
@ Amare's twitter now. Peep it I can't cut and paste on my phone
i wonder if they would bite on Acie Law...


for Amare

the bench could be:

Originally Posted by jrich for MVP

Where you working at Andrew? No reunion for our IM team?
I'm working at CalPERS in Sacramento for their Asset Allocation/ Risk Management division. I have a research project going on about public vs.private equity and benchmarking fixed-income assets. You will learn about it if you take 171A and 171B.

Monta's Mopeds? It was a good 3-1 and first round exit. I would stay another quarter to play with you guys again, but I'm sure you and Ning can hold itdown next year. I'm just gonna try and find a job then work on my law school applications (I still haven't studied for the LSATs yet, too tired fromwork).
Originally Posted by Andrew630

Ask him more questions.
i asked him if he thinks the deal will go through without Curry, he hasnt responded yet, i think he going to sleep
i think were gonna regret lettin go of biedrins if we get amare . . . to me amare seems to have reached his peak
Thats why they are trying to get him to extend his contract, from what i read it looks like the Warriors are giving Amare a 3 year extension along with the 2years he currently has ( making it 5 total ), and the one guy on REAL GM Phx board who has been putting out info is sticking to his guns and saying that thedeal will happen from what he hears.
^ We wouldn't rent Amare, if this trade goes down - Amare HAS to sign a new contract....he wants the max but not sure if GSW is going to agree to that.
Does he think Curry will be included?....I heard Nelson on the radio today saying Curry is here to stay and he'll be unpacking + looking for ahouse.....Personally, I think Biedrins, Marco + Wright is enough for Amare. All they need to do now is get rid of Maggz. Man I wish they could swap him backfor Baron. With him I'd say playoffs no doubt!...
Originally Posted by ANDROOOW

everyone does good after they leave the warriors.
with this trade we are just adding to the list.
I'm willing to put me life on the line that Andris will not be much better than he already is. He's a solid player, just not the playersome of you are making him out to be.
Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

Personally i think this trade better happen cause if it doesn't, there WILL be some upset players in the locker room

Steven Jackson= most upset

I'm willing to put me life on the line that Andris will not be much better than he already is. He's a solid player, just not the player some of you are making him out to be.
yea dude not just going to blow up outta nowhere 18-20pts & 10-14reb's a game that pretty much it
If this trade ends up going down they need to do whatever they can to get rid of Maggette and that contract. Swap Maggette for Baron! Still don'tunderstand why they were willing to pay Maggette $3million more than Baron and let Davis go.
I got to agree with DP, i dont see Beans putting up 20/10. More like a career 12-14pts/10. Dude is a SOLID player, hell maybe even a good player, but a chanceto get a dominating force like Amare is nice. We havent had that dominating figure in a while, and this team needs a shake up to be honest.

Does he think Curry will be included?....I heard Nelson on the radio today saying Curry is here to stay and he'll be unpacking + looking for a house.....Personally, I think Biedrins, Marco + Wright is enough for Amare. All they need to do now is get rid of Maggz. Man I wish they could swap him back for Baron. With him I'd say playoffs no doubt!...
I'm not sure but i think he doesn't think Curry is part of it

Oh and just to throw this out there, the same guy says that J-Rich might get traded again, dont know where tho
I swear for the past 3 seasons there has been a PF who we were close to getting but never did: Garnett, Brand, and now Amare
Originally Posted by Poogibucker

i think were gonna regret lettin go of biedrins if we get amare . . . to me amare seems to have reached his peak

Amare is 26 years old.

He hasn't even nearly reached his peak yet. Dude's like Dirk, KG, Kobe, they have reached their peak, you don't reach your peak at 26 unless youaren't going to be a good, long, seasoned-vet. If you guys do end up nabbing up Amare, I agree, I am iffy if he doesn't sign an extension.

Everyone is good after leaving the Warriors?

You can make a case for Jamison and Gilbert, but both were very raw, fresh, young talent. Murphy/Dunleavy are still decent, but not spectacularly better thanthey were on the Warriors. Ask Baron how leaving the Warriors is sitting with him, or Jason Richardson.

As for Biedrins, in the Warriors system, he's amazing. But I don't know if I see him grabbing as many boards on any other team. I mean who else isgoing to rebound on the Warriors?
. If he was on a team like the Nuggets, I think he'd get pushed around by his own TEAMMATES and not grab nearly aseffectively.

Big men are pricey, and I think he's justly paid, but to get Amare? I'd pull the trigger.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Originally Posted by Poogibucker

i think were gonna regret lettin go of biedrins if we get amare . . . to me amare seems to have reached his peak

As for Biedrins, in the Warriors system, he's amazing. But I don't know if I see him grabbing as many boards on any other team. I mean who else is going to rebound on the Warriors?
. If he was on a team like the Nuggets, I think he'd get pushed around by his own TEAMMATES and not grab nearly as effectively.
One of the few times i agree with you, Beans is some what a "product of the system". Some say Morrow is as well
I don't see other coaches that would deal with Morrow's lack of defense and ball handling. The reason he wasn't drafted.
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