Controversy at my school vol. Blackface

Why cant we just take the meaning of "black face" and flip into something that we would all embrace?

People can be such hypocrites.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Rell

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by the north west

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

2 of my non-white friends (one black, one dark indian) dressed up in white face/dress for one Halloween. People didn't see that as being offensive, but I suppose it isn't the same
black people can't be racist.
are you white cause many white people do not know the history of blackface?

black face has a historic past that is associated with racism and stereotypes

what face not so much

also black people can be racist but that is besides the point
I know the history of blackface.......i just wanted to point out that a black person with white face on, dressed up like urkel, speaking in a "white" accent is also racist/ offensive to some. Just something I wanted to point out, take it for what you will.

Blah blah blah dude, I know the history of black face. I'm just pointing out that wearing white face and pretending to be a white "stereotype" is offensive to some. It's a little hypocritical cry racism yet condone "prejudices", mocking and stereotyping of other groups. You can't have your cake and eat it too.
Wait, there are people in here crying racism yet condoning prejudices?

This is the issue. Too often people point at something else to try to excuse something. For the record, I don't condone someone painting their skin andpretending to be a White person, a Black person, a Asian person, a Hispanic person. Who, in this thread, is condoning prejudices?

Stick to the topic at hand.
There IS a difference between a non-black person imitating Lil Wayne or a specific black person for Halloween and someone putting on blackface thinkingit's funny, because the person imitating Lil Wayne isn't making fun of an entire group of people but that person just putting on blackface IS. I knowthe history of blackface so no need for schooling here. The cheerleader who dressed as Lil Wayne was in poor taste doing it but I don't think she wastrying to be offensive or was even aware of the history of blackface.
a lot of discrimination against whites in this thread, i'm not surprised it goes unnoticed.
Blackface has also become a high-fashion trend as well...

Now would you call this artistic expression or racism?

I kind of think blackface has more to do with the context is used than simply the appearence. If homegirl wanted to dress up as Lil' Wayne,
I don't see anything wrong with that. However, if she wanted to dress up as a black person and had gold chains on holding a chicken leg in her hand.That's where the problem lies.
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Originally Posted by eeBS7eez

a lot of discrimination against whites in this thread, i'm not surprised it goes unnoticed.
Specific examples? I may have missed them.

Can you show me the thread where people are up in arms over black people painting their faces white?
What's your point there?

I'm asking for the examples in this thread of discrimination against whites.

There aren't many threads where people are up in arms over black people painting their faces white. Does that mean I condone it? No. Does that meanit's okay? No. I don't see how the absence of those threads display discrimination toward white people.

Now, I'd like to see some specific examples of discrimination against whites in this thread since that is what was mentioned above.
^ was talking to Diego, so calm down immediately.

Unfortunately we do not know these young men, and are unable to speak for them on whether their actions were based on racial issues they have with AfricanAmericans, or merely ignorance to believe that painting oneself as a "black" man or woman is the way to go.

Same goes for Deron and the Dallas cheerleader. Same goes for those who dress up as Mexicans/Latinos, Africans, or Asian/PacificIslander, etc.

At the end of the day, although it was Halloween, the body paint can be done without. The one thing the OP asked was if we thought the actions were wrong orright, whether or not they had racial undertones... It seems most in here agree that they would be somewhat offended by body paint being used to furtherprotray a person of any race. You can imitate one of another race without the use of bodypaint and steriotypical characteristics as well. Characteristicsshould directly portray the SPECIFIC person you aim to imitate.

Don't mean to come in here and antagonize, just my .02c
some white kid did this during my sophomore year of high school. lets just say he got a rude awakening by some angry blacks folks after school

think about the inverse of this situation and tell me arms wouldn't be in the air crying racism.

it's funny how white people tend to over look that huh?

didn't take much longer than a few seconds, i'm sure i could find many more if i reached as hard as others do. i know the history of blackface, but idon't think anyone in any of these costumes had the intent of people interpreting their costumes this way. how are they racist if they are most likelyunaware of the historical context that gets attached to their costume? i'm sure someone will come back with "maybe they should do their research nexthalloween"... please, where would the average idiot even start? they may be stupid, and lacking cultural knowledge, but that's about it. not much thatcan be done about it.
Originally Posted by II0II703 RICO ROB

^ was talking to Diego, so calm down immediately.

Unfortunately we do not know these young men, and are unable to speak for them on whether their actions were based on racial issues they have with African Americans, or merely ignorance to believe that painting oneself as a "black" man or woman is the way to go.

Same goes for Deron and the Dallas cheerleader. Same goes for those who dress up as Mexicans/Latinos, Africans, or Asian/Pacific Islander, etc.

At the end of the day, although it was Halloween, the body paint can be done without. The one thing the OP asked was if we thought the actions were wrong or right, whether or not they had racial undertones... It seems most in here agree that they would be somewhat offended by body paint being used to further protray a person of any race. You can imitate one of another race without the use of bodypaint and steriotypical characteristics as well. Characteristics should directly portray the SPECIFIC person you aim to imitate.

Don't mean to come in here and antagonize, just my .02c
Immediately? Get the hell out of here.

I was talking to Diego too, by the way. I apologize for the misunderstanding.
Imagine somebody dressed as YOU personaly, then exagerated your traits and acted stupid basically, you wouldnt be ofended?? whites never had anything like that go on
I take it you've never actually seen the movie White Chicks.

some white kid did this during my sophomore year of high school. lets just say he got a rude awakening by some angry blacks folks after school

think about the inverse of this situation and tell me arms wouldn't be in the air crying racism.

There is absolutely nothing okay with the portrayal of any race in these tasteless ways. It's over the top and unnecessary. However the blackface of the20's and a college student dressing up as Lil Wayne are two completely different situations.
Originally Posted by OptimusPrimeAPhiA

most of the people in here are trying to rationalize freedom of speech

Its downright unacceptable. Especially in the way she is portraying herself.

Its wrong but people are categorizing it as the wrong type of wrong.
But either way its wrong.
I doubt everyone who dresses in blackface for halloween goes out with the intention to
to disrepect african-americans or to damage their image.
But when they put that paint on they obviously don't care for the people that would be offended.
They dont care about what the blackface symbolizes and how African-americans still suffer from enforced
sterotypes to this day.
They are trully being selfish with no remorse for the next human being.
That is the bigger problem.

[Average NT'er] Im *"race" other than African-american* but I dont see how this is offensive. [Average NT'er]

And to the person who posted the "high-fashion" pics.
I can give a damn about how much money is involved or how good it looks.
Its still someone in dressed in black face.
If they was raping someone in that pic would it still be artistic content?
Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Originally Posted by eeBS7eez

a lot of discrimination against whites in this thread, i'm not surprised it goes unnoticed.
Specific examples? I may have missed them.
Can you show me the thread where people are up in arms over black people painting their faces white?
I see too much complaining about this in these threads as if it's some rebuttal or if we acknowledge it somehow we're even or some $$*#.

Make a thread(with proof) about this instead of trying to derail in to another discussion. Apparently I've been unaware of this white oppression andmockery and the years they've been discriminated against.
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Rell

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by the north west

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

2 of my non-white friends (one black, one dark indian) dressed up in white face/dress for one Halloween. People didn't see that as being offensive, but I suppose it isn't the same
black people can't be racist.
are you white cause many white people do not know the history of blackface?

black face has a historic past that is associated with racism and stereotypes

what face not so much

also black people can be racist but that is besides the point
I know the history of blackface.......i just wanted to point out that a black person with white face on, dressed up like urkel, speaking in a "white" accent is also racist/ offensive to some. Just something I wanted to point out, take it for what you will.

Blah blah blah dude, I know the history of black face. I'm just pointing out that wearing white face and pretending to be a white "stereotype" is offensive to some. It's a little hypocritical cry racism yet condone "prejudices", mocking and stereotyping of other groups. You can't have your cake and eat it too.
Wait, there are people in here crying racism yet condoning prejudices?

This is the issue. Too often people point at something else to try to excuse something. For the record, I don't condone someone painting their skin and pretending to be a White person, a Black person, a Asian person, a Hispanic person. Who, in this thread, is condoning prejudices?

Stick to the topic at hand.
It happens ALL THE TIME on NT......there are people here who are quick to point out racism and stereotyping against their race/group when theythemselves harbor the same racist attitudes or can't see how someone else could be offended by being stereotyped. It happens all the time on NT but if itdoesn't concern you you don't look for it. Like i said, you can't have your cake and eat it to. You can't cry every time someone puts on blackface and laugh when a black man puts on white face suspenders and a polo sweater. You can't preach civil rights and equal treatment, and not at leastsympathize with the plight of gay people in this country. You can't expect people not to make assumptions of you as a black man, when you make the sameassumptions about people's tastes and actions based on their race.

Keep it 100%. That'll be all.
I dont know why the pic dates are different, but I remember seeing those pics here on NT last year. It's legit
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