Congress clears historic health care bill...

Originally Posted by UTVOL23

Many people are really naive and want to stand in a circle and sing kum by ya and think everything will be great.

First we do NOT have the money for this. Medicare has already 38 TRILLION dollars in unfunded liability how much greater do you think that number will grow if we add another 30 million people to medicare not to mention all the people who will also be added once companies throw them off of their companies insurance and the companies chose instead to just pay the fees.

This legislation is not deficit neutral nor will it give deficit reduction. they didnt not include the doctor fix in that number and in addition the numbers are based on many future programs that either need to be cut or taxed. ie cadillac health plans. Also the first 6yrs of services is paid for by 10 yrs of taxes. What happens in the next 10 yrs?

Also i guarantee all those saying they dont mind the taxes are the ones paying a great deal of taxes. When you are paying >40% of your income in taxes and they want to raise it even more come talk to me. The majority of these people are not wealthy they may not being doing poorly but a lot of physicians fall into this category. They have hundreds of thousands in student loan debt and now they not only are paying half their wages in taxes but have rising medical malpractice rates and are also facing drastic reimbursement cuts thus the reason so many physicians are considering looking elsewhere for work.

And you sound like someone that stands on the corner screaming that Socialism is going to destroy American democracy when it seems to be working fine for Europe. Socialism is not the problem, spending billions on defense, funding state terrorism and having military bases world wide while our young men and women have no free alternative for college is the problem.

Also, you have to start somewhere. I'd rather pay now and have it better later on in life and better off for the later generations than refuse reform at this point in time. The reason you pay more in taxes is because you make more. What don't you understand? This doesn't make sense to you? We can't allow it to stop at healthcare but we need to reform our educational system as well so we don't have people with hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt right out of college.
The health care bill is unconstitutional.

There are a number of states and legal types standing by to file suit. Look for this to possibly be struck down in the courts.

Government cannot mandate that citizens purchase anything.

Wake up, folks. If these people had our best interests in mind, they wouldn't be passing this trash in the middle of this economy. People are out of work and they pass this monstrosity that will raise taxes immediately and for the next 4 years? Unconscionable.

The Democrat Congress is teeming with radicals.  

The majority of Americans watch Fox News also, so that explains why they're so misinformed.

Yet Obama won the presidency?  Square that one.
Free college too huh Hell lets just make everything FREE. Oh wait there is no such thing. Someone has to pay for it. Obviously you are not one of the people paying for it. Why should I have to pay a ridiculous amount in taxes? The top 20% pay 80% of the taxes. When does it end?

I paid for my college by working since I was 15. I had to borrow money for medical school over 250K in fact.
Originally Posted by Burns1923

The health care bill is unconstitutional.

There are a number of states and legal types standing by to file suit. Look for this to possibly be struck down in the courts.

Government cannot mandate that citizens purchase anything.

Wake up, folks. If these people had our best interests in mind, they wouldn't be passing this trash in the middle of this economy. People are out of work and they pass this monstrosity that will raise taxes immediately and for the next 4 years? Unconscionable.

The Democrat Congress is teeming with radicals.  

The majority of Americans watch Fox News also, so that explains why they're so misinformed.

Yet Obama won the presidency?  Square that one.

unconstitutional?  whoa...
Originally Posted by UTVOL23

Free college too huh Hell lets just make everything FREE. Oh wait there is no such thing. Someone has to pay for it. Obviously you are not one of the people paying for it. Why should I have to pay a ridiculous amount in taxes? 

you did his taxes?
Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Originally Posted by UTVOL23

Free college too huh Hell lets just make everything FREE. Oh wait there is no such thing. Someone has to pay for it. Obviously you are not one of the people paying for it. Why should I have to pay a ridiculous amount in taxes? 

you did his taxes?
Oh im just making an educated guess that hes is not paying over 40% of his income in taxes
Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Attorneys General ftw

/grammar cop

Hope all of us who are working can continue to have steady jobs...
Originally Posted by UTVOL23

I paid for my college by working since I was 15. I had to borrow money for medical school over 250K in fact.

So considering you didn't have 250K to begin with, and had to "burrow" that money--could it be said that you received a hand-out of 250K to finance your education correct?

Or maybe I should phrase it this way: you received a lending hand/help before you could get to where you are today?

I wonder what your life would be like if that rich guy who financed your education had decided NOT to help you/invest 250K in you.

" You don't want to pay more taxes? Well, you want good health care, don' you?"

This particular national system provides a perfect conduit for government blackmail regarding the raising of taxes.
Originally Posted by SenatorJeffSmith

This bill was hammered out by politicians who are in the pockets of the companies who will profit from this disaster. 

I agree. was hoping it wouldnt go through but, oh well
Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by UTVOL23

I paid for my college by working since I was 15. I had to borrow money for medical school over 250K in fact.

So considering you didn't have 250K to begin with, and had to "burrow" that money--could it be said that you received a hand-out of 250K to finance your education correct?

Or maybe I should phrase it this way: you received a lending hand/help before you could get to where you are today?

I wonder what your life would be like if that rich guy who financed your education had decided NOT to help you/invest 250K in you.

Loans with interest are in no way there to "help" anyone.
Starting tomorrow,  watch your 401k disappear before your very eyes as the market begins to spiral downward again.
Originally Posted by UTVOL23

Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Originally Posted by UTVOL23

Free college too huh Hell lets just make everything FREE. Oh wait there is no such thing. Someone has to pay for it. Obviously you are not one of the people paying for it. Why should I have to pay a ridiculous amount in taxes? 

you did his taxes?
Oh im just making an educated guess that hes is not paying over 40% of his income in taxes

I'm sorry I think health care and education are rights, not privileges. Also, if there was a free option for education as well you wouldn't have to pay for loans and things like that.

While I may not be in the position to pay that much right now, in the future I will be, and I won't mind because I know that my money will be going to someones health care and to someones education. It's called caring enough about your fellow man and the culture of our country to give a little bit back to make things better for the future and present.
I can't really pretend I know a lot about this issue, but I know that if there is eventually an effective way to get health care for people who can't afford it, then I think this is a good step...
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by UTVOL23

I paid for my college by working since I was 15. I had to borrow money for medical school over 250K in fact.

So considering you didn't have 250K to begin with, and had to "burrow" that money--could it be said that you received a hand-out of 250K to finance your education correct?

Or maybe I should phrase it this way: you received a lending hand/help before you could get to where you are today?

I wonder what your life would be like if that rich guy who financed your education had decided NOT to help you/invest 250K in you.

Loans with interest are in no way there to "help" anyone.

With interest or without them, the fact is that the loan WAS a helping hand that helped him (and myself because I'm financing my education with loans) get to where he is today--or at the very least, partially helped him get to where he is today.

Unless you're part of that 10% that owns 90% of everything, chances are you're receiving some kind of assistance in order to get to where you're trying to get to--educational wise or career wise.

So cut all that "why must I pay/help someone else" nonsense. It's beyond disgusting and proof of the hypocrisy that is fabricated into the moral fiber of many within this country.

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by UTVOL23

I paid for my college by working since I was 15. I had to borrow money for medical school over 250K in fact.

So considering you didn't have 250K to begin with, and had to "burrow" that money--could it be said that you received a hand-out of 250K to finance your education correct?

Or maybe I should phrase it this way: you received a lending hand/help before you could get to where you are today?

I wonder what your life would be like if that rich guy who financed your education had decided NOT to help you/invest 250K in you.

Are you kidding me? How was that a hand out? I am adding on thousands and thousands of dollars in interest a month yeah that really sounds like a helping hand. Be real. That is not a helping hand it is just impossible to pay 69K for one year of school unless you borrow the money. I am getting nothing handed to me. I have to pay ALL of it back plus by the time I will get done paying it back I only borrowed 250K but will have paid at least 500K back due to interest.

Many of these loans are unsecured debt. They are being taken out from banks not some rich guy who decided to help me out.
this is disgusting! How dare the USA try to keep its people healthy? Why do we have to be like every other industrialized country??

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by UTVOL23

I paid for my college by working since I was 15. I had to borrow money for medical school over 250K in fact.

So considering you didn't have 250K to begin with, and had to "burrow" that money--could it be said that you received a hand-out of 250K to finance your education correct?

Or maybe I should phrase it this way: you received a lending hand/help before you could get to where you are today?

I wonder what your life would be like if that rich guy who financed your education had decided NOT to help you/invest 250K in you.

Loans with interest are in no way there to "help" anyone.

With interest or without them, the fact is that the loan WAS a helping hand that helped him (and myself because I'm financing my education with loans) get to where he is today--or at the very least, partially helped him get to where he is today.

Unless you're part of that 10% that owns 90% of everything, chances are you're receiving some kind of assistance in order to get to where you're trying to get to--educational wise or career wise.

So cut all that "why must I pay/help someone else" nonsense. It's beyond disgusting and proof of the hypocrisy that is fabricated into the moral fiber of many within this country.

Again. Loans with interest (compound interest at that) cannot be classified as anything near "help". Doing so is foolish.

The problem in the US is that many like to help others with money that is not theirs.
Originally Posted by UTVOL23

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by UTVOL23

I paid for my college by working since I was 15. I had to borrow money for medical school over 250K in fact.

So considering you didn't have 250K to begin with, and had to "burrow" that money--could it be said that you received a hand-out of 250K to finance your education correct?

Or maybe I should phrase it this way: you received a lending hand/help before you could get to where you are today?

I wonder what your life would be like if that rich guy who financed your education had decided NOT to help you/invest 250K in you.

Are you kidding me? How was that a hand out? I am adding on thousands and thousands of dollars in interest a month yeah that really sounds like a helping hand. Be real. That is not a helping hand it is just impossible to pay 69K for one year of school unless you borrow the money. I am getting nothing handed to me. I have to pay ALL of it back plus by the time I will get done paying it back I only borrowed 250K but will have paid at least 500K back due to interest.

Well in reality, the people who are benefiting from this bill also pay taxes, so they're not "getting a hand out" either. Correct?
It's called caring enough about your fellow man and the culture of our country to give a little bit back to make things better for the future and present. draining self-sufficient Americans of their rightful earnings. 

Let me ask: If you perpetually do for someone, what impetus will they ever have to do for themselves?

Very easy to dine on someone else's dime.
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