Chris Brown just lost it (again)

-Needs to control his temper better
-Hate commentators that don't want to discuss the topic at hand
Originally Posted by JFMartiMcDandruff

damn chris brown get it together the way, when does his album come out?
Chris Brown is smart.  There are going to be thousands of conversations just like this. $$$$$$


i guess you didn't hear that Rhianna was beatin da #@%* outta CB while he was driving because he wouldn't answer questions about his phone gettin calls from some groupie...

 ^ Thats just a "RUMOR" not a fact that has been proven to be true. EVen if she did hit him the results showed on Rhianna's face not his and he definitely beat her up far worse than any beating he recieved from her. Lets be serious Chris Brown had a few scratches on body compared to the busted up lips and bruised up face she had as a result of Chris Browns vicious attack.

Originally Posted by gambit215

Originally Posted by AI for MVP

I just want to see what would happen if one of you dudes were in the same vicinity as CB
Most of ya'll wouldn't say a damn thing 


this.  i sure as hell would say something.  its weird, im generally not a voilent person, nor do i care about celebrities at all, but i have this generally ill opinion of chris brown.  i dont HATE cb, but i definately have a strong distaste for him.  i dont care if rihanna was handling him before he retaliated, what he did was way over the top.  and then he goes off and gives this lame %+# public apology and thinks hes in the clear?  cmon.  if its really in his past he shouldnt react that way whenever its brought up.  i just wish that little girl would try to get in a fight with a dude, just so i could see him get ethered. maybe he'll learn his lesson.  
Originally Posted by hAzEee aNd sN3aKerS

i guess you didn't hear that Rhianna was beatin da #@%* outta CB while he was driving because he wouldn't answer questions about his phone gettin calls from some groupie...

 ^ Thats just a "RUMOR" not a fact that has been proven to be true. EVen if she did hit him the results showed on Rhianna's face not his and he definitely beat her up far worse than any beating he recieved from her. Lets be serious Chris Brown had a few scratches on body compared to the busted up lips and bruised up face she had as a result of Chris Browns vicious attack.


you obviously haven't had to deal with a self entitled, pompous Caribbean girl stop judging

son snapped, son did his time to society, its over.

rihanna not worried about it anymore, why should should anybody else?
Funny both Charlie Sheen and Chris Brown had domestic violence issues in the same year...
How you treat the teen worse than the grown $!* man tho? Maybe Chris should have just acted crazy in that interview and the media would have just laughed it off like they're doing Sheen....Oh wait
Originally Posted by hAzEee aNd sN3aKerS

i guess you didn't hear that Rhianna was beatin da #@%* outta CB while he was driving because he wouldn't answer questions about his phone gettin calls from some groupie...

 ^ Thats just a "RUMOR" not a fact that has been proven to be true. EVen if she did hit him the results showed on Rhianna's face not his and he definitely beat her up far worse than any beating he recieved from her. Lets be serious Chris Brown had a few scratches on body compared to the busted up lips and bruised up face she had as a result of Chris Browns vicious attack.


So your saying if you and a DUDE you are physically superior then slaps kick you a few times you would apply equal force to him? You wouldnt use closed fist to him? And you are also saying that if its a DUDE your physically bigger then attacks you, you would let him beat you up because if you hit him it will inflict more pain? Remember you did say men=women. So obvioulsy you couldnt say its different cause that would mean that they arent equal and you would be contridicting yourself.
Originally Posted by Im Not You

@ teen?
dude was like 18-19 when he %!%#$! up. Charlie Sheen out here 40+ acting worse than a confused adolescent....We need balance
First off comparing Sheen to CB is pointless.  Sheen didn't beat up another celeb...sadly if Chris Brown would've whooped up on some video model it wouldn't be as bad to the media.

My problem is with dudes like Ninja defending Chris Brown for beating a woman. I believe a woman shouldn't be hitting a man because it can get ugly.  BUT as a MAN you should know where to draw the line.  I'm not gonna let anybody man, woman, or child physically assualt me. BUT after I restrain ol' girl I'm not gonna keep beating her or even BITE her.  That's OD.  If a broad wanna flip out and try to box me I'm gonna show her whose boss quickly.  It's not neccessary to have ol' girl looking like she did 12 rounds in the MGM.  So yeah CB and whoever thinks it's respectable to beat-up a woman is a PUNK. 

The whole situation is a lose/lose when men and woman get violent. 
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

First off comparing Sheen to CB is pointless.  Sheen didn't beat up another celeb...sadly if Chris Brown would've whooped up on some video model it wouldn't be as bad to the media.

My problem is with dudes like Ninja defending Chris Brown for beating a woman. I believe a woman shouldn't be hitting a man because it can get ugly.  BUT as a MAN you should know where to draw the line.  I'm not gonna let anybody man, woman, or child physically assualt me. BUT after I restrain ol' girl I'm not gonna keep beating her or even BITE her.  That's OD.  If a broad wanna flip out and try to box me I'm gonna show her whose boss quickly.  It's not neccessary to have ol' girl looking like she did 12 rounds in the MGM.  So yeah CB and whoever thinks it's respectable to beat-up a woman is a PUNK. 

The whole situation is a lose/lose when men and woman get violent. 
Im saying though...its not like they squared up....Shorty was probably slappin him all in his grill while he was driving...
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

First off comparing Sheen to CB is pointless.  Sheen didn't beat up another celeb...sadly if Chris Brown would've whooped up on some video model it wouldn't be as bad to the media.

My problem is with dudes like Ninja defending Chris Brown for beating a woman. I believe a woman shouldn't be hitting a man because it can get ugly.  BUT as a MAN you should know where to draw the line.  I'm not gonna let anybody man, woman, or child physically assualt me. BUT after I restrain ol' girl I'm not gonna keep beating her or even BITE her.  That's OD.  If a broad wanna flip out and try to box me I'm gonna show her whose boss quickly.  It's not neccessary to have ol' girl looking like she did 12 rounds in the MGM.  So yeah CB and whoever thinks it's respectable to beat-up a woman is a PUNK. 

The whole situation is a lose/lose when men and woman get violent. 

Let your moms, sister, daughter or gf be in that position where she catch a 2 piece and biscuit from a dude then we'll see what kinda tune you singin'.

"Well, you DID put hands on him, mom.  It was only right for him to lump you up..."
Dudes are really going overboard with this.. seriously.

It really seems like Chris Brown hit ya'll girl or had sex with ya'll girls and ya'll just trying to throw dirt on his name and keep the flame going

Let that man live his life!!

He paid for what he did, he dealt with the consequences....

Rihanna obviously is over it, she dropped the charges..

People need to move on

Dude is trying to show growth and be a better person.. it's not he's fault Robin wanted to be a jerk.

Robin was acting like a ex-girl that brings up the things you did wrong in the past after you made it up and did better.

was he wrong for breaking the window and threating people, yes, he was... but it was only a matter of time, he didnt really snap from the interviews and he must grow tired of having to hear the same questions and hear the same thing when he is trying to show people he's changed and he's a better person.

And the dudes that are saying they'd beat Chris Brown up... quit it. These Niketalk Gangsters are so funny...
Dudes know they aint built like that, Chris Brown would probably F*** ya'll up.

Dudes would probably see CB and ask to get their jordans signed.

People change and people deserve a chance to change.

If it were ya'll, ya'll would want a chance to change and would want to be forgiven
Originally Posted by KayCurrency

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

First off comparing Sheen to CB is pointless.  Sheen didn't beat up another celeb...sadly if Chris Brown would've whooped up on some video model it wouldn't be as bad to the media.

My problem is with dudes like Ninja defending Chris Brown for beating a woman. I believe a woman shouldn't be hitting a man because it can get ugly.  BUT as a MAN you should know where to draw the line.  I'm not gonna let anybody man, woman, or child physically assualt me. BUT after I restrain ol' girl I'm not gonna keep beating her or even BITE her.  That's OD.  If a broad wanna flip out and try to box me I'm gonna show her whose boss quickly.  It's not neccessary to have ol' girl looking like she did 12 rounds in the MGM.  So yeah CB and whoever thinks it's respectable to beat-up a woman is a PUNK. 

The whole situation is a lose/lose when men and woman get violent. 
Im saying though...its not like they squared up....Shorty was probably slappin him all in his grill while he was driving...

Unless she was on some Vivica Fox Kill Bill type steez. I'm not buying it.  I'm gonna stop the car and handle my business like a man.  Look at her face think that was 2 or 3 punches? No CB gave her a Killer Instinct 20 hit combo.  Not cool.
So, I say Chris Brown derserves a beating, and If I saw him beating a female to a bloody pulp, I'd step in. I'm bashed for saying that, and told I wouldn't do ++!+ to CB cause he "brolic" and would "body" me.

But some of those same individuals talk out their **@ saying if Rihanna did to me what she did to CB, she would get slapped and beat too.


Look at Rihanna after the fight, then take a look at Chris Brown. So if she did start it, and I don't know if she did, but if she did, she really did a hell of a lot of damage to him didn't she? Enough to beat her to damn near unconsciousness. Right? 

If a girl like Rihanna, the girliest of girls, a pop singer for that matter is beatin' on you to the point that you gotta do that to her, then yeah something ain't right with your masculinty.

Once again, I don't give to damns about what any of NT thinks because there is no way you beat this girl the way CB did.  NO WAY. NO JUSTIFICATION FOR IT. And there is no way you get in the slighest amount of trouble he gets in and makes a public apology and get's to continue his pop star life with no repercussions.
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by KayCurrency

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

First off comparing Sheen to CB is pointless.  Sheen didn't beat up another celeb...sadly if Chris Brown would've whooped up on some video model it wouldn't be as bad to the media.

My problem is with dudes like Ninja defending Chris Brown for beating a woman. I believe a woman shouldn't be hitting a man because it can get ugly.  BUT as a MAN you should know where to draw the line.  I'm not gonna let anybody man, woman, or child physically assualt me. BUT after I restrain ol' girl I'm not gonna keep beating her or even BITE her.  That's OD.  If a broad wanna flip out and try to box me I'm gonna show her whose boss quickly.  It's not neccessary to have ol' girl looking like she did 12 rounds in the MGM.  So yeah CB and whoever thinks it's respectable to beat-up a woman is a PUNK. 

The whole situation is a lose/lose when men and woman get violent. 
Im saying though...its not like they squared up....Shorty was probably slappin him all in his grill while he was driving...

Unless she was on some Vivica Fox Kill Bill type steez. I'm not buying it.  I'm gonna stop the car and handle my business like a man.  Look at her face think that was 2 or 3 punches? No CB gave her a Killer Instinct 20 hit combo.  Not cool.
But you're acting as if Rhianna is a new born puppy, Like She couldn't possibly put her hands on CB and harm him....Chris lip was busted too...

Idk if you've ever been in a relationship....but women like to "push buttons".... Now, Yes CB was wrong for beating her to the extent that he did.... but Im more than sure that Rhianna hit him first...and more than once
Like I said, she may indeed have deserved a slap or a good, hard shake. But he straight up beat the dog #@!@ out of her.

And to the people that said let it go because she has, ever heard of battered woman syndrome? Ok.
Originally Posted by PoloLax

And please NT, how did he repay his debt to soceity? Do tell.

Community Service....

....He really can't do much for society from a Jail cell.....
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