Craziest thing that happened at your school?


10th grade:
- my homies would
in the bathroom stall during lunchtime.
- fights across the street at the park.
- computer teacher got fired for sexually harassing an office assistant by sending picture messages of his D
dude had a restraining order put on him and could not step on campus ever again.

11th grade:
- someone wrote @#$% the Principal in the bathroom stall, so before school ended, they had everyone empty out their pockets for a blue sharpie, I heard from my friend some guy in a computer class took out his dime bag and put it on the table
I dunno what happen to him though.
- some guy got his dad's escalade stolen out of the parking lot during lunchtime

12th grade:
- my homie stole the final off my teacher's computer during his powerpoint presentation and distributed it to the class 
but he got caught and was suspended only for 3 days
- some black guy forced some gay guy to suck him up in the bathroom stall

- some freshman had to present a powerpoint, but he couldn't get the file to open, so the teacher tried to do it for him, it ended up being a gay porno

- my homie past away the morning of prom, 2 weeks before graduation
At Los Osos High School (My freshman yaer)
We had race riots (Blacks vs. Whites) Mess was poppin off before school, at lunch, and after school for about a week
One morning it got really crazy and dudes brought crowbars, crutches, hammers (the actual tool), and anything they could get their hands on.
Saw one guy get worked with a crowbar
He was knocked out in a pool of blood

Sophomore year.
Someone planted a chemical bomb in the cafeteria
It exploded in the middle of a dance performance and 5 security guards were rushed to the hospital. Thats about it and im going into my senior year of HS  
Nothing ever happened in my school, but some guy got stabbed to death about 2 blocks away from my school
There were fights and what not but every school has that...

One time this guy who was about 23 years old still in high school, always picked on this one kid. So one day this old dude takes this kids bag to the washroom. Poops in it and brings it back. ah aha haha
Yep. Old man got suspended but I dont think he ever came back after that ha ha ha
man some of these stories make me glad that I went to HS in the 90's pre-columbine or any of that BS. some of you kids these days are wild.
Middle School
- P.E teacher dated a 7th grader
 High School
- At the unity fair these indian guys where performing on stage and they were throwing swords in the air and one guy missed and sliced his arm

-Had the blacks vs. somoan fight and caused the whole school to lock down for 2 hours because people thought someone had a gun
-These 2 dudes robbed safeway and ran from the cops, and they tried to get on our campus
-Last year we had the blacks vs. mexicans, and a mexican dude hit this black kid named Tyree with a bat and caused a hige stir.  Later that day there were rumors that mexicans were gonna shot any black person who went to wal-mart that day
. But that never happened
-Teacher got caught having an affair with a student
-Girl took 3 thizz pills and had a seizure in the middle of the cafeteria
-People said that Roy Williams(Bengals Saftery, also a alumni) and Kelly Rolland were at our school walking around but that was not true
-Some one got shot at the powder puff game

I can go on and on, my school had 4,000 plus kids and almost everyday something interesting happened
Crazy %*! brawl at like 715 in the mornin. the school went into "code Red" cops everywhere and one teacher got thrown down some stairs
my friend took a dump in the pool right before a swim meet.
the $#%* list had girls crying and a few even transferred school. it even had little notes on girls like who took it in the face.
watched a janitor beat like 4 dudes with a broom stick that tried to jump him.
failed field trip attempt didnt even leave the parking lot because somebody decided to light a blunt with the windows up.
Some kid got his foreskin stuck in his pant zipper, ambulance came and he had to be carried out on a stretcher.
Some kid got his foreskin stuck in his pant zipper, ambulance came and he had to be carried out on a stretcher.
Originally Posted by My Hustle So Russell

Middle School
- P.E teacher dated a 7th grader
 High School
- At the unity fair these indian guys where performing on stage and they were throwing swords in the air and one guy missed and sliced his arm

-Had the blacks vs. somoan fight and caused the whole school to lock down for 2 hours because people thought someone had a gun
-These 2 dudes robbed safeway and ran from the cops, and they tried to get on our campus
-Last year we had the blacks vs. mexicans, and a mexican dude hit this black kid named Tyree with a bat and caused a hige stir.  Later that day there were rumors that mexicans were gonna shot any black person who went to wal-mart that day
. But that never happened
-Teacher got caught having an affair with a student
-Girl took 3 thizz pills and had a seizure in the middle of the cafeteria
-People said that Roy Williams(Bengals Saftery, also a alumni) and Kelly Rolland were at our school walking around but that was not true
-Some one got shot at the powder puff game

I can go on and on, my school had 4,000 plus kids and almost everyday something interesting happened
Where did you go to school at?
This year two kids at my school got into a fight across the school at Tractor Supply co. One of the kids picked up an axe laying on the side of the building swung it and hit the other kid in the face. half of his cheek fell off.
Had to get like 40 stitches on the side of his face... the pictures of him circulating around school were crazy.
I went to a Catholic all girls school and I've got stories for days.

At least twenty girls in my class got expelled for having sex in the bathroom.
A fight broke out between two different groups, and they were throwing chairs all over the cafeteria at each other. My French teacher tried to break the fight up and got a chair thrown right into his face. Blood was EVERYWHERE. He didn't quit, surprisingly.
My English teacher was suspended for "supposedly" having an affair with a student. His wife, another teacher in the school, stayed with him and they had a baby last fall. Most everyone who has ever had him knows he had a thing for his students. He used to throw pool parties at his house for students only, but no one ever notified the administration.
One of my classmates (we use to chill a lot) was expelled for robbing a local bank at gun point during her free period.
One chick was caught in my computer class masturbating while watching porn.
Another chick who was in the drama club with me had a 40 year old bf. He'd come pick her up, and ugh, he was just nasty. Abusive and possessive, too.
Someone else came to my school early in the a.m. and threw rocks through the glass windows/doors on the first floor because she was mad a teacher failed her.
Another chick slashed the throat of a girl she was dating.

This was supposed to be a good private, but so much shady stuff happened. Most of it was never reported to the administration.
-Forgot about senior year. After school I was leaving my math teacher's room (getting my letters of recommendation), and I hear a shot outside. Go to the cafeteria window, and see 2 dudes running away. Was on lockdown for 45 minutes and was late for work

-2 weeks later, dude who got shot (went to my school) retaliated by shooting buddy at the gas station about a 3 minute walk from school. He got expelled
Originally Posted by newmoanyuh

- Lloyd came and I think singed or gave a speech telling us to stay in school or something like that? I choose not to attend.

Damn son u needed to be there.
Originally Posted by newmoanyuh

- Lloyd came and I think singed or gave a speech telling us to stay in school or something like that? I choose not to attend.

Damn son u needed to be there.
I went to school with contract killers that played on the basketball team... just saying... I don't even wanna say specific @@+@
My Boy also stole a teachers car, and then parked it at another students house that we knew, the police found it, and got him involved when he was clueless and innocent.
Got kicked out of my High School (South Houston) for fighting twice. 1rst time was a suspension. Sent to alternative school (Cep) Got caught there , with Pills, and Weed.
Arrived at BROWN SCHOOL, almost a military style school where you have to walk in protocol. ( hands behind your back at all times ) Schedule was 7am -7 pm, after back and forth through Houston.
They had their own bus Service that would pick up all the kids on one side of town. Believe it or not, I became the President of the school after 6 months, and the captain of the basketball team. This school
was specially designed for kids that had already had multiple chances to get it right and were skating on ice with Jail. I am not afraid to say this was the best school I ever went to. It changed me completely  to be the
man I was supposed to be. Next year, I Joined another alternative (Houston Can Academy) and successfully did everything I had to move on to the next level. It made me a really good person to first be bad.
I know that doesn't make sense, but Im from a hood where your best of boys can die any second, (RIP MIKEY) and hardly no one makes it. Since being at this school almost 10 years ago, I appreciate it life heavily
Although I cant stop Sippin Drank, My mind is free from all Funny buisness
@ some of these things

For me:

1-2 bomb threats in middle school/elementary school
9th grade there was this big black vs. Russian thing at my school

8th/9th grade I had the same English teacher both years and both years the classes used to OD. 8th grade we used to have wars in the glass and @%%% vs the "Russian" kids. This was an honors class mind you. Multiple fights in that class. 8th grade was the @%%%
9th grade I remember when we had an expired ice cream fight in class. We OD'd on her that year too.

I felt sorry for her though. No one listened/respected her much, but at the same time she was cool and everyone liked her. In 8th grade we even through her a party and some girl baked her a cake.

Thats all I remember for now. 
A teacher in my school took 3 kids into his van and whooped them with his belt. He was later arrested.
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