Controversy at my school vol. Blackface

its one thing to wear a costume another to try and be another race...

i can be snow white or lady gaga with out painting my face...

a non black person can be lil wayne/kanye etc. w/o painting their face black...if you have to do all that to get your costume across you should probably go assomething else...
some white kid did this during my sophomore year of high school. lets just say he got a rude awakening by some angry blacks folks after school
i hope yall were in such an uproar when white chicks came out ... ... ...

this is the dumbest topic to be debated of all time ...
It's Halloween... Bunch of:


Around here...

I can understand the uproar if you dressed up as an African American carrying around a bucket of KFC, sipping on 40s, and throwing flags but if you'redressed as your favorite celeb on Halloween what's the problem? If you're gonna cry about this go send Robert Downy Jr. some hate mail or something.Don't pick out one event because it's so damn convienent...
So, you don't see a difference between the movie White Chicks, and something that has a history of hundreds of years of hate and discrimination?

Yeah you're right, this is the dumbest topic to be debated of all time.
truthfully i don't think most people know the history behind the history of that whole blackface thing and if they did i doubt they would go dressed up asit and i doubt it was their intent to offend anyone with it.

the comparing white chicks and the blackface thing is stupid to me. dressing up and painting your face to be white, black, asian, hispanic, or whatever racealways came across as silly to me.
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

So, you don't see a difference between the movie White Chicks, and something that has a history of hundreds of years of hate and discrimination?

Yeah you're right, this is the dumbest topic to be debated of all time.
it's funny how white people tend to over look that huh?

if you think white face and black face are completely equal then you are a clown
I don't even know why I read these threads anymore at this point. The ignorance that's constantly displayed in these threads just frustrates me, andall these people fall back on is "it's Halloween, no big deal". Ugh

Think rationally sometimes people. Open your mind and understand that, in the real world, !*+* like this is never cool. You don't make light of that inthis fashion.

But why am I ranting? It's just Halloween, right?
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

So, you don't see a difference between the movie White Chicks, and something that has a history of hundreds of years of hate and discrimination?

Yeah you're right, this is the dumbest topic to be debated of all time.
When did I say that?... Difference is they aren't trying to bring up the various blackface characters of the 1980s and under, they are thecelebrity they're trying to be. You think that one white woman was being Lil' Wayne to be racist? Stop being so touchy. What baffles me is that peoplewon't take the different situations and treat them *gasp* differently! I don't see how you can't see that intent doesn't play a big part. Atthe end of the day the only reason people are *****ing is because it was Halloween and every damn Halloween people complain because it's easy. Ifyou're gonna complain about this at least be consistent... Didn't see anyone crying over Tropic Thunder and how that character was potrayed...
Originally Posted by Air Bonilla 23

It's Halloween......

Exactly, its the one night people can dress up, people dress up as Mexican people all the time am I going to get butt hurt for it??? No Im not chill and fallback let it go, its not like people do it all the time.....

Im Mexican BTW
Originally Posted by MayhemMonkey000

It's Halloween... Bunch of:


Around here...

I can understand the uproar if you dressed up as an African American carrying around a bucket of KFC, sipping on 40s, and throwing flags but if you're dressed as your favorite celeb on Halloween what's the problem? If you're gonna cry about this go send Robert Downy Jr. some hate mail or something. Don't pick out one event because it's so damn convienent...

Explain to me this "convenience".

Maybe I'm just not thinking broadly enough.
Originally Posted by EBAY 23

Originally Posted by Air Bonilla 23

It's Halloween......

Exactly, its the one night people can dress up, people dress up as Mexican people all the time am I going to get butt hurt for it??? No Im not chill and fall back let it go, its not like people do it all the time.....

Im Mexican BTW

Yeah you're right...they don't do it all the time. No big deal.

I'm out of here. This is pointless.

*lurks thread*
[h1]Controversy: Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Whitney Isleib Allegedly Does Black-Face Lil' Wayne Costume[/h1]
ARLINGTON, Texas (CBS/CBS11) Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Whitney Isleib has inadvertently stepped into a Halloween controversy by reportedly dressing up as soon-to-be incarcerated rapper Lil' Wayne in black-face.

Photos of the blonde-haired cheerleader turned hip-hop impresario were posted to Facebook and eventually made their way to sports blog

Offensive or just plain fun? Dallas fans are split.

I can't believe ppl don't know the difference between dressing up in blackface and dressing up as a Mexican. Reminds me of ppl comparing slavery to gayppl trying to get civil rights.

What's wrong with lynching $!@@*+%? We only do it every Civil War anniversary
Originally Posted by bijald0331

[h1] Letter sent to school newspaper by African-American student
[/h1] [h1] Letter: Blackface displays lack of racial respect at NU[/h1]
Your like 5 mins park ftw
I myself am currently looking into the true roots of racism and what it actually is....
something as someone dressed in blackface does not to say "get to me as it once did".
I'm slowly starting to realize that stupid acts like these should not be categorized as racism at all, but more like
ignorance and lack of respect for ones culture or self being.
Originally Posted by GTEK

I myself am currently looking into the true roots of racism and what it actually is....
something as someone dressed in blackface does not to say "get to me as it once did".
Im slowly starting to realize that stupid acts like these should not be cagtorized as racism at all, but more like
ignorance and lack of respect for ones culture or self being.
i agree with that
Originally Posted by GTEK

I myself am currently looking into the true roots of racism and what it actually is....
something as someone dressed in blackface does not to say "get to me as it once did".
Im slowly starting to realize that stupid acts like these should not be cagtorized as racism at all, but more like
ignorance and lack of respect for ones culture or self being.
that's like a white guy walking around with a noose asking "want to hang out?" .. if you think that is not racist...

racism is ignorance and lack of respect not just for one's culture or ethnicity but for the very basic human rights..
this is definitely wrong.. those who posted saying this was okay.. no comment... and..
it just goes to show how some "americanized-blacks" accept and overlook all the negatives their ancestors have experienced..
the lack of education and reason on NT.
My main thing with this is that everyones always saying black people have a history white people don't have, and it's not okay for white peopleexclusively to do it because we were oppressive for so long. That's totally true, don't freak out, I'm not denying those terrible hardships oranything, but it isn't like it was me personally that did it. My ancestors were terrible human beings, yeah, but does that mean that I should have to feellike a prick my whole life? No. I was raised to treat all people the same, and race doesn't matter to me at all, so I hate getting lumped in like that.It's always "white people were oppressive" and it's like yeah, but it wasn't the same white people who exist now, it wasn't me, sostop acting like I'm a part of that group in any way.

It just bothers me that people have to MAKE race an issue with me. It never has been, and never will be, so I'd like to stop having the idea forced on methat I should have to feel different or act different around a certain race of people. Obviously I would never go blackface because I have more sense than thatand I personally don't think it's appropriate. But people need to chill in terms of always having to make race the issue. Yeah, there's stupidignorant white people out there, but there's the same amount in other races. To me, a racist is a racist, it doesn't always have to be about what raceof people is the most or least racist.

Just my opinion. Don't mean to offend anyone or anything, just my 2 cents.
why do we have like 10 racism topics everyday, yall focusing extra hard

btw it reminds me of this pic
Originally Posted by Galvelocity

It just bothers me that people have to MAKE race an issue with me. It never has been, and never will be, so I'd like to stop having the idea forced on me that I should have to feel different or act different around a certain race of people. Obviously I would never go blackface because I have more sense than that and I personally don't think it's appropriate. But people need to chill in terms of always having to make race the issue. Yeah, there's stupid ignorant white people out there, but there's the same amount in other races. To me, a racist is a racist, it doesn't always have to be about what race of people is the most or least racist.

Just my opinion. Don't mean to offend anyone or anything, just my 2 cents.
pretty much, everyone wants to scream racism every chance they get. Its halloween, come on, it isnt really that big a deal......
i mean, like dont flame me but black people get the most offended. i mean yeaa the slavery thing, but i mean every race gets pooed on, yall had it worse.
but i mean people needa stop taking it to epic proportion.
black dude goes as white face, no1s crying about it.
mexican goes as an asian, no1s crying about it.
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