Chris Brown just lost it (again)

Originally Posted by KingJames23

Should he have thrown a temper tantrum like he's 5? Absolutely not.

But i can't blame him for being angry. How many times and how long is he supposed to apologize for that? He paid his debt to society and apologized. We should be able to move on. Nothing CB can do at this point is gonna change anyone's opinion.

I am not condoning what CB did but enough is enough already. Let the man move on with his life.
Originally Posted by PoloLax

And please NT, how did he repay his debt to soceity? Do tell.

His debt to society? 
...Gotta be kidding me.....
I think part of the double standard (between Chris Brown's case and Charlie Sheen's) is that Sheen has way more Hollywood friends and acquaintances and has been in movies
for decades. Chris Brown's main demographic is teens, so he just doesn't have the respect within the Hollywood community that Sheen commands. Prominent journalists and well known celebs have stated on camera that they've tried talking to him and they want him to improve, so Sheen gets away with these people's adoration. Brown, on the other hand, not only raised his hand against a popular mainstream singer, but he also has a smaller group of mainstream Hollywood friends. True he has his entourage like all rap artists, but those A list actors and actresses you see at the Academy Awards, are not 'rooting' for him. Sheen has Big Hollywood money hoping for the best.
Originally Posted by IgnantBliss

Originally Posted by PoloLax

And please NT, how did he repay his debt to soceity? Do tell.

His debt to society? 
...Gotta be kidding me.....
This is the only thing that I disagree with PoloLax about. I just think that he should have gone to jail. If I did that to another man, I would get locked up for sure. No matter who hit who first, I have a friend who's gotten locked up for less. Not to mention, once again, Rihanna is a small girl and Chris Brown is a tall dude who 0cks thinks could beat all of us up.
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

I also agree with the point someone made asking why we should let him get off easier than a normal person. If I beat my girlfriend like that it would be on my record and I would have to explain it every time I got interviewed for a job. And guess what? I probably wouldn't get too many jobs. This dude crying because a talk show host asked him some questions

Wrong. If you were a normal person no one would really know or care and if you have no priors you would get off the same as Chris Brown. Probation and bs. They keep bringing this +%+ up like he wants to relive this +%+. You would go crazy if people brang up some old +%+ you are ashamed of. I hate how everybody is saying he shouldn't be mad. We all made mistakes ,you learn and move on. Don't keep bringing that +%+ up.
Originally Posted by IgnantBliss

Originally Posted by PoloLax

And please NT, how did he repay his debt to soceity? Do tell.

His debt to society? 
...Gotta be kidding me.....

Whatever the judge decided was his debt. Being humiliated picking up trash on highways and what not. You guys act like you're so perfect tho. He has been through more than the average MSN because of who he is. You Lames act like he should get the chair
You can't compare Charlie sheen to this. We are laughing at Sheen as he makes a fool of himself but he's just turning our laughs into $$$$$$$$ He doesn't care what we think.
Originally Posted by shogun

he acts like a little girl.  someone needs to punch him in the face when he does his drama queen act.

hes never gonna be happy until he comes out of the closet....
Originally Posted by P MAC ONE

Originally Posted by likethematrix

i swear you guys are some sissys sometimes.

like you just supposed to let someone #!*%! you out?

a nobody with less money than you embarrass you on live TV?

you cant be serious dirty.

threads like this anger me and make me lmao.

this is racism at its finest. that real racism that you non blacks dont see.

we feel it tho.

so go ahead put your strike thrus and you mad pics and blah blah blah... but you know you know.

he should have told her to %$*$ off and walked out the interview.

im sure his agent told her **% not to bring up rhianna.

nobody cares anymore.

she has a song titled "Breakin dishes" that came out 07. before CB hit her.

I'm breaking dishes up in here

All night (Uh-huh)

I ain't go stop until I see police lights (Uh-huh)

I'm a fight a man (tonight)

I'm a fight a man (tonight)

I'm a fight a man

A man, a man, a ma-a-a-an

A man, a man, a ma-a-a-an


come on now.



And please, don't speak on behalf of black people.

wow...i can't believe i missed this thread

but to add my two cents...chris had every right to be upset...I don't know if it's been confirmed yet or not, but i'm sure that the producers had agreed not to bring up the whole rihanna situation and for him to be blind sided by it was foul...NTer's fail to realize how much celebs get harassed and you can't say "that's not how i would've handled it" because, quite honestly, you will never be in their position...

and i've said it before and i'll say it again, chris brown is still my dude
Originally Posted by KingJames23

Should he have thrown a temper tantrum like he's 5? Absolutely not.

But i can't blame him for being angry. How many times and how long is he supposed to apologize for that? He paid his debt to society and apologized. We should be able to move on. Nothing CB can do at this point is gonna change anyone's opinion.

I am not condoning what CB did but enough is enough already. Let the man move on with his life.

If I was CB, I wouldn't have even been on the show to begin with; you know certain outlets like ABC are gonna ask you about all that old s***. You saw Mike Vick cancel his Oprah appearance. SMART MOVE
Originally Posted by KingJames23

Should he have thrown a temper tantrum like he's 5? Absolutely not.

But i can't blame him for being angry. How many times and how long is he supposed to apologize for that? He paid his debt to society and apologized. We should be able to move on. Nothing CB can do at this point is gonna change anyone's opinion.

I am not condoning what CB did but enough is enough already. Let the man move on with his life.
If you're Chris Brown and you think you've paid your debt to society and would like to move on, LOGICALLY, it make's no damn sense to call your album F.A.M.E.  If that's the route you chose as far as an album title, then you best be ready for questions...especially on a platform like GMA.  The dummy put himself out there. 
Lot of people are judging my thoughts and opinions on this subject. Many have said things of this nature:

lol this is still going on?
pololax stays believing that some people on NT are saying what CB did to rihanna was right.
no one is saying what CB did was right...why are you so stubborn?
I posted on the second page and have been reading since, I am convinced this relates to something he feels strongly about in his personal past as he continues to return to the 2009 incident. No one outright said it was the correct thing to do.
There is no way any female is going to hit you while your driving (hypothetically speaking, because none of us know the real facts lets face it), and not retaliate physically

Pololax definitely needs to chill out...i dont know if he has any personal experiences, but dude...stop putting words in other people's mouths.

that's what i mean...but pololax kept on going and going with the topic of whether it is right to hit girls, which had nothing to do with the original topic or the video. He kept on saying that someone said hitting girls was okay...but no one directly said this
People are attacking me stating that I'm going overboard on an issue that I feel strongly about. The fact of the matter is, many of you have stated that no one in this thread has said that what CB did was right. Well, I just looked back at the last 4 pages quickly and this is what I found:

But you're acting as if Rhianna is a new born puppy, Like She couldn't possibly put her hands on CB and harm him....Chris lip was busted too...

Idk if you've ever been in a relationship....but women like to "push buttons".... Now, Yes CB was wrong for beating her to the extent that he did.... but Im more than sure that Rhianna hit him first...and more than once

!#%$ outta here wit that +#+@ son, i saw that video too, had that broad done that to me i would've slapped her weave off E. honda style

You better then me id more then likely let one go in her. I mean this double standard stuff gotta stop. How are men and women equal (by the way equal means same) yet tall are saying it should be different when it comes to woman. If thats the case and men are physically dominant, then this theory should be wide spread

^word (@ninjahood). foh with that TYPICAL nonsense. dudes quick to put these females on pedestals. i wish a female would spit on me.

Dudes in here REALLY about that "let a %+*%% beat my @!$ just cuz shes female" life? I don't support violence in any way, but I completely respect self defense and equality among the sexes. And once your hands or feet violate my space you have %!+%*@ up, male or female
No one should be putting their hands on ANYONE but I'll be damned if a female gets away with it just because she has *******. Act like a lady and you won't get man handled.

she started it.

c'mon b..stop injecting your opinion on da situation as fact.

chris brown already went thru it for 2 years, what makes you think he's any different from anyone else? cuz he's got money? so president Clinton still has to be asked about da Lewinsky scandal?

mike vick still gotta answer question about da dog incident? pssh thats some clown %$# reply b.... 

at da end of da day these people are human. stop tryin to poke a stick at them and justify it as "well they're celebrities, they're supposed to deal with it...its corny and biased.

The fact is there are people in here justifying what CB did was right. This isn't a celebrity issue either.This is an issue of domestic violence, beating women. If you can't understand that there are people in here stating it is ok what CB did than you all need to get your eyes checked cause it's right there, in quotations, just from page 17 mind you.

I know what the original topic was and yes did it get off topic bringing up an event two years ago? Yes, but the events of yesterday were related to the events two years ago. Many of you claim Chris Brown should be allowed to live his life because this incident was two years ago and many have forgotten about it.

Rihanna hasn't forgotten about it, just because you relax a restraning order doesn't mean you forgive the person for what  they did, and most likely I'd bet that there was a little money in that situation to make CB look better. That's how the entertainment business and many other businesses work, money makes problems go away, atleast on the surface, but that is a completely different topic.

The simple fact is I will never forgive a person who beats a female to damn near unconsciousness like that unless your life was truly in danger, and CB's life was not in danger. We all know the reports from what happened that night, and CB had a scratch or two. He pulled that car over and beat her, not even giving a place for Rihanna to run. If you think Rihanna was sitting there taking that beating from a guy that most of NT thinks would beat the rest of NT up, you're doing nothing but lying to yourself.

You think a little community service and a public apology is justifable for his actions, I don't. Regular men go to prison for vicious attacks like that. This was not even comparable to a domestic abuse case where he slapped a woman after an argument over money. This was straight ASSAULT.

And I've said it before and I'll say it again. A lot of you dudes in here are crying about "she started it". Are you serious? Men and woman are not built the same. It's obvious Chris can't control his temper as dictated by the outburst yesterday and his beating of Rihanna two years ago. If a girl starts something, like homie said up top, if she "pushes buttons" its up to you as a man to handle that situation. Emotionally. You leave her at the side of the curb and tell her to go fetch a taxi. You don't beat her.

Chris Brown got off easy. He served community service and made a public apology. No jail time. He was able to go on and make hit records and get back to the rise of fame that he wanted to acheive. But his immaturity once again got in the way of himself just like that night he hit her. He needs to take responsibility for what he did, and he can't expect people to forget about it. It's a part of growing up, to answer the questions. Mike Vick still answers it, and he don't get all pissy about it. He knows it will always haunt him, the only way to make it better is to play well on the field. Mike Vick has to talk to kids about not beating or killing dogs, hell CB don't even have to talk to kids and he BEAT A DAMN HUMAN. He got off easy and now he can't even deal with journalists bringing up the questions.

Did you see the answer he gave to Robin Roberts? He said it's not a big deal in his life anymore and he's past it. You kidding me? Not a big deal? He don't even think about the situation like that. Great message to people around the world who look up to him. Beat your woman, plead to some low !!# charge and get famous and forget all about it.

The original point of this topic was like doesn't the media let it go. Because it's a big freakin' deal. He beat a woman. Now he wants to be rewarded for what he has done in the music industry while we just let it all fade away like nothin' bad every happened? You don't hide behind your mistakes you confront them, it's time for Chris Brown to grow up and stop blaming the media. He needs to blame himself and take the questions like a man.
Did you see the answer he gave to Robin Roberts? He said it's not a big deal in his life anymore and he's past it. You kidding me? Not a big deal? He don't even think about the situation like that.

He supposed to think about it daily? Life goes on bro.
A lot of mixed emotions in here.

"Chris Brown shouldn't have hit Rihanna, or any woman for that matter, to the degree that he did." ...Fact

"You don't know what she did to provoke those actions against her. Maybe he had reason to get that mad." ... Also a Fact.

Above all else IMHO Chris Brown should seek better help in finding ways to be smarter than the media when faced with such scenarios.

An artist of his caliber who went through something so morally objective should now have mastered tact and media poise.

He is an entertainer and sadly in this day and age, where fans can delve more deeply into an artist's personal life for the commercial satisfaction, he has to understand that this has become apart of the territory.

Whether he likes it or not.
Originally Posted by NotoriousMJ23

I think CB Took PoloLax's girl.

Damn man, you funny.

Guess my thoughts and opinions about a grown man beating a woman automatically makes one to believe CB took my girl.
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