Congress clears historic health care bill...

Originally Posted by CParkFresh

Originally Posted by BostonThreeParty

If the people passing this bill can Cherry-pick from PRIVATE HEALTH CARE PLANS, that are the best in the country. do people expect them to follow their constituents and be on this plan also?

You do realize that there is no public plan dont you? You do realize that people will get subsidies for PRIVATE HEALTH CARE PLANS?
but members of congress and house will not just drop what they were on to go on this? why vote for something but not even use it? 
and those subsidies will completely forget how much they are on the hook for this. 
Originally Posted by BostonThreeParty

Originally Posted by Burns1923

Originally Posted by AirUpHere23

Originally Posted by Burns1923

Originally Posted by AirUpHere23

Originally Posted by Burns1923

AirUpHere23 wrote:
The health care bill is a government mandate that people purchase a good, with no respect to freedom or choice.
 It is not the federal government's job to mandate that people "help" other people
It seems your definition of unity is that those "who have" less deserve (are entitled to) a handout from those who "have more".

You find in the Constitution or Bill of Rights where it says Americans are required by government to pay a specific portion of their income so that other people can have health coverage for free.
 federal government telling citizens to surrender more of their income so that others can get health coverage for free.  
Helping someone is one thing.  The government taxing you to buy someone else's health coverage is something else altogether.

Income redistribution isn't compassion. It's socialism.

I've yet to hear one person other than myself raise the question: If these 32 million get access to health coverage on someone else's dime, why would they ever have a reason to buy it themselves? 

It's a form of welfare.  But we can't have any talk in here about personal responsibility or personal decisions.  We're just supposed to hand over our money.


I am glad that i am not the only person who thinks this here
props to you 

   Check you in the Celtics threads.

Thanks for the props.
I still don't know why they call this a health care bill. Nothing about it will make health care any better, only give people health insurance. That doesn't mean the care they receive will be any better than it was before the bill. How long until California is insolvent because of this bill hahaah?
Originally Posted by BostonThreeParty

Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Any non-childish posts in the past 10 pages worth reading?

i suppose people saying "Oh, no one missed country club payment" constitutes as Childish. 
So, to answer your question, nothing new

Feels like DemocraticUnderground vs FreeRepublic with all these talking points. Debate is good but when was the last time someone changed their POV because of a NTer
Originally Posted by BostonThreeParty

Originally Posted by CParkFresh

Originally Posted by BostonThreeParty

If the people passing this bill can Cherry-pick from PRIVATE HEALTH CARE PLANS, that are the best in the country. do people expect them to follow their constituents and be on this plan also?


You do realize that there is no public plan dont you? You do realize that people will get subsidies for PRIVATE HEALTH CARE PLANS?
but members of congress and house will not just drop what they were on to go on this? why vote for something but not even use it? 
and those subsidies will completely forget how much they are on the hook for this. 

You do realize that your posts made no sense. What "plan" where you refering to in the post that I qouted.
Originally Posted by Black Jesus

so they're crying over a months payment at their local country club....i figured it wasn't something too crazy....the way they were crying i thought this was gonna cost them 10 or 20k

Dudes in here acting like 2,000 dollars is chump change.

And this guy wants to act like he knows its going to a "country club." What if it was going to his childrens college fund? What if the person donated it? What if I took it and made it rain at a strip club? It shouldn't matter what he does with it because the people are overtaxed as is, so yes, and extra $2,000 is a lot of money.
Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

Originally Posted by Black Jesus

so they're crying over a months payment at their local country club....i figured it wasn't something too crazy....the way they were crying i thought this was gonna cost them 10 or 20k
Dudes in here acting like 2,000 dollars is chump change.

And this guy wants to act like he knows its going to a "country club." What if it was going to his childrens college fund? What if the person donated it? What if I took it and made it rain at a strip club? It shouldn't matter what he does with it because the people are overtaxed as is, so yes, and extra $2,000 is a lot of money.

If a person is making $500,000 a year they are making over $41,000 a month so ya $2,000 is nothing.
Diego wrote:
You must be on something serious if you believe there is a guaranteed route to wealth. Some people catch a few breaks along the way. Other take risks and it pays off for them while others take risks and end up filing for bankruptcy.You and many others who think like you seem to have that same flawed mentality that anyone who is not rich or succesful must be lazy with a feeling of entitlement. Thats just flat out false.

NO, not anyone could have taken the route to success. There could be 500 open spaces available in a medical school. 3000 qualified people from all over the world apply for those 500 spaces. Are the 2500 people who didnt make it now lazy bums who couldnt cut it in the medical field? Based on your logic, you just might think some wild %+$% like this.

And where are you getting this "envy" stuff from. Its not a matter of being envious of anything. I will never get mad at the next man for doing what they had to do to be succesful. No matter how succesful they are they should never turn their back on their fellow man.

I should of chose a better term to describe my point on that issue. But never the less, I do believe that through hard work that anyone can achieve their goals if they make the necessary sacrifices. Sacrifice is key here because a lot of people aren't willing to make sacrifices now to make their lives easier in the long run.

The example you used isn't a really good one because med students can apply to more than med school, so the 2500 that do not gain entry into that one med school could apply to other ones. If those students have the necessary credentials for med school then they should be able to get into another school. If a person is truly determined to become a doctor then they can even go overseas to study medicine and return to the US to get accreditation. So no I wouldnt call them bums unless they gave up just because they didn't get accepted into one medical school.

Envy might not be a good word, but my stance why worry about what the next man is doing? Why not study what he is doing and try to learn from their success?
I quit.

Reading the comments on that page and here lead me to believe that there are a great deal of Americans who are extremely misinformed and confused.

The fear mongering is simply too strong here.
Originally Posted by Burns1923

Medicare and Medicaid should both be repealed.  ...needs to be repealed on principle.

So you are against providing healthcare to seniors... Okay man... You win... LOL

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

I quit.

Reading the comments on that page and here lead me to believe that there are a great deal of Americans who are extremely misinformed and confused.

The fear mongering is simply too strong here.

OH yeah lets not forget about the other taxes they want to raise again like bumping the capital gains tax from 15% back to 20% plus the 3.8% that in the healthcare bill and that's 8.8% not chump change by any means. Also they want to put the estate tax back in place which can be as high as 46% so not only did you pay up to 40% of your income in taxes while you were working and you finally accumulated a decent house or nest egg to leave to your children the govt wants to come in and tax you again almost half of that. GTFOHWTBS At least Obama's plan has decent limit upon which you start getting taxed if he holds true to that unlike Clinton's which taxed everything over $1M at 55%. But either way it is double dipping
Originally Posted by CallHimAR

I quit.

Reading the comments on that page and here lead me to believe that there are a great deal of Americans who are extremely misinformed and confused.

The fear mongering is simply too strong here.
For real the people on that Face book page are really disappointing.
Originally Posted by spsfinest212

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

I quit.

Reading the comments on that page and here lead me to believe that there are a great deal of Americans who are extremely misinformed and confused.

The fear mongering is simply too strong here.
For real the people on that Face book page are really disappointing.

Honestly, after reading a bit more I feel like I need to leave the country before one of these idiots does something really ridiculous. Why are so many Americans afraid of change?
Originally Posted by spsfinest212

Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

Originally Posted by Black Jesus

so they're crying over a months payment at their local country club....i figured it wasn't something too crazy....the way they were crying i thought this was gonna cost them 10 or 20k
Dudes in here acting like 2,000 dollars is chump change.

And this guy wants to act like he knows its going to a "country club." What if it was going to his childrens college fund? What if the person donated it? What if I took it and made it rain at a strip club? It shouldn't matter what he does with it because the people are overtaxed as is, so yes, and extra $2,000 is a lot of money.
If a person is making $500,000 a year they are making over $41,000 a month so ya $2,000 is nothing.

I dont care if you are Bill Gates or the bum on the corner. $2,000 is something.
Originally Posted by UTVOL23

OH yeah lets not forget about the other taxes they want to raise again like bumping the capital gains tax from 15% back to 20% plus the 3.8% that in the healthcare bill and that's 8.8% not chump change by any means. Also they want to put the estate tax back in place which can be as high as 46% so not only did you pay up to 40% of your income in taxes while you were working and you finally accumulated a decent house or nest egg to leave to your children the govt wants to come in and tax you again almost half of that. GTFOHWTBS At least Obama's plan has decent limit upon which you start getting taxed if he holds true to that unlike Clinton's which taxed everything over $1M at 55%. But either way it is double dipping
They just don't want to listen

Rich people and corporations will not take a pay cut like you or me and will instead increase prices to offset their loss of profits. That means higher prices for us while Corporations will most likely increase the amount of money they make.
Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

Originally Posted by spsfinest212

Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

Originally Posted by Black Jesus

so they're crying over a months payment at their local country club....i figured it wasn't something too crazy....the way they were crying i thought this was gonna cost them 10 or 20k
Dudes in here acting like 2,000 dollars is chump change.

And this guy wants to act like he knows its going to a "country club." What if it was going to his childrens college fund? What if the person donated it? What if I took it and made it rain at a strip club? It shouldn't matter what he does with it because the people are overtaxed as is, so yes, and extra $2,000 is a lot of money.
If a person is making $500,000 a year they are making over $41,000 a month so ya $2,000 is nothing.
I dont care if you are Bill Gates or the bum on the corner. $2,000 is something.

Well of course it's something to you or me but for the person making over $40,000 a month $2,000 is not a big deal.
Originally Posted by JustScoreda100

Originally Posted by UTVOL23

OH yeah lets not forget about the other taxes they want to raise again like bumping the capital gains tax from 15% back to 20% plus the 3.8% that in the healthcare bill and that's 8.8% not chump change by any means. Also they want to put the estate tax back in place which can be as high as 46% so not only did you pay up to 40% of your income in taxes while you were working and you finally accumulated a decent house or nest egg to leave to your children the govt wants to come in and tax you again almost half of that. GTFOHWTBS At least Obama's plan has decent limit upon which you start getting taxed if he holds true to that unlike Clinton's which taxed everything over $1M at 55%. But either way it is double dipping
They just don't want to listen

Rich people and corporations will not take a pay cut like you or me and will instead increase prices to offset their loss of profits. That means higher prices for us while Corporations will most likely increase the amount of money they make.
but if you give them tax breaks, nothing's like we lose regardless...
Originally Posted by JustScoreda100

Originally Posted by UTVOL23

OH yeah lets not forget about the other taxes they want to raise again like bumping the capital gains tax from 15% back to 20% plus the 3.8% that in the healthcare bill and that's 8.8% not chump change by any means. Also they want to put the estate tax back in place which can be as high as 46% so not only did you pay up to 40% of your income in taxes while you were working and you finally accumulated a decent house or nest egg to leave to your children the govt wants to come in and tax you again almost half of that. GTFOHWTBS At least Obama's plan has decent limit upon which you start getting taxed if he holds true to that unlike Clinton's which taxed everything over $1M at 55%. But either way it is double dipping
They just don't want to listen

Rich people and corporations will not take a pay cut like you or me and will instead increase prices to offset their loss of profits. That means higher prices for us while Corporations will most likely increase the amount of money they make.

So they can higher more workers
Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Originally Posted by JustScoreda100

Originally Posted by UTVOL23

OH yeah lets not forget about the other taxes they want to raise again like bumping the capital gains tax from 15% back to 20% plus the 3.8% that in the healthcare bill and that's 8.8% not chump change by any means. Also they want to put the estate tax back in place which can be as high as 46% so not only did you pay up to 40% of your income in taxes while you were working and you finally accumulated a decent house or nest egg to leave to your children the govt wants to come in and tax you again almost half of that. GTFOHWTBS At least Obama's plan has decent limit upon which you start getting taxed if he holds true to that unlike Clinton's which taxed everything over $1M at 55%. But either way it is double dipping
They just don't want to listen

Rich people and corporations will not take a pay cut like you or me and will instead increase prices to offset their loss of profits. That means higher prices for us while Corporations will most likely increase the amount of money they make.

So they can higher more workers
Originally Posted by CallHimAR

I quit.

Reading the comments on that page and here lead me to believe that there are a great deal of Americans who are extremely misinformed and confused.

The fear mongering is simply too strong here.

  That's just the thing.  Americans are more informed about the health care bill than Congress itself.

And they DON'T WANT IT.  What part of 55% against it on principle and 73% want a complete re-do don't you understand?

If the bill was so great, the majority of Americans would be embracing it.  Instead, they can't wait for the midterms. 

Wait, didn't Obama get a majority of the pop vote (53%) yet the majority is against his health care bill (55%/73%)?

Guess that makes the majority of Americans "fear mongers". 
Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

Originally Posted by JustScoreda100

Originally Posted by UTVOL23

OH yeah lets not forget about the other taxes they want to raise again like bumping the capital gains tax from 15% back to 20% plus the 3.8% that in the healthcare bill and that's 8.8% not chump change by any means. Also they want to put the estate tax back in place which can be as high as 46% so not only did you pay up to 40% of your income in taxes while you were working and you finally accumulated a decent house or nest egg to leave to your children the govt wants to come in and tax you again almost half of that. GTFOHWTBS At least Obama's plan has decent limit upon which you start getting taxed if he holds true to that unlike Clinton's which taxed everything over $1M at 55%. But either way it is double dipping
They just don't want to listen

Rich people and corporations will not take a pay cut like you or me and will instead increase prices to offset their loss of profits. That means higher prices for us while Corporations will most likely increase the amount of money they make.
but if you give them tax breaks, nothing's like we lose regardless...
Which is exactly why I'm for a fixed flat tax. Keep taxes constant and the government should be able to work with what they get.
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