Controversy at my school vol. Blackface

For those of you who are saying that dressing in blackface is not the same as whiteface, you are right. But at the same time dont you see how a white personseeing some dressed in whiteface may see that as an invitation to dress in blackface? In the sense that race is being made light of, so they think that itwould go both ways . If you dont want someone to dress as your particular race/nationality they why give yourself a pass? I believe that you have to see thisas an all or none situation, otherwise you are just opening the door to people who dont necessarily think before they act. Not that its an excuse but you justhave to realize that there are people like that, always have been and always will be.

Personally I would never dress in a costume that required me to paint my face as to appear of another race/nationality, but thats me.

deron williams as cal ripken jr.

What's wrong with that cheerleaders costume? Ya'll know Lil Wayne is black right...?

On a more serious note, come the

I saw an Asian guy with a painted brown face dressed as Lil Wayne. There's nothing in the history books on that one. Is that racist too?

The Cheerleader did the EXACT same thing, but she's not allowed to because she's white? THAT'S CALLED RACISM.

Of course, I didn't see this girl in person, but if she didn't do anything to exude a feeling of hate, then what's the problem?
if you truly saw skin color as being equal to eye color, then there would be no reason to get upset about black/white/brown/yellow face. so imo if someonegets upset about black/white/brown/yellow face than they are most likely withholding some race-related angst inside of them.
over sensitive people in this thread. It's really not that big of a deal.
Yes, it was a stupid thing to do, of course most people aren't THAT sensitive and don't give @#$%, but no doubt there would be alot of people offended,and they should have known that. I'm sure the parties involved are not at all racist, nor had an intent to offend, but it isn't it about who they are,it's about what they did, and they should be held accountable for. In saying that - It ain't that serious, there is too much happening to dwell on thistopic every year.

Give them their smack on the hand and the 'don't do it again' and keep it moving.
While I would never try black face as part of costume and while most people who wear black face are usually spoiled, douchebags, it will be the University thatis the bad guy in this story if it caves to pressure and disciplines these students. Freedom of expression is important even if it defends something so stupidand at the expense of allowing some to be offended.

BTW, that Cal Ripken costume and Dave Chapelle's white face are both great but then again there is almost no history of white face so I am not implyingthat blacks are overreacting for being offended over black face.
we have the right to freedom of expression. they could paint themselves black and carry around watermelons and chicken legs and it would still be ok imo. Iwouldn't have anything against a black person doing the same with white stereotypes. It might tick me off a little but I understand that that individualsfreedom ends where my nose begins. They can do whatever they want.
we have the right to freedom of expression. they could paint themselves black and carry around watermelons and chicken legs and it would still be ok imo. Iwouldn't have anything against a black person doing the same with white stereotypes. It might tick me off a little but I understand that that individualsfreedom ends where my nose begins. They can do whatever they want.
Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

One of the youtube comments
This isn't racist in any way, I'm white, if this had white stereotypes in it, i wouldn't care. what about the film, "white men can't jump" Can you imagine if the movie had the title was "Black men can't swim"? they're would be uproar


Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by the north west

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

2 of my non-white friends (one black, one dark indian) dressed up in white face/dress for one Halloween. People didn't see that as being offensive, but I suppose it isn't the same
black people can't be racist.
are you white cause many white people do not know the history of blackface?

black face has a historic past that is associated with racism and stereotypes

what face not so much

also black people can be racist but that is besides the point
I know the history of blackface.......i just wanted to point out that a black person with white face on, dressed up like urkel, speaking in a "white" accent is also racist/ offensive to some. Just something I wanted to point out, take it for what you will.

you obviously dont if you are steady tryin to make that comparison. Blackface was used to not only mock blacks, but to propagate negative stereotypes,ESPECIALLY in minstrel shows. A living, breathing caricature. The "actors" would often act sub human and try and pass it off as an accuraterepresentation. This became ammo for bigots for everything from Jim Crow, to general racist perceptions Imagine somebody dressed as YOU personaly, thenexagerated your traits and acted stupid basically, you wouldnt be ofended?? whites never had anything like that go on so your comparison doesn't makesense. Blacks CAN be racist, but based on your comment you dont understand how deep blackface goes, its more than just dressing up as a black person. That girlprobably didnt MEAN o be racist (to give her the benefit of the doubt) but it WAS.
There is a difference between going as black face and portray inaccuracies and racial stereotypes. Its another thing to go dressed up as a person who happensto be black.
most of the people in here are trying to rationalize freedom of speech

Its downright unacceptable. Especially in the way she is portraying herself.
Originally Posted by Rell

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by the north west

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

2 of my non-white friends (one black, one dark indian) dressed up in white face/dress for one Halloween. People didn't see that as being offensive, but I suppose it isn't the same
black people can't be racist.
are you white cause many white people do not know the history of blackface?

black face has a historic past that is associated with racism and stereotypes

what face not so much

also black people can be racist but that is besides the point
I know the history of blackface.......i just wanted to point out that a black person with white face on, dressed up like urkel, speaking in a "white" accent is also racist/ offensive to some. Just something I wanted to point out, take it for what you will.

Blah blah blah dude, I know the history of black face. I'm just pointing out that wearing white face and pretending to be awhite "stereotype" is offensive to some. It's a little hypocritical cry racism yet condone "prejudices", mocking and stereotyping ofother groups. You can't have your cake and eat it too.
What do you guys think? I am not black so I can't say I have a legitimate opinion on this. Right now, I don't see what the fuss is about. More info to come I guess. Racial profiling I completely abhor but this seems like an overreaction.

exactly. that's the author's point. you (and the perpetrators) just don't get it...
Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

What's wrong with that cheerleaders costume? Ya'll know Lil Wayne is black right...?

On a more serious note, come the

I saw an Asian guy with a painted brown face dressed as Lil Wayne. There's nothing in the history books on that one. Is that racist too?

The Cheerleader did the EXACT same thing, but she's not allowed to because she's white? THAT'S CALLED RACISM.

Of course, I didn't see this girl in person, but if she didn't do anything to exude a feeling of hate, then what's the problem?

She's not allowed to do it cuz its blackface...if the asian guy did it then people would have a problem with that can dress as a person withoutpainting your skin...

that stuff on her face didnt make her look anymore like Wayne did it?

we have the right to freedom of expression. they could paint themselves black and carry around watermelons and chicken legs and it would still be ok imo. I wouldn't have anything against a black person doing the same with white stereotypes. It might tick me off a little but I understand that that individuals freedom ends where my nose begins. They can do whatever they want
of course it would be ok to you? please tell me what horrible stereotypes there are that are 99.9% of the time associated with white people

i think the Cal Ripken thing is just as stupid...does he look anymore like Ripken because of it?
Originally Posted by shortydoowopp

Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

What's wrong with that cheerleaders costume? Ya'll know Lil Wayne is black right...?

On a more serious note, come the

I saw an Asian guy with a painted brown face dressed as Lil Wayne. There's nothing in the history books on that one. Is that racist too?

The Cheerleader did the EXACT same thing, but she's not allowed to because she's white? THAT'S CALLED RACISM.

Of course, I didn't see this girl in person, but if she didn't do anything to exude a feeling of hate, then what's the problem?

She's not allowed to do it cuz its blackface...if the asian guy did it then people would have a problem with that can dress as a person without painting your skin...

that stuff on her face didnt make her look anymore like Wayne did it?

we have the right to freedom of expression. they could paint themselves black and carry around watermelons and chicken legs and it would still be ok imo. I wouldn't have anything against a black person doing the same with white stereotypes. It might tick me off a little but I understand that that individuals freedom ends where my nose begins. They can do whatever they want
of course it would be ok to you? please tell me what horrible stereotypes there are that are 99.9% of the time associated with white people

i think the Cal Ripken thing is just as stupid...does he look anymore like Ripken because of it?

Yes, it does. Otherwise I would think she's supposed to be a white person.

I have a decent understanding of the history of Blackface, but what does that have to do with this girl? She's just wearing a costume on Halloween. Shemight be acting stupid, but that would be Lil Wayne's fault, not hers.

There is a history behind it, but IMO, creating rules of taboo for something that would otherwise be completely appropriate simply preserves the memory of theoriginal atrocities.

I'm sure if the people that actually lived through the era when Blackface was an act of spite saw white people painting their face because they actuallywanted to be like those black people, they would be pretty damn happy about it.

Don't get me wrong, the looter was
up, but what'ssadder than seeing a white Lil Wayne walkin' around on Halloween?
Its really not that serious.Its halloween and as long as they're not causing any harm to anyone else.You should be able to dress as whatever you want onthat day.Now if someone was in blackface on a then I would have a problem.
i hate blackface. i've seen samples of those shows in history documentaries and such and it's just really hard to watch. and i;m not even black....
Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

One of the youtube comments
This isn't racist in any way, I'm white, if this had white stereotypes in it, i wouldn't care. what about the film, "white men can't jump" Can you imagine if the movie had the title was "Black men can't swim"? they're would be uproar


Im black and
theres more to blackface than a person in dark makeup, people need to take their heads out their 2009 butts and realize that what black face is seen now wasntwhat it was then, and that it still hurts when you have an entire group of people using the worst tools at the time to portray you then dance and sing abouthow slavery was alright or jim crows not that bad and basically make your people look like fools for the entertainment of others. then for it to be 2009 andpeople still doin it and now telling you that its not the same and black folk do it to, are you serious? get out of here wit that LOOK AT IT FOR WAT IT IS, ABLATANT DISRESPECT AND SLAP IN THE FACE, STOP TRYING TO DEFEND IT!
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