Congress clears historic health care bill...

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by Burns1923

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

lol @ the tactics


"you got a better idea? shoot...."

"um, you're trying to trap us, president terrorist, sir"

moving on.....


Who's upset?   I'm just making points.

Sorry to disrupt your honeymoon with Obama. 

Having a radical as a president is tough to process.  That is, unless you took the time to examine the man's personal history, then it's not much of a surprise.

Hey, you guys "won" with the healthcare bill.  Enjoy it.  Don't get all angst ridden.

Pic doesn't work there.  That's ok.

i honestly relish in white america's paranoia....

Well, sir, thank you for confirming that you are a racist. 
Originally Posted by Burns1923

One last question. How did you feel about the $800 Billion Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act that was passed by a Republican President and Congress? Which by the way did not go funded and only added to the deficit.
I felt like it sucked.  I felt like it was tweaking something that was already an albatross.

No disrespect but this is exactly why you come off as being very cynical. You get all worked up over Obama... However, based on the ideas shared in your posts you should be ripping so called conservatives for the exact same reasons. If I where you I would be more disappointed with my own neo conservative movement as they have been pissing all over you for years telling you it was kool aid. Got you thinking Obama is killing America.

The sad part is that lobbyists and special interests are destroying America. They have their hands on the puppet strings of liberal and conservative politicians.
Here in lies the problem with the arguments of many of the ultra conservatives and tea part activists use against Obama. They conveniently IGNORE the previous 8 years of government expansion while at the same time being irrational about the politics of today.

100% Truth.
Originally Posted by Burns1923

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by Burns1923

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

lol @ the tactics


"you got a better idea? shoot...."

"um, you're trying to trap us, president terrorist, sir"

moving on.....


Who's upset?   I'm just making points.

Sorry to disrupt your honeymoon with Obama. 

Having a radical as a president is tough to process.  That is, unless you took the time to examine the man's personal history, then it's not much of a surprise.

Hey, you guys "won" with the healthcare bill.  Enjoy it.  Don't get all angst ridden.

Pic doesn't work there.  That's ok.

i honestly relish in white america's paranoia....
Well, sir, thank you for confirming that you are a racist. 

pic fixed.
oh, saying i relish in white america's paranoia is racist?


maybe education is a "little thing" to you

here, lemme help

laughing at unfounded paranoia = jerkish, maybe

yelling out @+#!!+ while our president is talking = racist

get it?

i feast on you and your kinds delicious tears.

you got 3 more years left, bro

i really can't wait until education is up for reform

and all these teabaggers and psedo-conservatives will look even MORE stupid and paranoid fighting with the president's ideas on the matter


"sir, it is disgusting that you want to take money away from our future generations to educate them"

Originally Posted by CParkFresh

Originally Posted by Burns1923

One last question. How did you feel about the $800 Billion Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act that was passed by a Republican President and Congress? Which by the way did not go funded and only added to the deficit.
I felt like it sucked.  I felt like it was tweaking something that was already an albatross.

No disrespect but this is exactly why you come off as being very cynical. You get all worked up over Obama... However, based on the ideas shared in your posts you should be ripping so called conservatives for the exact same reasons. If I where you I would be more disappointed with my own neo conservative movement as they have been pissing all over you for years telling you it was kool aid. Got you thinking Obama is killing America.

The sad part is that lobbyists and special interests are destroying America. They have their hands on the puppet strings of liberal and conservative politicians.

No disrespect but your support of a government take over of healthcare is exactly why you come off as un-American. 

Ain't nobody getting "worked up".  If making points is "getting worked up" to you, you must think actual passionate, live debate is a meltdown.

Don't assume you know exactly what my political beliefs are just from my opposition to this healthcare bill. 

Go read up on Marxism.  Barack Obama's mother and father were Marxists.  His grandparents, who raised him for a time, attended the "Little Red Church" - a Communist congregation.  Obama learns, teaches, and implements Saul Alinsky's "Rules For Radicals" - a Marxist primer for community organizing and progressively changing infrastructure from within.  Notice a pattern here?

Now, take all of that influence and teaching and belief and mix it with this healthcare bill.  The answers are there if you wish to look.

But you are correct about lobbyists and special interests.  Members of both the House and Senate are chiefly interested in their own personal gain and maintaining power as opposed to doing the job voters sent them to do (represent constituents' interests and will).

btw, burns, i feast on your delicious tears....
Nice try, nutjob.  Take your crazy, racist rants elsewhere.

You still dont get it

Every one of your points can be applied to the Medicare Prescription Drug Improvement and Modernization Act of 2003 passed by REPUBLICANS. Let me quote George Bush on this bill... "Our nation has made a promise, a solemn promise to America's seniors. We have pledged to help our citizens find affordable medical care in the later years of life."

This is why you come off a cynical.

By the way I do not support a government takeover of healthcare. I think the answer lies somewhere in between single pay and what we have now. As a Federal Employee I wish citizens could be afforded the sme type of health care options that I share with members of congress. This bill is far from a government take over of health care. However, since that is what you seek to believe you will only hear arguments which support your opinion which sadly appears to be an opinion formed by TV, radio, and internet personalities. You try to come off as though you are not upset but the illogic in your argument and the way you ignore the facts as they relate to conservatives lets me know you are lost.

With all of that being said I dont think your a bad person. Just a tad naive.
Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by Burns1923

i honestly relish in white america's paranoia....
Well, sir, thank you for confirming that you are a racist. 
I believe the word is prejudice

The guy is racist, too

Racism - noun -

a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.

a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.

hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.
lol @ "i don't like the bill because obama was raised by marxists"

and you wonder why i feast on your tears.

LOL @ crazy racist rants.
yes, yes, laughing at their paranoia is HATRED

dog, you cannot be this stupid....


dude googled, read and posted the definition and never realized that is completely unrelated to the statement

"i laugh at white america's paranoia"

where in that statement can you find any HATRED?


no wonder you think Obama is a marxist dictator who is going to take over complete control of the united states and rule us with an iron fist as the illumanati and new world order move in...

and the first step


national healthcare...


















Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by Burns1923

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by Burns1923

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

lol @ the tactics


"you got a better idea? shoot...."

"um, you're trying to trap us, president terrorist, sir"

moving on.....


Who's upset?   I'm just making points.

Sorry to disrupt your honeymoon with Obama. 

Having a radical as a president is tough to process.  That is, unless you took the time to examine the man's personal history, then it's not much of a surprise.

Hey, you guys "won" with the healthcare bill.  Enjoy it.  Don't get all angst ridden.

Pic doesn't work there.  That's ok.

i honestly relish in white america's paranoia....
Well, sir, thank you for confirming that you are a racist. 

pic fixed.
oh, saying i relish in white america's paranoia is racist?


maybe education is a "little thing" to you

here, lemme help

laughing at unfounded paranoia = jerkish, maybe

yelling out @+#!!+ while our president is talking = racist

get it?

i feast on you and your kinds delicious tears.

you got 3 more years left, bro

i really can't wait until education is up for reform

and all these teabaggers and psedo-conservatives will look even MORE stupid and paranoid fighting with the president's ideas on the matter


"sir, it is disgusting that you want to take money away from our future generations to educate them"


Yelling out to the President at the State of the Union address = rude.

Saying any opposition to the President because he's half-black is racist = racist.

I don't know what's wrong with you but I haven't shed one tear over this President or Congress.

Obama's radical joy ride ends this November when the midterm elections take place.  Then he gets his $*@ kicked out of office in '12.

In the meantime, I'm going to kick back and enjoy life.  Life is good.
Burns1923 wrote:

Yelling out to the President at the State of the Union address = rude.

Saying any opposition to the President because he's half-black is racist = racist.

you and me, we're fundamentally different...

i reside in reality


i have no idea where you reside...

yelling out N I G G E R while the president speaks =/='s racist.

saying any opposition to the president is racism?



"i relish in white america's paranoia"

you called that racist.

log out, you're losing by the second here....
Originally Posted by CParkFresh

You still dont get it

Every one of your points can be applied to the Medicare Prescription Drug Improvement and Modernization Act of 2003 passed by REPUBLICANS. Let me quote George Bush on this bill... "Our nation has made a promise, a solemn promise to America's seniors. We have pledged to help our citizens find affordable medical care in the later years of life."

This is why you come off a cynical.

By the way I do not support a government takeover of healthcare. I think the answer lies somewhere in between single pay and what we have now. As a Federal Employee I wish citizens could be afforded the sme type of health care options that I share with members of congress. This bill is far from a government take over of health care. However, since that is what you seek to believe you will only hear arguments which support your opinion which sadly appears to be an opinion formed by TV, radio, and internet personalities. You try to come off as though you are not upset but the illogic in your argument and the way you ignore the facts as they relate to conservatives lets me know you are lost.

With all of that being said I dont think your a bad person. Just a tad naive.

It's not about "getting" anything.  We don't agree.  Period.  That's what you must understand - we're not going to convince each other.

I haven't ignored a thing, as I just said earlier.  GOVERNMENT is the problem.  It's been the problem for the last 20 or so years.  Obama is just speeding up the terrible process.

How amusing you've sized up my take on things... your take could just as easily be on MSNBC teleprompters day in, day out. 

I'm too old and too well-educated to be "naive", "illogical", or "lost". 

Bottom line - we don't agree and aren't going to.
JayAmazin wrote:
UTVOL23 wrote:
Im one of the majority of physicians who oppose this bill in fact recent New England Journal of Medicine survey says 46% of  Primary Care Docs will consider leaving medicine if this passes.

First off  the goverment doesnt run anything efficiently. Medicare is already 32 trillion dollars in debt this will just expand medicare and more and more people will join the government funded insurance as com pannies lay people off of their insurance. For example Caterpillar recently said this bill will cost them $100M each year and would put in peril not only some of their 150K employees but also their benefits.

Second Medicare reimbursements are minimal compared to reimbursements from many private insurance companies thus the reason many doctors dont even take medicare patients because they cant afford it and with expected further 21% reimbursement cuts soon to be imposed on medicare fewer and fewer docs will treat pts with medicare.

Third this bill is far from fiscally responsible. The numbers given are all a hoax to make it look good. There will be no 1.3 trillion dollar surplusl. For the first decade the quoted cost of the bill is for 6 yrs of service but collects 10 yrs of taxes! Also the surplus is based on future medicare cuts to stay in the black and if they pass those cuts they wont have any docs to treat these patients especially specialists.

Thats because they are greedy. Primary Care docs make a fortune off of your basic care like doctor visits. These costs to the patient are outlandish. If you look on your insurance coverage you can see how much the costs are just to go to the doctor and see him/her. Yes you're glad that the insurance company covers it but the costs are very out of line.
Just a few notes to play devils advocate, but statistics are always manipulated and bias. Its very hard to gather good statistic. For example if the poll asked 10 doctors from texas, that is not a very good representation of every doctor in America. 

Shouldn't you blame the hospital and therefore the businessmen in charge for turning people away from heathcare? I didn't know every doctor made the decision if they can afford them or not. I hear a lot of physicians saying its a shame that they are forced to turn individuals away not that they are making the choice.

Doctors should make more money I think. But, again I think you should blame the businessmen. They are the ones saying I get this much and you get that much. 

I thought you were in this field to help people not make money.

If your already turning people away then what is the difference besides having to turn more away, which its not more becuase you had to turn them away anyways for not having insurance in the first place?

Burns1923 wrote:

No disrespect but your support of a government take over of healthcare is exactly why you come off as un-American. 

Ain't nobody getting "worked up".  If making points is "getting worked up" to you, you must think actual passionate, live debate is a meltdown.

Don't assume you know exactly what my political beliefs are just from my opposition to this healthcare bill. 

Go read up on Marxism.  Barack Obama's mother and father were Marxists.  His grandparents, who raised him for a time, attended the "Little Red Church" - a Communist congregation.  Obama learns, teaches, and implements Saul Alinsky's "Rules For Radicals" - a Marxist primer for community organizing and progressively changing infrastructure from within.  Notice a pattern here?

Now, take all of that influence and teaching and belief and mix it with this healthcare bill.  The answers are there if you wish to look.

But you are correct about lobbyists and special interests.  Members of both the House and Senate are chiefly interested in their own personal gain and maintaining power as opposed to doing the job voters sent them to do (represent constituents' interests and will).

Pardon me, I had to laugh at that.
You're indirectly ruining my screen name fam 
too old and too well educated?

yet, you cannot clearly see that the definition of racist doesn't support your labeling of me as a racist?

or that the fact that "obama was raised by marxists" has nothing to do with this bill or any aspect of his presidency?

you're well educated you say?

wow, thats a shocker.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Yelling out to the President at the State of the Union address = rude.

Saying any opposition to the President because he's half-black is racist = racist.

you and me, we're fundamentally different...

i reside in reality


i have no idea where you reside...

yelling out N I G G E R while the president speaks =/='s racist.

saying any opposition to the president is racism?



"i relish in white america's paranoia"

you called that racist.

log out, you're losing by the second here....

No, you reside in a quite crazy state of mind.

You're making up things as you go along now, writing like something a maniac would.

Please stop trolling.
Originally Posted by Burns1923

Bottom line - we don't agree and aren't going to.

Actually I agree with this.

I am not trying to change your opinion at all. Just pointing out the hypocrisy in your arguments against the current administration.

The hypocrisy of conservative outrage against this partisan bill could be highlighted on so many levels. It is not partisan because it is all bad. It is partisan because it is politics. Here is one last for the road.

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