worst analogies I've ever heard on top of that.
You calling me 14 or stupid for defending chris brown, you fail to see 
A. flaming me and assuming I'm 14 is an act of childishness 

B. The fact that in starting my first statement I said "I don't even like chris brown" I empathize with his situation.

still don't see the irony?

I don't think that's how you're supposed to use irony in a sentence...
sumbody on my facebook said this prolly violated his probation. if it did i wonder wats gon happen to him...
Originally Posted by moonmaster3

Originally Posted by NYC game

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

I dont see the irony.  You're defending Chris Brown when he's clearly in the wrong. AND you had one of the worst analogies I've ever heard on top of that.
You calling me 14 or stupid for defending chris brown, you fail to see 
A. flaming me and assuming I'm 14 is an act of childishness 

B. The fact that in starting my first statement I said "I don't even like chris brown" I empathize with his situation.

still don't see the irony?

I don't think that's how you're supposed to use irony in a sentence...
 Stay in school NYC
You fail at analogies and at the use of irony. You're running out of literary devices to butcher, bro.
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

You fail at analogies and at the use of irony. You're running out of literary devices to butcher, bro.

His analogy and claim of irony had me scratching my head both times, had me thinking I was slow to get it but I see that I was not alone in this 
Originally Posted by WILKS592

Tuesday, Mar 22, 2011 13:23 ET [h1]The media's treatment of Charlie Sheen vs Chris Brown[/h1]
[h2]The R&B star's violent past is the subject of "GMA" interview. Why we give some stars a free pass on abuse Video [/h2]
By Drew Grant

Chris Brown on "Good Morning America."

 Chris Brown should be on top of the world. His new album F.A.M.E. dropped today, with already three #1 songs. It's also currently the most downloaded album on iTunes. So when Brown went on "Good Morning America" to talk to Robin Roberts, he was probably in a pretty good mood, and put on a game face to discuss his current status with Rihanna, his ex-girlfriend and pop star who Brown assaulted before the Grammy's in 2009.

But Robin didn't let the topic drop, and kept maneuvering their discussion back to the felony charges that Chris pleaded guilty to, along with the restraining order that the R&B star is trying to get downgraded. Chris struggled through the segment and then allegedly started getting violent: breaking the glass of his dressing room window, screaming, and ripping off his shirt.


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While Brown's anger issues are certainly a topic for conversation, I just have to wonder: where was this tough line of questioning when Charlie Sheen was on ABC? After all, the actor also plead guilty to assault charges on ex-wife Brooke Mueller and according to the police reports taken that night, it wasn’t the first time Sheen had become physically violent with her, previously throwing her to the ground and causing a head injury severe enough to require medical assistance. (Neither Mueller nor Sheen reported the incident at the time.)  And that wasn't the only incident. As Anna Holmes reported in The New York Times, Sheen's battery sheet --only against women -- is a mile long:
In 1990, he accidentally shot his fiancée at the time, the actress Kelly Preston, in the arm. (The engagement ended soon after.) In 1994 he was sued by a college student who alleged that he struck her in the head after she declined to have sex with him. (The case was settled out of court.) Two years later, a sex film actress, Brittany Ashland, said she had been thrown to the floor of Mr. Sheen’s Los Angeles house during a fight. (He pleaded no contest and paid a fine.)...

Last October, another actress in sex films, Capri Anderson, locked herself in a Plaza Hotel bathroom after Mr. Sheen went on a rampage. (Ms. Anderson filed a criminal complaint but no arrest was made.) And on Tuesday, Ms. Mueller requested a temporary restraining order against her former husband, alleging that he had threatened to cut her head off, “put it in a box and send it to your mom.
Originally Posted by eashawty

sumbody on my facebook said this prolly violated his probation. if it did i wonder wats gon happen to him...

They should throw him in jail, maybe then he'll realize that he needs help. 
Originally Posted by PoloLax

Originally Posted by jehims

Originally Posted by PoloLax

Thank you.
lol both of you really have no idea why CB got upset and you're completely going off topic.
Why are you guys talking about CB beating rihanna? That was like 2 years one is saying what he did was right.
Imagine if you were promoting your new album or product or whatever you're selling on national live television and the interviewer asked about your personal problems when they're not suppose to talk about that.
CB already faced national scrutiny and some degree of defamation, apologized and talked about that night on programs like larry king live, lost many sponsorships from variety of companies, some radio programs permanently/temporarily did not play his songs, half of the entertainment industry talking smack about him, magazines criticizing his actions and many hours of community service. Despite all that, it took him a long time to get his fame back up and have at least 3 number one singles since then. His graffiti album got no love and went almost non-existent (except transform ya). Today was like his big debut and success...and then dude gets hit with questions from 2 years ago on national tv. He kindly asks to talk about the FAME album and the interviewer discreetly mentions the rihanna incident again. Tell me if that was you, would you still calmly act and ignore what the interviewer said? I'm not a huge fan of CB either, but im just thinking realistically of how anyone would react if he/she was in CB's position. They might have even agreed to just focus on FAME album before the interview. I agree he overreacted...but i just dont believe you saying that you would calmly answer those questions.

You reap what you sow.

You people on NT think we should just forget about what he did just cause the guy has an album coming out. No one who watches GMA gives a damn about Chris Brown's album. They had him on to to talk about Rihanna.

If anything, Chris Brown is stupid. He could use those questions as a way to win people over by addressing them and admitting what he did was wrong. He could only help his public perception by doing these types of shows, but he must know that he has to confront his past. People will respect someone who admits guilt and stands up for his actions, two years ago or not.

This is what Chris Brown is now known for, and always will be known for. The questions will never stop. It doesn't help that the person he beat up was another successful superstar.
c'mon b..stop injecting your opinion on da situation as fact.

chris brown already went thru it for 2 years, what makes you think he's any different from anyone else? cuz he's got money? so president Clinton still has to be asked about da Lewinsky scandal?

mike vick still gotta answer question about da dog incident? pssh thats some clown %$# reply b.... 

at da end of da day these people are human. stop tryin to poke a stick at them and justify it as "well they're celebrities, they're supposed to deal with it...its corny and biased.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

cuz he's a minority..its sad

charlie sheen been getting a free pass for yeaaaaaaaars
dats nonsense.  It has nothing to do with being a minority.  Rihanna is a celebrity and the pictures and details leaked.  When the pics leaked, it was game over.  You had celebrities like TI and I think Kanye that had first said, "it's just kids in an little argument/fight, no big deal" later like "no comment, I take back what I said". 
Originally Posted by PoloLax

A woman is basically defenseless against a man, as men are more physical. Beating a woman shouldn't be condoned and if one saw someone doing this to a woman they should step in, no matter if its your business or not.

And to that situation up there in the youtube. That's some ignorant woman getting pissy at someone who was on the phone, man kept his cool and didn't touch that woman not one time. She spit on a man and repeated to hit another man in the face. He didn't do a thing but raise his voice, never putting a finger on that woman.

!#%$ outta here wit that +#+@ son, i saw that video too, had that broad done that to me i would've slapped her weave off E. honda style
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by PoloLax

A woman is basically defenseless against a man, as men are more physical. Beating a woman shouldn't be condoned and if one saw someone doing this to a woman they should step in, no matter if its your business or not.

And to that situation up there in the youtube. That's some ignorant woman getting pissy at someone who was on the phone, man kept his cool and didn't touch that woman not one time. She spit on a man and repeated to hit another man in the face. He didn't do a thing but raise his voice, never putting a finger on that woman.

!#%$ outta here wit that +#+@ son, i saw that video too, had that broad done that to me i would've slapped her weave off E. honda style

You better then me id more then likely let one go in her. I mean this double standard stuff gotta stop. How are men and women equal (by the way equal means same) yet tall are saying it should be different when it comes to woman. If thats the case and men are physically dominant, then this theory should be wide spread. Women in physically demanding job fields should be paid substaintially less. As so many ppl in here have said, men and woman arent equal in the physical sense so why should they be paid as if they are? End of the day man=woman when it comes to violence. It is just as wrong for her to attack him as it was for him to attack her. Wrong is wrong period.Whats next ppl of difference races should get more time for acts of violence seeing as it has been proven some races of ppl are genetically superior when it comes to athletism/physicality size etc?
Originally Posted by 10 Piece Nuggets

Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by KayCurrency

But what if Rhianna really did go HAM on Chris in that car?
Of course Chris would come out the Victor because he's a male...

...Correct me if im wrong, Chris had scratches on him too, who's to say they were defense wounds? 
I can't tell if you're being serious or joking. Did you see the pics? Not only was she a bloody mess, he also BIT her.

This seriously touches a nerve for two main reasons. One is that Rihanna is my favorite pop singer, and the other is that I've actually worked with battered women while volunteering at a community center. One of the very first things they teach is that if your s/o hits you, he WILL hit you again. There are two types of dudes in this world; ones that will beat a woman and ones that won't.

I will say that yeah, maybe if some crazy @!** was happening she may have deserved to be slapped. No woman deserves to be beaten to a pulp like that. That's the same to me as someone who beats their kids. Not hit, but actually beats the crap out of them.


You make valid points, but women act like they can do whatever they want and expect us not to react. If a woman pushes me off the edge (it would take a lot though) be damn straight ill knock some sense into her. Maybe CB did go far but unless you were in the situation you cant say for sure.

Sorry but theres no excuse for a male to "Physically" attack a  female, unless she hits first and is really beating you up and you need to defend yourself. Or if she has a weapon in her hand threating or attempting to use that weapon against you and you need to use physical force to apprehend her. Theres a difference between verbal abuse and physical abuse.  Theres no good excuse for Brown attacking Rhianna the way he did.
^word (@ninjahood). foh with that TYPICAL nonsense. dudes quick to put these females on pedestals. i wish a female would spit on me.

and that analogy on the last page is no worse than using the job interview analogy. when did chris apply to GMA??
Originally Posted by debs 168

^word (@ninjahood). foh with that TYPICAL nonsense. dudes quick to put these females on pedestals. i wish a female would spit on me.

and that analogy on the last page is no worse than using the job interview analogy. when did chris apply to GMA??

Chris applied when he became an entertainer and agreed to appear for the show.  Which means that there is a chance that they may ask him about his past. 
Originally Posted by cguy610

Originally Posted by debs 168

^word (@ninjahood). foh with that TYPICAL nonsense. dudes quick to put these females on pedestals. i wish a female would spit on me.

and that analogy on the last page is no worse than using the job interview analogy. when did chris apply to GMA??

Chris applied when he became an entertainer and agreed to appear for the show.  Which means that there is a chance that they may ask him about his past. 
you don't even believe that, son.
Originally Posted by likethematrix



Dudes in here REALLY about that "let a %+*%% beat my @!$ just cuz shes female" life? I don't support violence in any way, but I completely respect self defense and equality among the sexes. And once your hands or feet violate my space you have %!+%*@ up, male or female.

No one should be putting their hands on ANYONE but I'll be damned if a female gets away with it just because she has *******. Act like a lady and you won't get man handled.
Originally Posted by hAzEee aNd sN3aKerS

Originally Posted by 10 Piece Nuggets

Originally Posted by an dee 51o

I can't tell if you're being serious or joking. Did you see the pics? Not only was she a bloody mess, he also BIT her.

This seriously touches a nerve for two main reasons. One is that Rihanna is my favorite pop singer, and the other is that I've actually worked with battered women while volunteering at a community center. One of the very first things they teach is that if your s/o hits you, he WILL hit you again. There are two types of dudes in this world; ones that will beat a woman and ones that won't.

I will say that yeah, maybe if some crazy @!** was happening she may have deserved to be slapped. No woman deserves to be beaten to a pulp like that. That's the same to me as someone who beats their kids. Not hit, but actually beats the crap out of them.


You make valid points, but women act like they can do whatever they want and expect us not to react. If a woman pushes me off the edge (it would take a lot though) be damn straight ill knock some sense into her. Maybe CB did go far but unless you were in the situation you cant say for sure.

Sorry but theres no excuse for a male to "Physically" attack a  female, unless she hits first and is really beating you up and you need to defend yourself. Or if she has a weapon in her hand threating or attempting to use that weapon against you and you need to use physical force to apprehend her.
i guess you didn't hear that Rhianna was beatin da #@%* outta CB while he was driving because he wouldn't answer questions about his phone gettin calls from some groupie...

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